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Topic: What's Going on in the Americas? (Read 279326 times)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1275
Guff from me and hurt feelings colonel??! I will make allowances for where you come from boy. Although I have been in the ex-colonies twice years ago had a broad aspect in life due to my legal standing in my city there is hardly anywhere more hypocritical on democracy, rights. It does not matter a dosh which of the 2 parties produces a President the shortfalls in the millions of poor, political hypocrisy wonky rights claims, etc what a place, haha. And Lucky lad you were never brought before me laddie in one of my legal positions!  :o  :doh:
"Quit you like men:be strong"


Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1276
Sorry your having my 🐐... (Fiddle w/"suggestions" I think I will.:) Your visits aren't the point: You couldna  find yet bum with both hands!  Your legal expertise is ashudfering me, e'en .now: That yerown self dare design Justice...
But on a brighter note, I got to "complain" to one of my priests today...about the long wait at the light  for the turn into His parking lot: Puts one in mind -I said- of Purgatory! :)
Cut the  Col. Some slack, RJ, he's "visited" your Southern neighbors... You two could talk past. Each other all day long! ;)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1277
Guff from me and hurt feelings colonel??! there is hardly anywhere more hypocritical on democracy, rights.
Yes. Guff from you and hurt feelings. Right before Christmas you got terribly upset on here for some reason and stayed off for a while.

Actually, the UK in and of itself is the forefront of hypocrisy on democracy and rights on the world stage right now.

Ever since Little England and it’s entitled Tories decided for the rest of the country that “Brexit means Brexit”, the sheer hypocrisy of arguments made by the UK to the EU in their parting talks apparently hold no water to that arrogant and pompous PM, Boris Johnson, when Scotland’s 1st Minister makes the same arguments to Boris in Scotland’s continued efforts for independence and rejoining the EU.

It matters not that you’ve visited the US, as I’ve visited Wales, England, and NI. Really doesn’t make any difference, other than I was able to study and understand the UK’s legal system in 2011.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1278
Lèse-majesté is likely the only legal term RJ ever misunderstood well enough to fool anyone!? 'E's still waitin' for James to return; and he thinks you and yhours (sic) think Jeff Davis didn't get off easy enough... :(
Are you back, to stay for a while? Busy in lots of places; likely where you are, too... (I'm retired, which keeps me plenty busy:) Anyway, nice to see a familiar moniker; miss the avatar, though! :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1279
I must tell you frankly colonel that you are so dashed wrong regarding me as feeling desperately touchy. mind you I do make allowances for you being a youngster but I have been involved in politics, religion and community all my life been written about as well as being involved in the local court system in my city so I am NOT touchy which is a daft thing. You studiously ignore the national failings of your big mouth country and ignore what I have said is a disgrace. You ignore the obvious failings in the areas I mention it is weak and immature have a slag at me instead! Nice try lad but not really mature for factuals. Pity even after no doubt well education you avoid f actuality!  :D
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1280
Old BS[1]:)  Howie wouldn't believe how much the world has changed since he stopped learning! ('Round about the time he was flirting with Mrs. Lott?:) I won't claim one can learn nothing from travel abroad; but other means of education are available, and persist as long or longer than memory alone...
Howie, didja hear: India's gonna be its own country :)
Da Howie's hand must've been shaking a bit after seeing the tyke for the first time. That's how'e scrawled the J <= S; but he decided to keep 'em, hence formalized the Bobby <= Robert
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1282
Lèse-majesté is likely the only legal term RJ ever misunderstood well enough to fool anyone!? 'E's still waitin' for James to return; and he thinks you and yhours (sic) think Jeff Davis didn't get off easy enough... :(
Are you back, to stay for a while? Busy in lots of places; likely where you are, too... (I'm retired, which keeps me plenty busy:) Anyway, nice to see a familiar moniker; miss the avatar, though! :)
Yes, I’m quite busy these days. The Easter holiday is one of the few times to recharge my batteries. I’ve been in the manufacturing industry for 5 years now, and the product we make tends to sell very well under administrations that are either decidedly unpredictable (45th President’s administration) or solidly Democratic (46th President’s administration).

I’ve received several promotions over the years and tend to average 55-60 hours a week.

Happened to read the following article the other day and I was reminded of @Luxor and @rjhowie ’s squabbles over this issue over the years.


Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1283
Not a very clever assertion in that last line from colonel when one considers the rather big failings of the country that boasts about freedom, democracy and other assertions. Why it has a giant poor lost of over the 40 million, mass shootings, jail numbers, mass shootings, interfering in other countries and so much that if damnably farcical all just ignored and in place boasting about how great a country the USA is! I was in close touch with a long contributor here who was in recent times a retired teacher. Did look forward to him and his wife planning a UK visit until health stopped him. There are of course decent people in the US but it is I am afraid a land full of obvious failings and sadly far too many over the pond who are easily brained into control f their brains and common sense. When one looks at the mass failiogs whilst it boasts about being the greatest country on Earth is an intellectual groan!  :D
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1284
when one considers the rather big failings of the country that boasts about freedom, democracy and other assertions. same old blather
Do you even know to whom you are taking?) "Howie, we're not married! Quit bringing up the time that I winked at Wille or bumped bums with Yoregie," she says in disgust... "Besides: I'm the old woman here; not you!? You don't like it,  you can pack your bag -- I'll post your trains... Sometimes I think teetotal is the worst vice going!!'
You know, RJ, you should get a dog; or a cat, or maybe a goldfish... Something to care for. It's do you good, ya know.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1285
I've received several promotions over the years and tend to average 55-60 hours a week.
Isn't this overhours? Isn't it illegal? The way the law is formulated here, it makes it the employer's crime to make - or even allow - employees to work overhours. Overhours exist, but they have to be strictly compensated with both salary and vacation, so that by the end of the next year at the latest there would be no overhours. Something like "tend to average [some overhours]" is illegal.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1286
I've received several promotions over the years and tend to average 55-60 hours a week.
Isn't this overhours? Isn't it illegal? The way the law is formulated here, it makes it the employer's crime to make - or even allow - employees to work overhours. Overhours exist, but they have to be strictly compensated with both salary and vacation, so that by the end of the next year at the latest there would be no overhours. Something like "tend to average [some overhours]" is illegal.
Overtime, yes. They pay me my standard rate plus half ($28 and some odd cents) for anything over 40 hours. I’m allotted 10 days of vacation.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1287
Well, over here the average work balance cannot net on overhours over a year. Not legally anyway.

The loopholes for this are as follows. First, the company may employ a person with "temporary" status (i.e. the contract has a deadline) for shift work on hour-salary basis. Under these terms, the companies can lay a completely unmanageable workload on people. Those who do not complain or crack, get their contract extended after the deadline - to a next deadline under the same terms. And so on indefinitely, except the third such extension is illegal according to the law and the law requires the contract be replaced with permanent (indefinite contract) employment terms. Workers who know this can at this point safely sue the company.

Second, the worker can be employed at several employers or start own side-business in addition to the main job and work to his heart's content. This is how the genosses here often operate: Be signed up to as many boards and committees and other offices as possible, even though they are never actually present in any of these.

I personally have, at my best, been employed at four term-limited side-jobs in addition to my main job. I was able to manage it for less than a year. I found that it was somewhat possible to be in two places at once for a while, but quite impossible in three or more. Then I also worked for many years on a deadline-contract at one company, doing the work of three people (because I proved I was able to) - and getting paid accordingly, but not getting the vacations accordingly. This work relationship eventually soured so that I had to make use of the law that was, for once, entirely on my side.

Those experiences tired me out for good in about ten years. By now my manner of work is focused on seeking out opportunities to slack, just do the unavoidable, and get promotions anyway. And take out as long vacations as possible to enjoy a sort of pre-retirement. Totally exhausted even of the idea of overwork.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1288
Once had a dog years ago OakdaleFTL but poor thing took ill and died. However I still do have a care and it is for the ex-colonies where so many probably basically decent people are easily foiled so will add you! ;)  :up:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1289
Well, over here the average work balance cannot net on overhours over a year. Not legally anyway.

The loopholes for this are as follows. First, the company may employ a person with "temporary" status (i.e. the contract has a deadline) for shift work on hour-salary basis. Under these terms, the companies can lay a completely unmanageable workload on people. Those who do not complain or crack, get their contract extended after the deadline - to a next deadline under the same terms. And so on indefinitely, except the third such extension is illegal according to the law and the law requires the contract be replaced with permanent (indefinite contract) employment terms. Workers who know this can at this point safely sue the company.

Second, the worker can be employed at several employers or start own side-business in addition to the main job and work to his heart's content. This is how the genosses here often operate: Be signed up to as many boards and committees and other offices as possible, even though they are never actually present in any of these.

