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Topic: Wealth Redistribution -- What, if any, is the justification for it?  (Read 50837 times)

Re: Wealth Redistribution -- What, if any, is the justification for it?

Reply #125

Does income from all sources combined of $15,000 a year constitute destitution?
And is income verification of $15,000 & under the cutoff for food stamp eligibility?

Also, can the food stamps you speak of only be used for food?

Like @Macallan points out, it really depends where you live. Here in MS (and like he notes in TN), one could probably scrape by on $15k.

Highly doubtful though in areas like Seattle, Miami, etc.

IIRC,  anyone with a total combined income of $23,500 and below qualifies for food stamps.

My total income last year (part-time word) was less than $10 k, yet I made it by just fine without them, even though I would have qualified for them.

Well, I don't believe in food stamps.

Privately funded Soup Kitchens, Meals-on-Wheels, & other charities (YMCA, Salvation Army, etc, etc) are there for those that need them.

I do believe in charity to the destitute, & I personally contribute to a number of selected charities every year that primarily care for those people -- in excess of 10x what you made last year, & I will increase my giving by 5% every other year into the foreseeable future.

What I will never condone is supporting those that should be able to support themselves, especially the chronically unemployed.

I firmly believe in work for welfare --- 40 hours community service a week for the equivalent of minimum wage, with no other subsidy.

I am for the repeal of the Federal income tax, the abolishment of the Internal Revenue Service, & cessation of federal programs & services not specifically required under the U.S. Constitution.
But do you understand the reason for them? Because those institutions were incapable of providing aid for the shear numbers of people requiring their services.  Abolish the IRS? Are you mad? Nobody loves the IRS, but how you care a couple trillion dollar deficit each year. No the so-called Fair Tax will not raise sufficient revenue is likely to push millions of working class Americans into poverty. And in other news already known to everyone but teabaggers, most of those on welfare/SNAP work already.

Re: Wealth Redistribution -- What, if any, is the justification for it?

Reply #127
But do you understand the reason for them? Because those institutions were incapable of providing aid for the shear numbers of people requiring their services.  Abolish the IRS? Are you mad? Nobody loves the IRS, but how you care a couple trillion dollar deficit each year. No the so-called Fair Tax will not raise sufficient revenue is likely to push millions of working class Americans into poverty. And in other news already known to everyone but teabaggers, most of those on welfare/SNAP work already.

...Requiring their services.....NO......wanting an un-earned free handout is more like what they take.....leaches on the blood supply of  The Nation.

Your statement above is spoken like the anti-Libertarian, dye in the wool big government liberal demonrat you actually are. 

Gone are the phoney masks you wore during the Occupation Movement, & gone are the "...You fucking assholes, I'm not a democrat I'm a Libertarian....I'm not a democrat...." vehement denials you cried frantically when confronted by myself & OakdaleFTL  in  [glow=green,2,300]MO-D&D[/glow]   when accurately exposing you for what you really are .... a little Harry Reid liberal demoRat.

Gimme, Gimme Gimme, with no desire to do a bloody thing of value for ever expanding legion of leaching blood suckers.

Not their fault really though......they've been brainwashed by the liberal demonrat propaganda machine, & these handouts are payments for their political patronage ---- the liberal demonrats are buying votes, plain & simple -- lock, stock, & barrel.

In the end we must remember, that while these leaches unnecessarily suckle on the Nations generous services & assistance programs, the only ones that are actually being hurt & forgotten here are the truly needy destitute --- the ones who can't fend for themselves, unlike the Gimme, Gimme, Gimme's who can.

Re: Wealth Redistribution -- What, if any, is the justification for it?

Reply #128
....My total income last year (part-time word) was less than $10 k, yet I made it by just fine without them, even though I would have qualified for them.

Now, as opposed to those blood sucking leaches being created by the vote buying demorat propagandists, what this man displays is the [glow=blue,2,300]True American Spirit, [/glow] a quality that's within & can't be bought.  ---------- It's called [glow=black,2,300]Character[/glow].

His obvious Character will define him when he approaches a prospective employer, offering these employers true value & worth in exchange for a job. It is Character like his that employers are looking for. A value that they so desire.

I tip my hat to Dawg, & the hundreds - upon hundreds of thousands like him, for having the American Pride & Character to tough it out & survive, rather than taking the easy way out by selling their values for an easy take. 

[glow=blue,2,300]America needs more men like you! [/glow]

Thank you Dawg, for re-igniting my Pride in The True American Spirit! 

