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Topic: Scottish Nationalist ignorance (Read 21488 times)

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #25
During the Scots Referendum, Nationalists also came out on streets and they cursed and swore at the leader on a party opposing them to the point of spitting and threatening violence.
Just like the nawbags did to anyone from the yes side. I still see abuse daily on Twitter from the nawbags. If you want to see some really vile stuff read the comments after your first minister posts something on Twitter. Now that really is abuse.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #26
Dear oh dear what a typical type of answer that one is.

When it comes to the arguments on the net and electronic world the modern Jacobites were away ahead of the opposition b a mile and that was also obvious in the media. On the actual street situations the  Nats were even further ahead when it came to abuse, public threats of violence and nastiness.  Sturgeon tried to keep a distance but at one point she was almost forced to have to say something' When the then leader of the labour lot was out taking his soap box round he had a hell of a time. He was cursed at, empty heads going right up to his face, pushing people and he had to break off and leave due to the level of possible violence and determination to stop him. It wasn't traditional heckling but damn well far worse.

Sturgeon is in a spit as I emphasised now because she has set a 60% support for a referendum and came out with that because the army of people like those crass neo-violents in the street are pushing. They lost votes at that recent Scottish Election and helped boost the Conservative and Unionist surge.  As i also said that former advisor to mouth former SNP leader lost her constituency Edinburgh seat to Tory leader Davidson! They no longer have a straightforward majority but depend on that group of nutball Greens. So she has had to be very careful knowing that another Referendum might prove difficult. At the same time getting pressurised by the daft emotional brainless.

The collapse of the oil situation, police shambles, education, health, roads and so on have shown the incompetence and they have to rely on that emotional Scottish nonsense instead of being able to govern. She has helped create an army of ignorant and abusive people  either in the party or those supporting them. So the only real thing the Jacobites have won is the level of mental midgets they have and way in front of the opposite side.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #27
The collapse of the oil situation, police shambles, education, health, roads and so on have shown the incompetence and they have to rely on that emotional Scottish nonsense instead of being able to govern. She has helped create an army of ignorant and abusive people  either in the party or those supporting them. So the only real thing the Jacobites have won is the level of mental midgets they have and way in front of the opposite side.
Good that you've now officially acknowledged what is wrong with Scotland. Well done old fella! :cheers:

Had anyone else posted that, you would have said they'd been wrong.

Being someone who marches in parades, and given that you've now signed off on what is wrong with your lot, I'll leave you with this. Methinks were you to give collegiate football a watch, you'd like it, what with the bands constantly playing and all:

(Ole Miss alma mater, Fight song (Forward Rebels), Hotty Toddy chant, Dixie (fast), pep chant, Go Rebels go, From Dixie with Love)

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #28
RJ no matter how many times you repeat garbage it is still garbage.
As I've said before you have nothing original to say.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #29
Dear oh dear, Luxor. Because the truth is too hard to bear you come out with guff. All I have said on the issue of the SNP (their ohter explanation of the initials is Scottish Nose Pickers). it's all emotional bunkum and each of the subjects I said which they have failed in are factual and time the rest of the world knew such. None of the things I have listed are wrong and unfortunately smug bodyswerving is nit an answer!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #30
All I have said on the issue of the SNP (their ohter explanation of the initials is Scottish Nose Pickers)
You see how original the guff is that you type. That's the sort of stuff used to get said in the playground at infant school. What with that and your Jacobite nonsense, you quite obviously have not moved on from those days. I guess that happens if you still think 1690 is relevant in the modern age.

None of the things I have listed are wrong
If you believe Daily Mail headlines that is. Because they just love the SNP don't they? :lol:

Here you can have this for future reference, it will save you typing frantically away at your keyboard. Isn't that kind of me.  ;)

The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #31
Can't wait for the 2nd referendum.

No doubt RJ will change his avi to the Union Flag again, and our dear @Luxor will change his to the Scottish Saltire? 

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #32
Well referring to history from Luxor is interesting. So we should have the same attitude to the Battle of Bannockburn because it is old history or the Reformation of the mid-16th century? Utterly arrogant nonsense from him. All his pals when they went to Westminster seen everyone of them wear that white flower which WAS the symbol of the Jacobites. What I have said about all the faults in the Nationalist humbug may I say to the rest of you is actuality. What I have said about SNP failings dear wider audience are true. So too was the disgusting actions in the street against rival politicians and seen on tv by the way not just the newspapers. The other items on education matters, the mess up in the amalgamated nation police force state of the roads, economics are unanswerable by the Luxor mindset. Instead he falls back on the Daily Mail?? Oh and before moving from newspapers that load of Nationalist rubbish the "National" newspaper has well declined since the staring days. Every time Sturgeon is pursued on a failing she gives the standard answer of "we are working on it." In power for 9 years and no further on.

