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Should Scotland be an independent country?

[ 8 ] (57.1%)
[ 6 ] (42.9%)

Total Members Voted: 12

Topic: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time (Read 101004 times)

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #300

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #301
Very well, the big day is approaching. When results will be known? the very same day?
Here we have so call "projections" (that can only be published the moment the voting has finished). Those are usually very approximated to definitive results.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #302
When results will be known? the very same day?

The final constituency result is expected between 5 and 6 am on Friday morning. It could be all over before that result comes in though.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #303
The show ain't over until the constabulary has been called in to break up the fistfights at the pub.

Judging from posts here and elsewhere, I expect that the sentence above may have more than a little truth to it. Sort of like what would happen here if Green Bay and Chicago were to make it to the Super Bowl.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #304
The World, according to RJH.....

YES  = 

NO   =

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #305
[glow=blue,2,300]How will Scotland Vote? [/glow]




[glow=blue,2,300]Scotland, In Scotland's Hands! [/glow]

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #306
Kind of laughable coming from Smiley re me. Especially coming from a country where the people do not run things it is the corporates. Anyway onto more practical things.

I am  afraid that Luxor has let his enthusiasm colour the practical matter of trouble during the referendum tactics. I said that both sides had negatives bbut stand by what i said about the intimidation and ire of the Yes people. They outumber on the net when it comes to low stuff. Equally on the net time after time NO posters and signs either destroyed or superimposed by Yes items. The MP Jim Murphy treated disgracefully in public which went well over heckling. An idiot inches from his face, cursing and threating anger. The intimidation of Milliband and much earlier the treatment the UKIP leader got in Edinburgh by nationalist supporters. Galloway having his life threatened and so it goes on. However none of this is being dished out by No against the Yes lot. Luxor would find it very difficult to balance that out. Even in rural Perthshire they wrecked hoardings put up by a farmer. There is a sad undercurrent on the Yes side that Salmond does nothing about because he things he is right in everything and no-one else counts. He lied about the NHS and in fact his government dished out money for it to local authorities to include private use. He lied about Scotland never getting the government it voted for. As i pointed out (again for Luxor's info!) on 2 occasions since the second Wordl War, Scotland voted Tory and the UK got a Tory government and 8 times it voted Labour and we got a Labour UK government.  That is called truth and democracy!

The polls show a country deeply divided but Salond has no consideration for that it is just sheer hypocrisy and personal aggrandisment that he portrays perfection and anyone opposing is almost a traitor. Well the mob element not only show that they prove it! Many folk are too frightened to say they do not want a separate Scotland because of the attitude they get and cannot handle. In a Yes win there will be around half the population who are struck somewhere in a situation they don't want to be in. Equally in a No win there will be a slight difference in that Devo-Max giving more powers will be brought in and thus reducing the other side.

The SNP would also have a problem with a "Scottish Defence Force" because only a tiny number of present serving military want to be in it so I will encourage The Boys' Brigade and the Scout Movement to volunteer! The two strutting pals Salmond and his pain in the backside Sturgeon should get their act together. Salmond has been going flat out and admitting at the same time that a No vote would put the thing on the back burner for a long time. Over the same weekend Sturgeon when asked about a No win said they would immediately start the thing again! The SNP is also being dishonest in zipping themselves about being republican orientated not wanting to loe votes and show an political immorality for a stance at any price.

Finally, here is an interesting bit of news. Bookmakers are going for a No win and you don't get poor lawyers or bookies!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #307
Psssssst..........RJ....I love Corporations....I used to own one, & proud to have employed over 80 co-workers.........Corporations big or small employ people, & account for over 85% of all jobs.

So, you..RJH, as the voice for Mother England, & the voice of Anti-Independence, tell us why do you hate Corporations & Banks again, & how would your Mother England fare without Corporations & Banks, that has always ruled Her every move -- a fact that you can't deny?

After all, you want Scotland to continue to prop your Mother England up, or rather as you insist...Great Britain.

United Kingdom =  [glow=blue,2,300]ENGLAND, [/glow][glow=black,2,300]SCOTLAND, [/glow] WALES, ULSTER.

                Britain =                    [glow=white,2,300]ENGLAND, [/glow]                                                                [glow=white,2,300]WALES, [/glow] &  ULSTER.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #308
Britain is supposed to be the biggest of the British isles, thus Great Britain. Being now a geographical term there is no room for any part of Ireland (which, if there had been any symmetry to this, should have been Lesser Britain), but would include Scotland.

Scotland wasn't part of the Roman conquest, though this was from before Scotland became the Scots' lands.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #309
Going further afield than the ancient Romans, 'Yes' in Scotland could mean 'maybe' for Chinese companies
As Scotland votes on Thursday on the question of independence, the whole world is watching—and that includes China.

Independence could mean uncertainty for Chinese companies, so they might invest less in the United Kingdom generally in the short term, experts said.

Premier Li Keqiang was asked about the referendum during a visit in June. Li said he wanted a "strong, prosperous and united United Kingdom".

That message was echoed by Vice-Finance Minister Zhu Guangyao, who said stability was vital for foreign investors. Zhu commented after a UK-China investment meeting in London earlier this month.

According to advisory firm CrossBorder Capital, investors have pulled money out of the UK at the fastest pace since the financial crisis of 2008 amid fears that Scots will say "yes" to independence and trigger a broader political crisis.

That is just saying that the first couple years after a divorce would be lean years, as all the fear, uncertainty, doubt will be sorted out.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #311

Hrm, I think I can make that 25% better.

See? It looks better already.

I wonder if Scotland going its own away will eventually lead to Northern Ireland (Ulster was originally larger than Northern Ireland is now) breaking away and joining the Republic, where it belongs.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #312
And there's the Shetland Islands, full of oil....
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #313
The pawned islands...

