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Topic: what's going on in france (Read 29234 times)

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #100
I'm not sure if this is news. I don't know the exact specifics, but for reasons I don't quite understand (spite?) the EU decided to mimic the US. That means non-citizens are required to pay $14 for a "visa waiver" that looks and smells an awful lot like a visa.
EU and USA fought a few diplomatic battles over this. Post-9/11 USA unilaterally nonsensified the concept of visa freedom and imposed de facto visas on Europeans while still claiming it's visa free travel as usual. EU wanted to keep the standard concept of visa freedom. USA won. Obama kept what W had started, including tapping Merkel's (well, everybody's) phone and going even further, e.g. if the borderguards want to peek into your smartphone but it doesn't turn on, they will deny entry to you. Naturally there was no improvement under Trump. Now EU has begun symmetrifying these measures, making travel suck more for everybody.

The Year of the Covid has also helped quite a bit on this. Now there will be no escape from proof of vaccination even when visiting next-door countries.

Edit: alright, I see I commented a bit too quickly. France is certainly going above and beyond there, aren't they. A registered invitation at the town hall? :insane:
This is why I believe there has to be a misunderstanding. If the tourist is supposed to do it, it is way too similar to regulations on tourists in Russia, and that's too insane to be true. More likely the accommodation provider has to do it, and then it's a tax or administrative fee on French businesses, not on tourists.

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #101
I initially thought so too, but this seems to be more like a fee for being from unfavoured non-EU countries and having the audacity not to be living in a hotel. This list that does not include the UK (post Brexit) or US.

Brexit France: Do Britons need attestation d’accueil to visit family?

However, The Connexion looked into this issue in its Brexit and beyond guide and found that in a survey of readers, those who were asked for this form only came from a country that requires a Schengen short-stay visa to visit France. This is not the case of the UK.

Countries that require such a Schengen short-stay visa include India, Russia, Turkey and South Africa. Countries that do not include the US, Australia, Israel and New Zealand.

On the other side of the channel some British border guards seem to be all-in (or -out as the case might be), EU citizens arriving in UK being locked up and expelled

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #102
Reminds me of my first-ever foreign trip when I was still a USSR-ian going to Finland to meet my penpal. They say USSR was a bureaucratic country but the real bureaucracy broke loose when USSR ended.

In other news, Estonia's currently brightest diplomat, ambassador to France, OECD and UNESCO, was recalled and will be prosecuted for something that resembles espionage

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #106
My bet is that Macron will win because all the other candidates are either weak or total junk. Besides Anne Hidalgo, everybody is junk.

Macron himself continues to be very harmful with regard to relations with Russia/Ukraine. He has spoken with Putin 16 times within this year (according to this article - Orban maybe wishes he could talk to Putin so often, or maybe not so he doesn't...) which is quite a lot of negotiating with a criminal with no visible result - or perhaps there is a result we are not being told about.

The current situation in Ukraine is precisely analogous to Sudetenland: Crimea and Donbass were awarded to Putin eight years ago, yet he is still not satisfied and continues to grab more land. Macron (along with certain other West European leaders) is instrumental in trying to solve the matter by compromising with Putin, again.

Macron is so eager about this that he even neglected his re-election campaign and the gap between him and Le Pen is narrow now. That's priorities, dude. Or more properly - that's a sure puppet, or at least a useful idiot. Anyway, everybody is junk so he is still going to win, I suppose.

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #107
A Hit French Novel Tries to Explain Putin. Too Well, Some Critics Say.
Published shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine last February, the novel ["Le Mage du Kremlin"] has become a popular guide for understanding Mr. Putin’s motives. It has also turned its Swiss-Italian author, Giuliano da Empoli, into a coveted “Kremlinologist,” invited to lunch with the French prime minister and to France’s top morning news show to analyze the war’s developments.


At worst, critics say, it signals lenient views of Mr. Putin that are enduring in France and may shape the country’s stance on the war, as reflected in President Emmanuel Macron’s calls not to humiliate Russia.

“The book conveys the clichés of Russian propaganda with a few small nuances,” said Cécile Vaissié, a political scientist specializing in Russia at Rennes 2 University. “When I see its success, that worries me.”


Françoise Thom, a professor of Russian history at the Sorbonne, said these descriptions “completely conceal the sordid dimension of the Putin reality” and are “very close to the Russian propaganda image.”

Ms. Vaissié, the political scientist, put it more bluntly. “It’s a bit like Russia Today for Saint-Germain-des-Prés,” she said, referring to the Kremlin-funded television channel and the Paris redoubt of the French literary elite.


The arguments over the book are occurring just when divisions persist in Europe over how to deal with Mr. Putin. While Eastern European countries like Poland say he must be defeated outright, Western European nations like France have wavered between unequivocal financial and military support of Ukraine and reaching out to Mr. Putin.

“This book has become almost a textbook of history and politics for French leaders,” said Alexandre Melnik, a former Russian diplomat who opposes Mr. Putin. He pointed to Mr. Macron’s remarks that appeared sympathetic to Russia’s grievances.

