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Topic: Keeping an eye on (Read 16777 times)

Keeping an eye on

There's that other alternative forum to replace My Opera. Its secret purpose is to gather momentum to the opening of whatever will be unveiled at

Meanwhile, I set up an account there, including the email account. The site has evil cookies that make logging-in tough and they throw me out every now and then, randomly. And the email account had the first major breakdown this weekend

More to bash? More to praise?

Re: Keeping an eye on

Reply #1
They've thrown together several different pieces of open-source software to more or less equal what My Opera had to offer, but integration isn't always great yet. Mostly you notice it in the giant heaps of JS and CSS that are dragged in by the various individual parts, but I'm sure the logging out troubles are somehow related as well.

In any case, they got a fair amount of the My Opera populace, and that's probably a good thing.

Re: Keeping an eye on

Reply #2
In any case, they got a fair amount of the My Opera populace, and that's probably a good thing.

The entire concept, if any, is wrong.
Even for the MyOpera populace that doesn't understand why their photo albums are out of their blogs, why email doesn't have any warning if you have new mail when you log in or even what do you have to do just to see your blog.

A matter of attitude.

Re: Keeping an eye on

Reply #3

The site has evil cookies that make logging-in tough and they throw me out every now and then, randomly.

What cookies are you referring to? Just asking.

Re: Keeping an eye on

Reply #5

The cookies that websites place in your browser. I've made a topic on this before

I know what a cookie is or at least I think so :)  You may name the evil sites placing those evil cookies.

I don't have problems with being kept logged in. However after closing the browser and visiting Vivaldi I have to log in despite of enabled cookies.

Re: Keeping an eye on

Reply #6
I haven't tried it in the past week, but my session gets terminated while browsing the site.

Re: Keeping an eye on

Reply #7

I haven't tried it in the past week, but my session gets terminated while browsing the site.

I saw such complains from others too, so you are not the only one. It just never occured to me so far.

Re: Keeping an eye on

Reply #8 session gets terminated while browsing the site.
That's been my issue too. Independent of the browser. I have used many browsers there.

Re: Keeping an eye on

Reply #9

Since I have the feeling that you didn't understood the meaning of my question, I'll try to elaborate.
Speaking of 'good' and 'evil' cookies and the way I see it.
Any website placing a cookie on your HD will try to find rationals about its usefulness. One might agree on some of those rationals and disagree on others.
Basically the user has the free choice which cookies to allow or block, assumed the browser supports such a choice. At least this was the case in the past.
Beyond 'good' and 'evil', I consider cookies you can't block (third party cookies with a unique ID for each user) irritating to say the least.
Such services placing third party cookies with an unique ID you can't block are on the rise. CloudFlare is one of them. I was curios if you meant such a cookie (by visiting Vivaldi you get a CloudFlare cookie).

(Of course there are also ways to circumvent such third party cookies with an unique ID to be placed permanantly on your HD.)


Re: Keeping an eye on

Reply #10
Sneaky cookies are a special case of evil cookies.

Re: Keeping an eye on

Reply #11
I got another reason to keep an eye on Vivaldi. Well, maybe not Vivaldi in particular, but--.
I just got home from one of my trips a few minutes ago. Opened up my email, and top of the list is a note from Vivaldi that I have a message. From a young woman. From the UK. Seems she saw my personal blurb-- what there is of it-- and wants to get romantically involved.

Uh huh. Right! I can smell the ticket and passport scam from here, and I haven't even written back to her yet. Even assuming for the moment that I'm dealing with a "her". (On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog-- old saying.)

So-- Vivaldi has been around long enough to start getting hit by the spammers/scammers. No surprise I guess.

About the cookies: When do you supposes Vivaldi will get the cookie that keeps you signed in to work? This is basic. Every website that has memberships has one. Except, of course, for Vivaldi. Makes the site look like it was put together by amateurs working under emergency conditions in the middle of the night to have something up by morning. I await more professional performance.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Keeping an eye on

Reply #12
I got that one too, and so did at least a few others.

Re: Keeping an eye on

Reply #13
Sounds like we all got one. I can't wait to meet her!

Re: Keeping an eye on

Reply #14
Me too.
She was fascinated by my profile.

Re: Keeping an eye on

Reply #16
She's turned on by empty profiles it seems :right:

Re: Keeping an eye on

Reply #18
Figures—it must be an issue with real Opera! :doh:

Re: Keeping an eye on

Reply #19
Actually Otter browser also doesn't stay logged when you browse away from Vivaldi, but at least it doesn't get rudely spit out when merely idling. All other browsers do.