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Topic: Everything Trump… (Read 82683 times)

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #75
I think I saw that exact same article in Der Spiegel one or two years ago. :P
Well, I didn't, but I looked it up now, thanks :)

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Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #76
For the record I lived in (by actually) Karlstad, Switzerland. Obviously they disavow any Trumpian connection, even fake fictional. 

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #77
You've been around. ;)

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #78
Well, well.........the EU seems to have come to an impasse.

    ◆ Will Britain remain in the EU???  (they will not halt trading, probably just flex any muscle she may still have, from the perimeters)

    ◆ The USA has been rumored to be contemplating withdrawing any & all financial support from NATO, & withdrawing a large portion of the American presence out of the continent.

Seems, on both fronts, the EU best start getting it's ducks in order, because if both come to pass, there's a hungry bear on your doorsteps just salivating for a little taste.

The EU, those not pulling their fair share, best start coughing up 2.5%+ of their GDP pronto, or the EU might just be invited for dinner......And what's being served you ask?........................Why, the EU......

➤ ➤ Of Nato's 29 members, just five meet that target this year: the US, Greece, Estonia, the UK and Latvia. However, several, such as Poland and France, are close to the mark.

[glow=black,2,300]A word to the wise.......start forking up heaps of Euros, or say goodbye to the NATO you used to know!!! [/glow]

     In times of universal deceit, telling the honest truth is a revolutionary act.

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #79
The EU, those not pulling their fair share, best start coughing up 2.5%+ of their GDP pronto...
Yup, time for another Hitler to militarise Germany. Trump insists.

Two years ago, when specifically asked about NATO commitment to Baltic countries who incidentally spend according to the requirements, Trump answered, "We have many NATO members that aren’t paying their bills." That's Trump - he never cares who he is talking to and what about. He just talks, a lot and loud.

Like this, "Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart—you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you're a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us."

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #80

there's a hungry bear on your doorsteps just salivating for a little taste.

Just for your information:
Europe's problem is not a salivating bear but that of a salivating DJT.

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #81
I am not a Trump fan generally but I think the crowds congregating here in Gt Britain are a groan. Channel 4 quite deliberately used the front of the mob as their background in running their Friday night news which I thought a bit too leaning. Two speakers who were leftist interviewed including a Labour MP but no-one from the other side. A lot of the mouthing was over exaggerating racist and baloney stuff which i did not find helpful or right.

A Channel 4 man back at the studio interviewing a US politician rabbited on about the USA being the most democratic country in the world (oh really?!). We have had country leaders from all over the dashed place including actual dictatorships and all those who came out about Trump are hypocritical.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #82
➤ ➤ Of Nato's 29 members, just five meet that target this year: the US, Greece, Estonia, the UK and Latvia. However, several, such as Poland and France, are close to the mark.

The EU, those not pulling their fair share, best start coughing up 2.5%+ of their GDP pronto, or the EU might just be invited for dinner......And what's being served you ask?........................Why, the EU......
Funny you should bring up dinner. The US might spend some 3.5% of its GDP on its military, but the Japanese presence, South Korean military exercises, the myriad of US bases in Saudi Arabia, all the drones over Pakistan, Ethiopia, and so on have preciously little to do with NATO business even in its widest definition (which spuriously includes the war in Afghanistan). It's like if I get a regular meal at a restaurant, while my supposed friend orders the caviar, the lobster, and a bottle of Laurent-Perrier. After eating only a few bites of each item, he subsequently admonishes me for not wanting to pay my equal and "fair" share.

We were in Iraq. We were in Afghanistan. We were in Lybia. We are in the Baltic. One might wonder, and not only for the sake of argument, who actually spends more on the defense of NATO countries.[1]

PS For Germany to spend 2% of its GDP on its military is not exactly the most popular proposition among most NATO members. Besides which, I'm not sure if I should even take seriously the possibility that there's someone around who thinks it's a threat to talk about closing down a few US bases in Germany.
If you ask me, the best case scenario is that a certain someone is hoping that we'll buy more US military equipment. Because that would mean there's some kind of meaningful plan being executed.

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #83
Still insist that those demonstrations in Gt Britain were a waste of time. The one held here in my city of Glasgow was in the central George Square in front of the city chambers but not that many there but the tv camera was for the most part right up near them so not to show that!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #84
PS For Germany to spend 2% of its GDP on its military is not exactly the most popular proposition among most NATO members. Besides which, I'm not sure if I should even take seriously the possibility that there's someone around who thinks it's a threat to talk about closing down a few US bases in Germany.
No European country would like Germany to become a military might again. However, if USA pulled out its bases (it won't), Germany alone has all the resources to instantly replace them abundantly, not to mention other European countries.

The only sad part here is that USA would cease to function as an ally. Then again, in my assessment it already ceased when this century started.

PS Trump and Putin will meet in Helsinki tomorrow (arrive today). Will be fun to watch. Finnish brewery creates quirky beer for Trump-Putin summit

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #85
PS Trump and Putin will meet in Helsinki tomorrow (arrive today). Will be fun to watch.
Speaking of Helsinki, did you catch that Puigdemont was apparently arrested in Germany while driving back from Finland to Belgium? Supposedly he abused Spanish public funds.

(One wonders what a wanted man is doing driving all over the continent.)

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #86
Speaking of Helsinki, did you catch that Puigdemont was apparently arrested in Germany while driving back from Finland to Belgium?
Yes, I caught that he was caught, but I did not catch the details. Not sure what business he would have had in Helsinki.

Edit: Here's a bit of news about it though

It's said to have been a tour of lecturing and of politically oriented meetings where Puigdemont was treated as an ordinary EU citizen. Puigdemont says that he regrets one thing he did: He delayed the declaration of independence.