Three presidential advisers declined to say, or said they did not know, whether Mr. Macron had read the novel.

Mr. Védrine, the former foreign minister, who has sometimes advised Mr. Macron on Russia, acknowledged that if the French president read the book, it would not lead him to adopt an aggressive stance toward Russia. He added that he saw a medium-term benefit to the book’s popularity: making the case for reaching out to Mr. Putin, “when it will be acceptable.”

 Scholz and Macron are hard at work ensuring Putin's victory, following the scenario prescribed to them. Orban figured the game out early on.

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #108
Russian fake media campaign swipes across Europe. France's ministry of foreign affairs website got faked.

Le faux site du ministère des affaires étrangères français créé par « Doppelganger » et aujourd’hui hors ligne.

Cette page, très bien imitée, est en réalité la partie émergée d’une vaste opération d’influence russe, qui dure depuis plus d’un an. Les agents qui ont créé et diffusé cette fausse page de la diplomatie française sont aussi à l’origine de très nombreuses imitations d’articles de médias, reprenant parfaitement les mises en page du Monde, du Parisien et de 20 Minutes, ainsi que de la plupart des grands médias allemands. Des faux similaires ont aussi été diffusés en Italie, au Royaume-Uni et en Ukraine.

Also, Swiss websites attacked by Russian hackers.

Le groupe de pirates informatiques NoName n’a pas mis fin à ses attaques contre des sites Internet suisses. Mardi matin, ils ont annoncé avoir pris pour cible l’armée suisse. «Le portail des forces armées a été planté», ont-ils écrit sur Telegram. Peu avant 11h, le site Internet de l’armée était en effet indisponible mais l’était de nouveau sur le coup de 13h. «Alors que les autorités suisses continuent de fournir des armes aux nazis ukrainiens, nous continuons de punir les portails russophobes», ajoutent-ils.

Ce ne sont pas que les sites officiels qui sont ciblés.

Slowly, and perhaps not conclusively, Western countries get a taste of what it is like to be a neighbour of Russia.

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #109
Nicolas «Nous avons besoin des Russes et ils ont besoin de nous» Sarkozy is in yet another corruption scandal. This time it is for having funded his election campaign with Qaddafi's money.

By the way, Estonia's PM Kaja Kallas is also in yet another scandal, this time something that could actually topple her, i.e. the fall of the government would lead to a different PM, not like last time. She has funded her husband's business, and his business includes transporting metal boxes to Russia. As everybody knows, among others it is military people who like to package everything in metal boxes. So there may be potential sanctions breach we are talking about.

In a decent democracy, we would not have to wait for a guilty verdict,[1] but clean the air. When journalists confronted her, she gave very inappropriate answers, saying that she knows nothing, does not have to know anything, and that journalists are nasty for asking questions, all in one breath.

In her career as PM, she keeps stumbling into scandals wrt internal policies, while her international image as a strong pro-Ukraine driver in the EU is very different.[2] As a minimum, she would have to clean up her act with domestic journalists. Her latest action is to declare she will not step down.

Estonia’s pro-Ukrainian PM faces pressure to quit over husband’s indirect Russian business links
Because at this stage nobody has to go to jail. Ordinary working people often have to give up their jobs for much less, so it is appropriate when politicians have to give up their posts to serve as a worthy example.
Additionally, she is haunted by her father's ghost, who is suspected (but not convicted) of major embezzlement in connection with Estonia's monetary reform in early 1990's. Her father ensured Estonia's successful de-roubleing, but did not forget to reward himself in the process. Yes, it should be history, but it is troubled history.

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #110
Macron will stop Ukraine war, Gaza war, and Sudan crisis for the time of Olympic Games, despite the opinion of the warring parties. And he will take a dip in the river with the mayor of Paris when the games open.

Regardless of what happens on the Seine with the opening ceremony, Macron said he would still swim in the river, which he promised would be clean enough for the Olympics.

Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo has also promised to swim in the Seine, despite sewer problems that have cancelled or delayed pre-Olympic events.

In a month, I will visit Paris and check out the bedbugs situation.

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #111
Macron will stop Ukraine war, Gaza war, and Sudan crisis...
Meanwhile he incited an uprising in one of his own colonies.

The protests were triggered by the French National Assembly’s vote to allow all citizens who have been living in New Caledonia for over 10 years to elect the local legislature. Voting in these elections has until now been reserved for citizens who settled in the archipelago before 1998 — when the French government launched a self-determination process in New Caledonia — or their descendants.

Pro-independence forces argue that broadening the electoral body would further reduce the influence of the indigenous Kanak population, whose share of the population has shrunk since France took control of the territory over 170 years ago. Proponents of the reform see a democratic necessity, underlining that the current rules exclude even certain New Caledonia-born citizens from voting.

The change would require a constitutional amendment, and therefore still needs to be approved by lawmakers from both houses of the French parliament during an ad-hoc session.

The decision to call such a session belongs to one man: Macron.

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #113
Unless you're inhaling the water it doesn't seem that says much one way or the other, besides not being acutely toxic.


Re: what's going on in france

Reply #114
Inhaling the water may be bad indeed. But how about swallowing?