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #314
but stand by what i said about the intimidation and ire of the Yes people.

You can stand by anything you like. It doesn't disguise the fact you are talking utter nonsense though.
The facts outweigh your skewed version of what is going on here.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #317
One way or another, tomorrow the United Kingdom will be much more the Not-United Kingdom.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #318
Oh dear. Luxor omitted to mention an SNP councillor who was fined recently for an incident. Considering that in general the NO Campaign has been very much different from the rag tags on the Yes lot tearing down No stuff, destroying hoardings and being generally belligerent it is hardly surprising that most people keep their opinions to themselves. Salmond lied about the NHS, EEC, currency and just about everything in-between.Being a Unionist with a capital U and unafraid of anyone I stand by my corner. One thing that has been an education is the number of mental midgets who worship Salmond as if he is Moses. The vast majority of wrecking, intimidating, trying to get NO public meetings off the street and such childish behaviour has unfortunately been in the Yes corner. Not saying it is the general way they all act but far too many would-be modern Jacobites!

Celebrate what you like Colonel the trouble is what is happeing here couldn't happen in the ex-colonies so I do hope one day there will be democracy in the subtle dictatorship.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #319
Oh dear. Luxor omitted to mention an SNP councillor who was fined recently for an incident.

Told you before I don't care what the SNP do. Nobody is voting for the SNP, it's a referendum.
As for the rest of your blah, blah, blah. Pure waffle of the highest order, not that I expect anything else.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #320
Fined for an INCIDENT?
What did he do, Put on a silly hat and a sash?

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #321
.....what is happeing here couldn't happen in the ex-colonies so I do hope one day there will be democracy in the subtle dictatorship.

What we have here, with all it's faults, & with all it's shortcomings, America is the only place in the World for us proud Americans.

Mini-Dictatorships like Obama & his ilk will come, & they will go, but America -- as founded back 238 years ago ---- is still going proud & strong --- under the rule of law .... 'OUR CONSTITUTION' -- much to your personal chagrin -- & it will endure long, long after all present here have turned to dust & bones.

BTW..... we don't envy in the very least what you have there.

You're happy with that, so you keep it all to yourselves..thank you, but no thank you ...... 

No, we here have no craving for what form of democracy that you have, & if we did, we'd move there to have it, always knowing if we wanted, we can come back here to open arms any time we wished.

We wouldn't want your type of democracy either, because we prefer to the Checks & Balances we have within our Constitutional System ...... within our-- [glow=green,2,300] Constitutional Republic.[/glow]

  I hope you enjoy your 'New' Scotland. 

I hope your elected servants serve you well.

     [glow=blue,4,400]May God bless & protect Scotland, now & forever!!! [/glow] 

RJH....I suggest you seek medical help .... that shallow wheezin' sounds none too good ole man. 

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #322
Ot's the middle of the night and the NO Campaign is in front and doing well. Luxor is repeating that rubbish about it not being an SNP thing. Really? considering they were the party that proposed the Referendum in the Scottish Parliament in the first place there wouldn't be a vote but for them. Have already said this but Luxor falls back on wafffle himself in place of common sense and real purpose.  On the other hand it may be a surge of disappointment and frustration that his lot of banana tartanites are getting stuffed just as I stated they would. In view of what is presently happening he cannot come out withj sense bu like the hordes of would-be non Nationalists talk gibberish. If you are wanting to be typical of the mindset that followed the SNP arrogant and intimidating band wagon then fair enough. We live in a democracy and cannot stop people being ful of guff!

Salmond the SNP Leader was so full of himself as he always is. There would be a resounding Yes vote and Scotland will have spoken - well Scotland is speaking and his lies and bluster as well as failed economics/currency answer gets him slapped.  Think I will keep my Union Flag pole outside the upstairs window until the final result is in. Maybe he and that female arrogant, Sturgeon are out somewhere looking for the masive majority they have lost somewhere. So sulk away separatists.

And meantime I will wait until the final is in and then a celebration meal in a posh restaurant and my equally celebration holiday break. You tried Luxor and anyone else but too many people were being frightened by the Brigadoon street marauders!  :cheers: :hat: :up:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #323

Ot's the middle of the night and the NO Campaign is in front and doing well. Luxor is repeating that rubbish about it not being an SNP thing. Really? considering they were the party that proposed the Referendum in the Scottish Parliament in the first place there wouldn't be a vote but for them. Have already said this but Luxor falls back on wafffle himself in place of common sense and real purpose.  On the other hand it may be a surge of disappointment and frustration that his lot of banana tartanites are getting stuffed just as I stated they would. In view of what is presently happening he cannot come out withj sense bu like the hordes of would-be non Nationalists talk gibberish. If you are wanting to be typical of the mindset that followed the SNP arrogant and intimidating band wagon then fair enough. We live in a democracy and cannot stop people being ful of guff!

Salmond the SNP Leader was so full of himself as he always is. There would be a resounding Yes vote and Scotland will have spoken - well Scotland is speaking and his lies and bluster as well as failed economics/currency answer gets him slapped.  Think I will keep my Union Flag pole outside the upstairs window until the final result is in. Maybe he and that female arrogant, Sturgeon are out somewhere looking for the masive majority they have lost somewhere. So sulk away separatists.

And meantime I will wait until the final is in and then a celebration meal in a posh restaurant and my equally celebration holiday break. You tried Luxor and anyone else but too many people were being frightened by the Brigadoon street marauders!  :cheers: :hat: :up:

Congrats Mr. Howie. :cheers: 

Re: The Great DnD Vote of Our Time

Reply #324
Who would have thought it. Dressing up in a silly hat and a sash and marching in the street convinced the voters!
Now how about keeping quiet and not gloating.