Re: Wealth Redistribution -- What, if any, is the justification for it?

Reply #129
The [glow=blue,2,300]True American Spirit, [/glow] in giving help for those that truly need it......


Re: Wealth Redistribution -- What, if any, is the justification for it?

Reply #130

....My total income last year (part-time word) was less than $10 k, yet I made it by just fine without them, even though I would have qualified for them.

Now, as opposed to those blood sucking leaches being created by the vote buying demorat propagandists, what this man displays is the [glow=blue,2,300]True American Spirit, [/glow] a quality that's within & can't be bought.  ---------- It's called [glow=black,2,300]Character[/glow].

His obvious Character will define him when he approaches a prospective employer, offering these employers true value & worth in exchange for a job. It is Character like his that employers are looking for. A value that they so desire.

I tip my hat to Dawg, & the hundreds - upon hundreds of thousands like him, for having the American Pride & Character to tough it out & survive, rather than taking the easy way out by selling their values for an easy take. 

[glow=blue,2,300]America needs more men like you! [/glow]

Thank you Dawg, for re-igniting my Pride in The True American Spirit! 

Thank ya Sir! I do appreciate it!  :cheers: :beer:

The Croc-Pot is truly one of the more brilliant inventions ever made. One can make many meals from them.

One thing I learned throughout college is frugality. I have not understood why ppl pay for satellite (in recent years), as I get by just fine with Netfilx ( $8.55 a month), Hulu Plus ( $7.99 a month) and Amazon Instant Video (pay $99 for the whole she-bango and get it for a year, along with free shipping on certain items and a free book every month to borrow!).

But SanguineMoon does a a point I think you should consider; a relative of mine is in terrible shape. She has a hereditary back disease that has stripped her ability to do consistent work/stand for long periods of time. As such, she is no longer able to work, and must rely on her husband. Her husband is just a general laborer, and does work under the table.

She and he have reached a point of absolute emergency. He can barely afford half of her medication, can barely afford gas for his truck, and they rely on meals in the instances you mention (local Baptist church in their town, mainly, although to @Belfrager's church's credit, a Catholic Church also has pitched into help. ), but they are one of many ppl doing so in that poverty-stricken Delta town. As such, their rations are barely enough for more than 3 days.

The question she now faces is what is more important? Deal with going hungry or paying for her meds?

I have encouraged her to try for food stamps **, as they are exactly for the instance I have just illustrated. If she did so, she could focus on paying for ALL of her meds, and possibly saving up cash for a surgery for her debilitating disease.

**= Not sure she will get them, as she also worked "under the table" (for @Josh that means working for someone who does not take taxes out).

But, regardless, I do try to help when I can. It's quite the sad situation.  :(

Re: Wealth Redistribution -- What, if any, is the justification for it?

Reply #131
Quote from: Colonel Rebel
But SanguineMoon does a a point I think you should consider; a relative of mine is in terrible shape. She has a hereditary back disease that has stripped her ability to do consistent work/stand for long periods of time. As such, she is no longer able to work, and must rely on her husband. Her husband is just a general laborer, and does work under the table.

She and he have reached a point of absolute emergency. He can barely afford half of her medication, can barely afford gas for his truck, and they rely on meals in the instances you mention (local Baptist church in their town, mainly, although to @Belfrager's church's credit, a Catholic Church also has pitched into help. ), but they are one of many ppl doing so in that poverty-stricken Delta town. As such, their rations are barely enough for more than 3 days.

The question she now faces is what is more important? Deal with going hungry or paying for her meds?

I have encouraged her to try for food stamps **, as they are exactly for the instance I have just illustrated. If she did so, she could focus on paying for ALL of her meds, and possibly saving up cash for a surgery for her debilitating disease.

While your relatives' problem is compelling, I've read 'Coonys post more than a couple of times, & respectfully I see no point he attempts to make that relates specifically to the type of problem you posted.

That said, just because I don't believe in the Food Stamp Program -- that the Federal Government so loosely implements --  won't make it go away any time soon, & if that is the only way that your relatives can survive is taking advantage of this program, then that's what they should do until they can find a privately funded alternative. 

The day that the present Food Stamp Program is abolished, & replaced with a program that is specifically for those in your relatives situation -- need based, & not for the general public solely based on income levels -- I'd look at such a program as much more favorable.

In principal, could you support something like that?  Needs based, as opposed to a fraud riddled, solely means tested -- income based?