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #87
Odd thing about Trump is he changes attitudes occasionally. Hope President Putin has a sense of humour.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #88
Addressed to them both...

Finland is ranked fourth on the Reporters Without Borders’ Press Freedom Index. The US is 45th — while Russia, where the state heavily controls the media and many journalists have been murdered, is 148th.

But prior to the press conference, an American reporter, allegedly from the Nation, was removed upon request from US security service

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #89
I think that what Trump came out with fter the four hours private meeting was fine and impressive. It won't go down back hom in nutjobland where there are well over a dozen security organisations braining people. More cleverer than the 3rd Reich or the old USSR. They spy on damn everyone and interfere in countries that will not bow the knee to the USA and so on. The things they accuse others of they have practised for ages! As for what passes for a parliament there is no evidence Russia freaked the election. Such a load of insensible nonsense.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #90
Trump is just the flies that changes, the shit remains the same.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #91
Got a point there. Will continue to have over 41 million on food stamps, over 2 million in prison, people on death row for over a decade! (how disgusting). Continue to point the finger at other countries but also continue to spy, disrupt or knock out countries they cannot control and so on. They point the finger elsewhere and dance around the fact they are at the same stuff themselves. Wouldn't like to live there as it is so damn two-faced and even decent Yanks are stuck with the farce.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #92
West Hollywood passes resolution to remove President Trump's Hollywood Walk of Fame star

West Hollywood City council unanimously passes resolution asking the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce to remove the Donald Trump star on Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Hollywood Walk of Fame

Reply #93
No Hollywood?
No Walk?
No Fame?


Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #95
I am not impressed with the way America is generally run or the millions who don't do well there or the world interference but I do equally know there are many over there who are basically decent but being misused. That the man got so many votes does betray the other side of large numbers of brained. Wish they had a better and wider system over there as Trump is no advantage to anyone outside of the controlling mindsets.  :(
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #97
Maybe we can add him to blame for Corbyn!  :lol:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #98
Trump accuses Google of rigged search results about him
In his tweets, Trump said — without offering evidence — that “Google search results for ‘Trump News’ shows only the viewing/reporting of Fake New Media. In other words, they have it RIGGED, for me & others, so that almost all stories & news is BAD. Fake CNN is prominent. Republican/Conservative & Fair Media is shut out. Illegal?”

Google rigs search results depending on who is searching. Trump has his own personalised Google search results.

Re: Everything Trump…

Reply #99

John Bolton declares International Criminal Court 'dangerous'
& 'dead to' America

He labels the ICC as a 'freewheeling global organization governing over people without their consent'

Source:      The Independent     
National Security Advisor to Donald Trump, John Bolton, has said the International Criminal Court (ICC) is “dead to us” in his latest speech.

He labelled the court as “illegitimate” and “for all intents and purposes, the ICC is already dead to us”.

Mr Bolton, who has long held an unfavourable view of the court, who was speaking at a meeting of the Federalist Society, a conservative group based in Washington DC, said the ICC was “ineffective, unaccountable, and indeed outright dangerous”.

The court, established in 2002 in The Hague in the Netherlands, has the power to prosecute individuals for war crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanity. The US never ratified the Rome Statute that established the court and George W Bush, in the early days of the still-ongoing war in Afghanistan, never ratified it.

The court is getting ready to investigate detainee abuse in Afghanistan, an investigation Mr Bolton called “utterly unfounded”, adding: ”We will provide no cooperation to the ICC.”

The former US Ambassador to the United Nations under Mr Bush, went on to say the “central aim of [the ICC’s] most vigorous supporters was to constrain the US”.

Mr Bolton said the court’s statute had “glaring, significant flaws” and ”constituted an assault on the constitutional rights of the American people and the sovereignty of the US”.

He also acknowledged his hecklers as Code Pink, an international charity which works to end US-funded wars, his “friends who follow me” everywhere.

Mr Bolton, following a trend in the Trump administration of criticising multilateralism, branded the ICC as a “freewheeling global organisation governing over individuals without their consent”.

He claimed American “soldiers, politicians, and private citizens” are at risk because the court assumes the automatic right to prosecute over everyone, even in countries which did not ratify the Rome Statute establishing the court. 

Israel, Sudan, Russia, and the US under Mr Bush, are four signatories of the statute who renounced their signatures and informed the UN they would no longer be subject to the legal obligations under the statute.

Mr Bolton said the US’ “unsigning” of the Rome Statute was meant to protect Americans from the “unacceptable overreach” of the court.

He cited the 2002 American Service-members Protection Act, “which some have dubbed the Hague invasion act” Mr Bolton said and also prosecution within South Africa following the abolishment of apartheid as examples of why the court was “superfluous”.

The act authorized the US president to use all means, “including force”, to shield US military members from prosecution by the ICC, he noted.

The Trump aide said US courts and the military justice system already hold all Americans to “the highest legal and ethical standards”.

Mr Bolton repeatedly hit out at the global body of which 123 countries are part, asking: “Would you consign the fate of American citizens to a committee of other nations [and] entities that aren’t even states like the Palestinian authority?”

The US state department had earlier announced the closure of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) office in Washington, partly out of a concern over the office’s attempts to have the ICC investigate US ally Israel.

He supported the aggressive US stance against the ICC by citing internal management issues, like divulging confidential information to human rights ambassadors like actress Angelina Jolie.

Mr Bolton went as far as threatening ICC officials and prosecutors with sanctions and legal action “to the extent permissible under US law” and said those individuals could be barred from entering the country.

The overarching message of the National Security Advisor was that any perceived atrocity against humanity is to be deemed so by the people within those states, not by the international body.

“We don’t recognise any authority higher than the US Constitution,” Mr Bolton said.

     In times of universal deceit, telling the honest truth is a revolutionary act.