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Topic: what's going on in france (Read 30627 times)

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #50
The first ally of America was... Marroco.
I saw the treaty.
A matter of attitude.

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #51
Link, link! ;)

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #52
The early allying of France to the ex-colonies? Hhhm the Frenchies deserved the mess of the revolution they got.  :happy:  :devil:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #54
Morocco... what a long history of dictatorship that place was.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #55
The need for an European army made it's first victim, chef d'état-major des armées, Général Pierre de Villiers, has resigned because  he has no money from the idiotic politicians to stop an European army dominated by the Germans.
All the French military are at his side.

Thanks to Trump, Europe finally starts dealing with the important things for our survival...
A matter of attitude.

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #56
Well we won't be in a European army so that's good.  :up:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #57
The need for an European army made it's first victim, chef d'état-major des armées, Général Pierre de Villiers, has resigned because  he has no money from the idiotic politicians to stop an European army dominated by the Germans.
I'm not entirely sure what you're getting at considering France spends many billions more than Germany.

Well we won't be in a European army so that's good.   :up:
Getting out of NATO then? :P

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #58
And what could be more traditional daft French childishness than the nonsense where the man in charge of the military went into a huff because of budget cuts and even mouthed off in public. The president was right to want to get him kicked out.
What an emotional lot. They got binned i Napoleon's nonsense at Russia messed up in WW1 and the same in WW2.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #62
Not allowed by whom?
By common sense and for the sake of the world.
Nothing changed and financial power is enough for German pretensions, you need no bullets.

From all European potencies only France gives guarantees of a moderate future European Army command.
A matter of attitude.

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #63
From all European potencies only France gives guarantees of a moderate future European Army command.
Moderate you say? They sure had their fun by bombing a defenceless Libya...
Not related but speaking of the French reminds me of a joke: French rifles from WWII are the best to buy. Never fired, only dropped once.

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #64
They sure had their fun by bombing a defenceless Libya...
The more they bomb some defenceless place the more they protect Europe, it has always been like that. Do you think that Europe is what it is because of what?
Now we have Germans speaking about bombing others...
A matter of attitude.

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #65
The more they bomb some defenceless place the more they protect Europe, it has always been like that.
Wonder if anyone on these forums could top such a dumb statement?

Now we have Germans speaking about bombing others...
While Germans are speaking about bombing others, a Portuguese tries to justify the bombings by throwing an utterly dumb comment.

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #67
Wonder if anyone on these forums could top such a dumb statement?
No one is better than you for that. Assume your ADN and stop babbling about being the humanist dear Arian.
A matter of attitude.


Reply #69
Some people really need that much. :yuck:

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #70
Bit of a misleading title. Having your personal staff make-up artist probably costs a lot more than the make-up itself. :P

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #72
All that money on make up?? What a damn pansy.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #73
The problem is not a President with make up, the problem is men with make up.
Being a President or not.
A matter of attitude.

Re: what's going on in france

Reply #74
Well must say Belfrager that the Germans tried control freakery b Imperial means in 1914 then by dictatorial means in 1939 now they have been more practically subtle by money mean.  Dodgy damn lot.
"Quit you like men:be strong"