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Topic: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office (Read 55283 times)

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #200
Easy: Y
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #201
Dear, oh dear. How did you manage to work out that head scratching thing that I was automatically agreeing with your adversary??!  :faint:
I only know what you post…
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #202
And you attempt to ridicule my legal understanding?
I'm ridiculing the fact that you're pretending that I'm discussing the establishment clause when I'm not even close to doing so. When Trump said he was going to ban all Muslims, that would have been against the establishment clause. But since the travel ban is specific countries, it most likely doesn't break the establishment clause. How is this hard to understand? In fact, I do know why this is hard for you to understand - the liberal position is supposed to be that the travel ban breaks the establishment clause. However, that's not what I'm saying at all. I'm merely questioning the effectiveness of banning those six countries. Do you get it now? No? Didn't think so.
I was automatically agreeing with your adversary??!
Now you know how I feel when this arguments against me have nothing to do with what I'm actually saying, instead are based on his assumptions of my opinions.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #203
So: You can't be bothered to read District Court Judge Derrick Watson's ruling -which states the complaint and provides the legal "reasoning" for instituting the stay… You're okay with the result, so niceties like the law and the Constitution are beside the point?
And your reason for liking the result is that you don't think the so-called "travel ban" will do anything good?

Want me to e-mail the President to tell him that some guy in Nevada doesn't think his Executive Order will do any good, so he should just shelve it? Is that how it's supposed to work? :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #204
And your reason for liking the result is that you don't think the so-called "travel ban" will do anything good?
If read my posts instead of trying to make up my positions (and telling me that some guy disagrees with a position that I don't even have :faint: ) you would know.
Is that how it's supposed to work?
No. How it's supposed to work is that he thinks thing through before signing ridiculous executive orders that ISIS can easily get around (as if they're a threat inside the US in the first place...) Don't you see all he does is plays on the fear and ignorance of people like yourself? Maybe that's part of why his approval rating is already in the 30's with none of the traditional "honeymoon" period of incoming presidents. Or maybe that's because he spends every week golfing. Or maybe it's because he espouses outlandish conspiracy theories still. Where's the evidence that Obama wiretapped him? Oh that's right now the loony is accusing the British of doing that for Obama :faint: No evidence for that insanity either.

Or even because of his corruption (I told you before I used to live in the NY/NJ area where he was widely known as a crook. And what is this with his daughter having top level security clearance without even officially having a job in the white house? If you don't have a job requiring clearance, you're not supposed to get it, so WTF?

Where's the blind trust president put their assets in as protection against corruption and misuse of presidential power for personal gain? This guy is completely indefensible. At least with a normal republican president, I can disagree with positions but this guy is the most corrupt/ incompetent president yet of any party. The reason for that verbiage is to include the Whigs, Federalists, Democratic/Republicans and not just the two modern major parties. And yet you support the worst lunatic running the asylum  because he happens to call himself a Republican, even he's not even really that.

Him being president is proof of the failure of the two party system. Howie might have been right this whole time, even though he didn't explain his "wide democracy" idea very well. But carry on supporting your corrupt looney. Maybe one day you'll learn what even many of your fellow Republicans knew about him from the get-go. Or did you think criticism of him only came from the Left, in your colossal ignorance.

ps, if you ban certain countries - it is by definition a travel ban. Get it yet? No quotes required. Did you need me to post the definition of ban for you? Oh I remember now. Right wing blogs said a travel ban isn't a travel ban if it only bans travel from certain countries :faint:
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #205
Oh yeah. Trump once said somebody under FBI investigation isn't qualified to run for president. Now he is under FBI investigation and IS president. How does that work?
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #206
Shall I take your rambling innuendo point-by-point? (I'd as soon leave it that your talent for mendacity seems to be your only claim on anyone's attention… :) ) Still, here goes:

1. We've already agreed (haven't we?) that you have no interest in the law, up to and including the Constitution… Check.
2. You disagree with the President and his advisors about the import and likely effects of his Executive Order, so it's not "thought through," and "ridiculous" to boot! Got it! That's logic, for you.
3. (A lot of hand-waving…) To be expected…
4. Devin Nunes has a source that may obviate your rhetoric, and support Trump's claim; former Judge Napolitano (the GCHQ angle being his scoop…) has his own source… Time will tell how credible they are. (see CNN's latest; but keep in mind: It's CNN… :) )
5. "Widely known to be a crook" is a standard so loose that it would apply to Jesus Christ… (He did throw the money-changers out of the Temple!)
6. Whether the President can issue security clearances, for whatever reason…I don't know; what reason does he give for granting a clearance to his daughter? (He can unilaterally de-classify info.)
7. Where's the law requiring a blind trust? (Since you missed it, there's no law requiring a presidential candidate or the President to release their tax returns; just like there was no law requiring candidate and, then, President Obama to stay within FEC-set spending limits during his campaigns — since he eschewed federal financing. He gave us the first $2-billion campaign!)
8. Your contention that our two-party system has failed is merely evidence of your continued shock, that Trump won and Hillary lost… :)
9. I guess a pause while we examine our vetting procedures is an itty-bitty ban… Just like a fine for not following the ACA's Individual Mandate is a tax, eh?
(How long before we get into the "it depends on what the meaning of 'is' is territory? :) )