Now mouth Sturgeon is still visiting Europe and ignoring Brexit and she will get nowhere as we have voted for out. The Luxor minsets people ignore the hard truths that I mention and may I remind the Luxor mind sets that a few years ago Salmond was courting the roam Church on being pally for votes and if I had done that in reverse that would be sectarian! For the intelligent people here they will not that he deliberately ignores the truth matters raised and gets his usual snooty looking down the nose and comes away with some daft dig about my tradition and waffling on one newspaper. In the political arena I also said the SNP vote was down and no longer has a majority. That party also tried to bring in an utter disgraceful law that meant that every baby born here would have someone from the State being in a supervisory position up till they reached 18! How crassl Soviet like is that? Those that took legal action won at the Supreme Court on the basis that it was wrong in human rights issues. So even if you married at 16 the snooper would be there! When that SNP MEP lost her Edinburgh constituency to the leader of the Scots Tories I really laughed as that loser she had been an advisor to that other arrogant mouth Salmond the ex-SNP leader.

If Surgeon is falling back on a 60% poll rating for another exit guff she will have a long wait but she had to come out with something due to the army of nasty legions who have jumped on her bandwagon. As for flags colonel I regard the saltire and the Union Flag which includes it as we are part of the united Kingdom. Have now ordered my Union Flag to contest the dumb Nationalist emotional neighbour along my avenue! So Luxor van try and be smart and snooty by his nonsense of ignoring the list of challenges thinking that makes him special.

From a strong and proud Scottish Unionist!  :knight:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #33
Ah! The joys of a "wider" democracy… :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #34
Funny coming from a partial democracy like America. We have MORE parties involved in Gt Britain and for all my negative stance on separation if a State in nutjobland moved to wanting to go independent they would get NO chance. When it comes to emotional stuff Oaky you lot have a special corner all to yourselves dear chap. Emotion and tears at those carnivals meant to be political Conventions thousands of dished out cards and flags to wave and all that routine guff so you have a rather poor base to come from.  When you look at all you lot can produce for the Presidential election - a cracker and a female global militant what a laugh! So the pathetic SNP mentality has a lot in common with US Nationalism and you do produce such and try and do a dance calling it being 'patriotic'. Yeah right and as much chance as me kissing old red sock's ring.

This Saturday I will be at a big parade in Glasgow led in each section by a Union and a Saltire flags and that will continue for a long time because wee Nicola's 60% keech is not on the cards. :hat:  :yes:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #35
In other words. RJ, you won't look in the mirror… (I've seen what you look like, and I don't blame you! I myself avoid them too, when I can. :) )

When I was young, I used to quip that men are optimists: How else could one start the day by taking a razor to one's throat and yet go on for years?! Well, my whiskers reach half-way down my chest nowadays…

What, btw, has American politics to do with Scotland's? Oh, you must mean cocking things up is better, the more people are involved…
Why don't you stand for election again, eh? :) I'm sure your "wider" democracy would benefit greatly from your input!
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #36
I know you live in  a laughable place dear Oakdale but there just have to be others who can use their grey cells. You lot are as nationalistic as the Scot Nats but cannot see it because you are so brained in flag waving, cannot know dear, oh dear, the depth of Nationalistic your stuff is,  So keep biting your lip with passion with heart on hand and keep swallowing the propaganda.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #37
I know you live in  a laughable place dear Oakdale […]
You mean, not in Glasgow? :) Perhaps 30 years ago, you visited the U.S. for a few weeks. Since then you've watched your government television, and the Russian TV "news"… That's what frustrated socialists do!
When silly people laugh at you, you feel sorry for them. But you don't credit their opinion beyond what they can support; after all -unless you're RJ, himself- prejudice is fairly easy to spot.
If you're RJ himself, his by-line is sufficient evidence… :)

So: You're all for "wider democracy" until and unless it goes against you? And, yet, you call others hypocrites…