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #115
There are certain algae and toxic waste that you just don't ever want to be near, but the worst you might get from the Seine is probably a bit of diarrhea, if it rained hard recently. Of course the idea is that the latter part of that no longer applies now, but it's nothing like the Yellow River which is full of carcinogenic benzene and many other harmful substances. The reporting seems to be very excited about exaggerating how bad the Seine is (or was).

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #116
Quote from: Le Monde as per above
« Les eaux sont propres à la baignade à l’heure actuelle », avait commenté Marc Valmassoni, coordinateur eau et santé chez Surfrider, regrettant toutefois que la teneur en produits chimiques ne soit pas prise en compte par les autorités.

Here's a report about the situation as it was a few months ago, by the same Surfrider people. Although I'll note it also explicitly excludes chemical pollution, so I might have to eat my words in that regard. For the athletes' sake, hopefully not.

Surfrider is currently the only association working on water quality and user health at European level. For over 6 months, it has been taking regular samples from the Seine to monitor the bacteriological quality of the water. Bi-monthly samples are taken from the Pont de l’Alma and the Pont Alexandre III, the section of the river where the triathlon, marathon swimming and paratriathlon events will be held. In all, over 14 samples were taken and sent to the laboratory for analysis.

These samples enabled the association to determine the concentrations of E. coli and enterococci, intestinal bacteria and formidable indicators of pollution of faecal origin. Of the 14 samples taken, whether after heavy rain or on a sunny day, only 1 enabled our team to conclude that the quality of the water in the Seine at this particular point was even satisfactory.
In accordance with the directive mentioned above, these results are based on only 2 types of bacteria. Other types of pollution (chemical, biological, etc.) are not taken into account in the directive’s definition of bathing water quality.

It is therefore clear that the athletes who will be taking part in the Olympic and Paralympic events planned for the Seine will be swimming in polluted water and taking significant risks to their health. Just like the courageous people who will be taking the opportunity to cool off in the river waters of Paris in the summer of 2025, as announced as part of the Paris City Council’s Bathing Plan.

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #117
Different from Galata Bridge across Χρυσόκερας (or Haliç as Turks would have it), I have not seen almost any fishermen on the bridges across Seine. Either Seine is truly poison or Parisians have very high standards. There's busy fish trade going on immediately under the Galata Bridge, by the way.

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #118
Speaking from a Dutch/Flemish perspective you're never allowed to fish from locks and bridges over navigable water, so I'd be quite surprised if I did see people fishing from a bridge.

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #119
According to Tim Traveller, Paris Olympics 1900 sucked

Paris Olympics 2024 had its weird moments too. American fundies and hyper-Catholics mistook the Dionysian scene in the opening ceremony for Christ's Last Supper and deemed it blasphemous, even though Olympic games were never meant to promote Christian values at all.

On the other hand, the event pictogrammes were painfully noticeably missing the silhouettes of the generic athlete.

Rumours have it that this was an attempt to avoid offending the participants by "mis"-gendering them, even though many of the events are divided into women's and men's sports with no intersection allowed and the point of the logos is to identify the events adequately as they are. As with Eurovision arrangers, it has not yet dawned on the arrangers of Olympics that wokeness is trending down nowadays. The French used to be trend-setting, but they are falling behind the curve a bit.

And the water of Seine is still yuck after a €1B cleansing effort

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #120
Since the IOC optimised income stream by restricting viewership, didn't get to see the ceremony for Tokyo 2021.

But overall the Paris ones were good. Good part the use of the Seine, made the whole thing much more communal. Bad part, watching tourist boats floating slowly down a river is about as exciting as watching tourists roll by on Segways. The Dionysian part was somewhat better than much of the diversity sequence preceding. I am all for diversity, but not when it means boring.

However, when it comes to celebrating death and destruction, the French are the best, so that was among the highlights.

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #121
However, when it comes to celebrating death and destruction, the French are the best, so that was among the highlights.
I believe the guillotined head reference was considered something occult by the same people mentioned above.

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #123
It might be worth noting that almost all river pollution in the Netherlands and Belgium comes from France. Recent random example:

According to spokeswoman Katrien Smet, the Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij had already been informed of the environmental pollution on Friday, it was only on Monday that the consequences became visible and hundreds of fish including eel and pike died. The polluter and the exact substance with which the IJzer was polluted could not yet be determined. According to Katrien Smet of the Flemish Environment Agency, the pollution cannot be contained and does not evaporate. Only rainy weather can dilute the pollution, but for that we have to wait until this night.

Translated with (free version)

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #124
The river flows, right? So why does the water stay dirty? Is the source itself contaminated?

That's what makes tributaries so valuable, they are refugia when something untoward happen upstream. Some care will have to be taken for that reason, not completely dam them off for instance.

Downstream, of course, you depend on all the streams being in good condition.  That also goes for the sea we share that you call the Western Sea, we call the Eastern Sea, and the rest of the world call the Baltic Sea.

What is dropped there by Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Russia, the Baltic states, Poland and Germany tends to stay there. Getting that sea back into a healthy state is some challenge.