BTW .... This is actually off topic, for it has nothing to do with the justification of Wealth Redistribution.

Re: Wealth Redistribution -- What, if any, is the justification for it?

Reply #132
Nick, en mass, such people's survival generally harms our same species.

Re: Wealth Redistribution -- What, if any, is the justification for it?

Reply #133
One thing I learned throughout college is frugality. I have not understood why ppl pay for satellite (in recent years), as I get by just fine with Netfilx ( $8.55 a month), Hulu Plus ( $7.99 a month) and Amazon Instant Video (pay $99 for the whole she-bango and get it for a year, along with free shipping on certain items and a free book every month to borrow!).

Because satellite is cheaper than 8.55+7.99/month? :P (Or do you not have any FTA channels in America?)

Over here you can receive the large majority of German and English channels for free, a few Dutch ones, a sizable number of French ones and a whole bunch in other languages I don't speak (Polish, Italian, Algerian, Turkish, Egyptian, Spanish, etc.). Basically you'd be paying a little for the remaining Dutch channels, if you want them.

Re: Wealth Redistribution -- What, if any, is the justification for it?

Reply #134
Over here you can receive the large majority of German channels.

Great news!

Re: Wealth Redistribution -- What, if any, is the justification for it?

Reply #136

Nick, en mass, such people's survival generally harms our same species.

Pray tell which ppl you are talking about specifically?

Re: Wealth Redistribution -- What, if any, is the justification for it?

Reply #139
survival != reproduction

I don't think social "Darwinists" care about survival. :right:

Re: Wealth Redistribution -- What, if any, is the justification for it?

Reply #142
While I appreciate Mac answering for Josh, I would like for Josh to man up and actually answer a question for once, on here.

Once again; who are you talking about? If it is my relative that I mentioned in response to SF, we will most likely have problems.
If it is whom Mac suggests, carry on.

Also, do consider answering my question I posted in another thread about your UK fascination, please.

Re: Wealth Redistribution -- What, if any, is the justification for it?

Reply #143

While I appreciate Mac answering for Josh, I would like for Josh to man up and actually answer a question for once, on here.

Once again; who are you talking about? If it is my relative that I mentioned in response to SF, we will most likely have problems.
If it is whom Mac suggests, carry on.

It looks like you're not familiar with Josh's point of view on this subject. He already explained everything on My Opera.
Mac just provided scientific name for Josh's point of view.

Re: Wealth Redistribution -- What, if any, is the justification for it?

Reply #144

While I appreciate Mac answering for Josh, I would like for Josh to man up and actually answer a question for once, on here.

Once again; who are you talking about? If it is my relative that I mentioned in response to SF, we will most likely have problems.
If it is whom Mac suggests, carry on.

It looks like you're not familiar with Josh's point of view on this subject. He already explained everything on My Opera.
Mac just provided scientific name for Josh's point of view.

You are correct that I am not aware of Josh's POV, as Josh came along onto MyOpera at about the same time I took a vacation from it, owing to real life stuff, and other more pressing issues, along with deep dissatisfaction with Opera in general, owing to their ass-hattery that I saw coming from a mile away.

Regardless, I do look forward to Josh's answer for clarification.

Re: Wealth Redistribution -- What, if any, is the justification for it?

Reply #145
Science says that even rats show compassion and share their wealth. Not all people are able to do the same.

Study: Rats aren't selfish, but show compassion

... rats can be compassionate. They freed another trapped rat in their cage, even when yummy chocolate served as a tempting distraction. Twenty-three of the 30 rats in the study opened the cage. The rats could have hogged all the chocolate before freeing their partners, but often didn't, choosing to first help, then share.


Re: Wealth Redistribution -- What, if any, is the justification for it?

Reply #148
I don't need to.
This is a point of view - but it's not a party, clique, or something, like a Mason lodge:D  It is rather a theory: there are theories - and some of them are wrong. This one based on pure science - as I get it without any look-up.
MAYBE the scientific models on which it's based are incorrect - maybe. But so far I can only observe positive practical evidence.

Re: Wealth Redistribution -- What, if any, is the justification for it?

Reply #149
This one based on pure science - as I get it without any look-up.

Pure science? OMG!
Critics have frequently linked evolution, Charles Darwin and social Darwinism with racialism, nationalism, imperialism and eugenics, contending that social Darwinism became one of the pillars of fascism and Nazi ideology, and that the consequences of the application of policies of "survival of the fittest" by Nazi Germany eventually created a very strong backlash against the theory.