Finally, your oft repeated charge that I'm a blind supporter of Trump is, I suppose, supportable; considering I'm usually replying to blind opponents of his… (blind with fury, that is!) :)
I like some of his proposed policies (and dislike others). I still find him to be inarticulate. (I don't read Twitter, so that's not really a problem for me… I'll leave that one to the Twits.)

BTW: How do you explain President Obama's last-minute amending of 12333 (usually referred to as twelve triple-three) granting access of raw NSA intel to all 16 intelligence agencies?
About candidate Trump's opinion regarding an actual FBI investigation and Comey's behavior: I guess the Comey see-saw is back to the lying side!

Again (since you seem to have ADHD…), I consider the topic of the legality of the President's "travel ban" EO, and the rogue courts' opinions against it, to be much more important than your qualifications as a military strategist and national security expert… You'd prefer to stay away from topics you know nothing about — to focus on topics you know nothing about!
Typical Democrat.

The functioning of our government and the rules we accept to allow that in relative calm (if not always ease) seems to matter not at all to you: Your "side" must win, or else!
(How else to explain your bizarre contention that Trump's EO is unconstitutional (…yeah, I know you didn't actually say that; you just think that, if you disagree with it, the President shouldn't do it…and the courts should support you), you can ignore the actual court rulings — which other courts have to pay attention to? What country do you think you're living in? Soviet Russia? Communist China? Why not?! That's what you'd prefer, if you were in power.
That's why court opinions matter, BTW. The 9th Circuit's refusal to rehear en banc left a stain that will be hard to eradicate… : What amounts to acceptance of hear-say evidence is enshrined in Circuit Court precedent, in matters of national security and national policy. You don't want rules; you want to rule!) The rule of law requires some understanding of the law, which you lack. But we still have some semblance of fidelity… Oh, never mind! You just want what you want, when you want it! That's your argument.
What you mean is: You should be king! (Queen!?) Supreme Ruler…?
(I full well expect this to be censored — and I'm well aware that no 1st Amendment rights are implicated: If it goes away into the bit-bucket, sobeit!) Sang's main argument against the EO seems to be: Don't upset the Muzzies!)

Would you opine on Senator Feinstein's creation of a "super-precedent"…? :) (Good thing she went into politics! Her Arts History degree hasn't served her well, when contending with learned people! But she's been shielded: She's a Democrat.)

As usual, Sang is slow to reply… (He hasn't had time to see what others are saying, in his circle. So, how could he know what he thinks: It hasn't been "vetted" yet… :) ) Is there anything in his litany that goes beyond "I hate Trump"?
Not that I see.

For Sang. it really comes down to "is it good or bad for Trump". Buyer beware!

Ya gotta admit: This is much longer than my usual post… I expect Sang to exceed it… Or give a two or three-word reply. (He's not very creative.) The only thing he can do is proclaim how much smarter and more informed he is — than us. (That's going to fly like a lead balloon!)
The Dems have staked out their claims. But investigations are on-going… They're -the Dems- skating on thin ice: When the leakers are finally caught, their political leanings will, of course, come up. Intelligence agents have to be pro Democrat? Well. of course! Who controlled the Executive branch…
There will be prosecutions. (Unlike under the Obama administration, where violations of federal law were just reasons to bring race-based reasoning into — well, everything! The prosecutions will be for actual violations of U.S. law. A circumstance that almost all Democrats decry…)

Hey, Sang: Did you notice, Trump won the general election; Hillary lost? :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #207
BTW: If Sang ever posts anything worth replying to, I'll be brief…
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #208
Shall I take your rambling innuendo point-by-point?

[rambling innuendo and general nonsense]

Did you notice, Trump won the general election; Hillary lost? :)
You two should ditch Macs. And probably drinking too.

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #209
Ah! The anti-Mac contingent chimes in… Are you a teetotaler too, ersi? :)

But I wonder: Do you have any opinions about the various topics raised here? The Executive Order referred to as an "immigration ban" and it's legality would be a good start. Did you read Derrick Watson's opinion?
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #210
Maybe the Democrats need an education review so they might understand who won and who lost the damn election?!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #211
But I wonder: Do you have any opinions about the various topics raised here?
Have you not seen any from me in this thread? This must be a Mac user thing...

The Executive Order referred to as an "immigration ban" and it's legality would be a good start. Did you read Derrick Watson's opinion?
What about it? Am I supposed to dis/like the opinion or does it somehow matter if Derrick Watson dis/likes Trump's dis/order?