Good luck , with Ms. What's-her-name!
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #38
Will give you three out of three for continuity even if it is all guff. By all means satire away at me as it means as much as me getting all emotional like you folk over the pond. Such a style is very appropriate when the obvious cannot be answered intellectually but I do make allowances for you being a house hermit and trying to cover any ignorance or such well. Pity the negativity is 100% and I don't take in all the keech about your anti-tv stuff either boy but a nice attempt at covering.  :jester:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #39
Oh, you miss my point about your telly, RJ: Only an ignorant fool takes his news from such.
satire away at me as it means as much as me getting all emotional
You've seldom (if ever) been anything but… That's why I've repeatedly asked you why you maintain such animosity towards the U.S. And, likely, why you never answer.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #40
Never answer? For goodness sake on Opera I listed a whole lot of damnable things that contradict the guff about democracy, rights then did the same on this place so what the heck are you yakking about Oaky? Do I have to list them again? Never once did I get an answer to them so what the deuce are you rambling about? I don't hate the US although pleased I don't live in the place!  Why you did not challenge me on the list is beyond me. but here wait, ahh the answer is they could not be answered and instead I got a body swerve along with the utter nonsense of no explanation as they blew a hole in  rights, freedoms and all sorts of guffed principles.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #41
And sturgeon is still on about all this keech regarding the European union and "keeping Scotland in it." She is making a damn fool of herself with this utter nonsense. Scotland is in Gt Britain and there is nothing she can do regarding some special treatment for part of GB. Mind you there is a subtle reason for it as she is found a neat wee dance because of the strong militancy following the independence nut jobs.

The nationalist bandwagon is way ahead of others in verbal and abuse on the Net, etc. People as I once said like the film writer, JR Rawlings getting terrible onslaughts for being Unionist. Now Neil Oliver the tv personality who is well known is the latest. He has been attacked with a vengeance on Twitter for saying he was unionist. It got so bad he has now withdrawn from the electronic. That army of belligerent head-cases that are following the SNP she cannot control so has been travelling about  on Europe as a distraction. On top of that arranging a meeting for overseas people living here in Scotland regarding their future due to Brexit. It is all a load of baloney because of those Brigadoon muffins and trying to distract the world from them. Nice try wee woman tbut we are not all damn daft mental Jacobites.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #42
There's another way to view what the British are tending (and trending…) towards:
Of course, RJ might not have the patience to read such a verbose speculation… Specially since it's written in English! :)

But it does fit neatly into RJ's world-view… He'd like it — for everyone else.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #43
More guff from our master of guff.

Neil Oliver claimed in a newspaper column that the indyref movement was a cancer. People let him know on Twitter that was a disgraceful thing to say. Next thing he is running to the papers saying twitter trolls sent him messages hoping that he would get cancer.
A quick search on Twitter for the use of the word cancer directed at his account shows this is not the case.

Funny how none of those newspapers with their claims of abuse, never publish any such screen grab with actual abuse in the tweets. I wonder why that would be? Whoops silly me, it doesn't suit their agenda does it.

The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #44
I hope, once they are free, that Scottish nationalists give to traitors the treatment traitors deserve.
A matter of attitude.


Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #45
Usual from Luxor and I will again emphasise folks that when it comes to net cross swords on independence the vast army of ignorants are well in the majority. They are still at it because of the frustration losing two years ago and Luxor you just ignore the fact that your wee mouthy pal Sturgeon is harping on about the EU because she well knows that her view that of 60% of Scots felt like another Referendum that would be it for a replay. But she also knows that is not on so to keep all those mouthy ignorants who rant and have done to with people in public life she bangs on about Europe as away to avoid having to keep them happy and not put herself in another losing vote.

It is important that you people elsewhere are fully aware of the level of intimidation that went on and included on the streets as I pointed out. I am not labour but the way they treated the then Labour leader was disgusting and stopped him speaking in the street. Cursed at him sometimes right in his face and threatened violence. Oh, I well know perfectly normal people who love the thought of independence but they do a very neat dance on the army of vicious people who are nasty supporters.

Now placing my order for a union Flag to go up in my front garden to routinely compete with the Jacobite further along my quiet avenue with the Saltire!  :yes:  :knight:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #46
the vast army of ignorants are well in the majority
That's your "wider" democracy? :)
It is important that you people elsewhere are fully aware of the level of intimidation that went on and included on the streets as I pointed out.
Quite common, in "wider" democracies, RJ; had you the ability and inclination to read a book, you'd know that!
You are proud of your "wider" democracy, except when it is what it is…
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #47
It is important that you people elsewhere are fully aware of the level of intimidation that went on
Thankfully people elsewhere know how to use the internet and with 5 minutes or so of searching they will find that you just talk bollocks.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #48
You are just like our Yankee chums in that when the truth is too obvious we get a supercilious attitude or a not very clever body-swerve. Like the campaign for modern Jacobism you are motivated but for nothing. :sing:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Scottish Nationalist ignorance

Reply #49
What is, then, that you call "democracy," RJ? Everybody agrees with you? :) Typical…
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)