The questions you pose about Trump's immigration are irrelevant to this world. Switch to a real OS. The sooner the better. Perhaps too late already.

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #212
Ah! I see: The most important question of Trump's first 100 days in office is…what computer operating system posters here use! :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #213
But what does Trump use? :P

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #214
But what does Trump use?  :P
Dixie cups and string? (He's a little paranoid about "wiretapping"…) :) His Android is only for Tweeting!
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #215
"Trumpcare" collapsed as the vote is withdrawn. The horrendous piece of legislation that removes access to healthcare to 24 million people while giving the rich even more cuts can go rot in hell where it belongs.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #216
Yup! A clean, complete repeal of the ACA/PPA followed by as reasonable a plan as is politically possible is the way to go…

But you, Sang, prefer to see Obamacare through to the bitter end. BTW: The Democrats now completely "own" it. Are you happy about that?

I'm still sure that Judge Gorsuch will be confirmed; if it takes McConnell invoking the "nuclear option" — sobeit! (Dems are dumb, followers of the herd… Don't they want an easier time stopping the next two appointments? Nah. They think they're going to win big in 2018… :) )

@ersi: The attention you pay nets you the return you deserve. You invest only what you can afford; your meager intellectual capital means you'd likely make, at best, a penny or two… :) Luckily -for your country- you remain uninvolved; otherwise, you'd just gum up the works.
But -again- I ask you: What's your problem with President Trump?!
Don't be shy: Mention the calamities that have occurred as the result of his policies and actions…

Never mind. You know nothing, and prefer it that way.
Heck, you do the same in your own country.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #217
I'm pretty sure Sang wants to say that the administration's failure to "repeal and replace Obamacare" this week is fatal…
Unfortunately, the failure redounds upon the American public; a group that the Democrats have never cared about. Obamacare will crash and burn, if the Republicans don't save it.
The Democrats don't care; and the Republicans can't save it — the Democrat way.

Governing is hard! Being the "opposition" -the Dems will find- is even harder! :)
But they's better get used to it…
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #218
But -again- I ask you: What's your problem with President Trump?!
Don't be shy: Mention the calamities that have occurred as the result of his policies and actions…
Trump is fake news. See and the following.

The attention you pay nets you the return you deserve etc. The power of projection is great in you, dude.

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #219
This from the guy who repeatedly denigrates people for, in his words, likes and dislikes replacing "rational" argument… :) ersi, you have no opinion about President Trump and his administration — other than that you don't like him. (I'd say, don't vote for him… :) But since you don't vote, for anyone, what's the point?)
There are policies and actions that matter to some of us; well, maybe just me and Sang… You can't be bothered to know anything about them; except to post non sequiturs — but that's what you do!

BTW: Your attempts to sound hip make you seem like a drug-addled hippie… :) (You're certainly not a surfer dude!)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #220
Certainly 24 million is a lot of people but what about the other tens of millions of others who cannot afford anything?  What happens to them I would like to be informed please.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #221
ersi, you have no opinion about President Trump and his administration — other than that you don't like him. (I'd say, don't vote for him… :) But since you don't vote, for anyone, what's the point?)
There are policies and actions that matter to some of us; well, maybe just me and Sang… You can't be bothered to know anything about them; except to post non sequiturs — but that's what you do!
I didn't say I had no opinion. I said I had no enmity with Trump, no feelings. You evidently think feelings are the same as opinion. (Hmmm, from this perspective, your posts actually make some sense - the way hysterical ladies make sense.)

I have also posted my opinion about his campaign promises, whereof the wall thing has become a policy. It's clear now that you are commenting on my posts without reading them. I won't read yours either anymore.

I'd be generous and assume it's a Mac user thing, but you are making generosity increasingly difficult.

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #222
BOMBSHELL: CIA Whistleblower Leaks 47 Hard Drives Exposing Obama Administration Spying
systematic illegal surveillance on prominent Americans, including the chief justice of the Supreme Court, other justices, 156 judges, prominent businessmen such as Donald Trump.

House Intelligence Chairman: Trump’s Transition Team Were Under Surveillance
Comey stated that “Obama political appointees had the ability to ‘Unmask’ American citizens.”

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #223
Will this be investigated? Probably not. The prominent "whistleblower" left his government position in 2001… (His reasons were good.) What we have now is a "previous" administration's appointees (and long-time Democratic-leaning civil "servants") bending the law, for the purpose of hindering the current administration…
(Democrats never give up! When they win, they push onward. When they lose, they obstruct, dissemble and propagandize. Of course, they'll have to -eventually- win elections… Will they?
Probably not.)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The Inauguration, & U.S. President Donald Trump's First 100 Days in Office

Reply #224
If you would like a pleasant dictator please let me know. I have a bowler hat for parades and would bring that along for a touch of dignity.
"Quit you like men:be strong"