I personally have, at my best, been employed at four term-limited side-jobs in addition to my main job. I was able to manage it for less than a year. I found that it was somewhat possible to be in two places at once for a while, but quite impossible in three or more. Then I also worked for many years on a deadline-contract at one company, doing the work of three people (because I proved I was able to) - and getting paid accordingly, but not getting the vacations accordingly. This work relationship eventually soured so that I had to make use of the law that was, for once, entirely on my side.

Those experiences tired me out for good in about ten years. By now my manner of work is focused on seeking out opportunities to slack, just do the unavoidable, and get promotions anyway. And take out as long vacations as possible to enjoy a sort of pre-retirement. Totally exhausted even of the idea of overwork.

I quite understand. Nearly a half decade of it has worn me down. I’ve warned my bosses to not expect it much longer. In what I do, I’m the senior person by a long shot. Next most senior person has a year and two months under his belt. At this point it’s mainly training new hires and showing them how to do the job. Other than that, it’s an odd job/task or two that I do that no one else will. I use that to my advantage to get specific days off, like this past Thursday. Was wonderful having a 4 day weekend. :D

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1290
Once had a dog years ago OakdaleFTL but poor thing took ill and died. However I still do have a care and it is for the ex-colonies where so many probably basically decent people are easily foiled so will add you!
Dear sir or madam: If you can't (or hadn't been able to) keep a dog alive, a creature that un-apocryphally "returns to its own vomit," will eat rocks, socks and assorted rubber dog (and children's) toys, and chases automobiles with hungry delusions of mere'd best leave parenting to others. Sincerely.
Also, your "care" for those you term "ex-colonists" would -in quite some few jurisdictions on "our side of the pond," be considered "grooming," a form of abusive attention practiced upon minors to facilitate the solicitation -often sub rosa- of lewd and lascivious acts. Ya perv, ya!
(The fact that you [defendant] believe it['s] only political education you [defendant] offer[s ] make[s ] it all the more insidious an offence. As atty. (pro se , and representing the whole class of such ["ex-colonists"] I protest! Additionally, I'd ask Your Honor to instruct his bailiff to "whack his [defendant's] pee-pee (or vulva, as the case may be...))

Guys with jobs: My heart really does go out to you. As someone who successfully avoided managerial duties[1] for decades in various fields of endeavor, I "feel your pain".[2] But unless you live, and work, under an actual authoritarian regime, you chose the paths you described (...for reasons you did not).
I wish you well. But you made your beds, fellas! All I can give as advise is the much frowned upon route to "success": Marry the boss, with a keen eye out for the greatest opportunity: Divorce, on grounds of moral turpitude... :)
Except for "wrangling" and scrounging, I always let others think they were  in charge, thus becoming practically effective, personally protected and smugly sunny-disposition''d, as was (...and is) my wont!
Campaign donations will be returned. This is NOT a solicitation...
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1291
But unless you live, and work, under an actual authoritarian regime, you chose the paths you described (...for reasons you did not).
I wish you well. But you made your beds, fellas! All I can give as advise is the much frowned upon route to "success": Marry the boss, with a keen eye out for the greatest opportunity: Divorce, on grounds of moral turpitude... :)
Great advice, wise old man. "Hey, everybody is free to voluntarily drop their moral integrity and it'll be fine. There's no pressure at all!"

Seriously, that's what authoritarian regimes are all about: Just drop your moral integrity and with some luck you will be able to push yourself through the holocaust and gulag, burning others along the way. And call it success and freedom and whatnot.

Every regime is authoritarian to an extent - it is there in the word "regime"! Apparently you just cannot fathom how thoroughly brainwashed you are to blindly believe in freedom that is not there and in rights that Americans are supposedly privileged to have while the rest of the world allegedly has none of it.

Americans are as un-free as anyone else, only significantly more deluded. You personally are very deeply deluded.

Do not underestimate the power of having to worship the flag in the school daily in your childhood. Even USSR and the Third Reich did not have this level of indoctrination. 

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1292
And yet, ersi, you were the one carping... :)
I suppose Americans past have been naively overbearing and overbearingly naive; or seemed so to the sophisticates on the Continent[1]. But while we're as prone to parallel construction as anyone else I think our consonance and polyphony -the sounds we most often make- ala ser Guttenberg's inventive scriber mach maken Mèlange pervasively the priority of the/your world, two! (Anon, three, mon frere...) Things you should remit: We're the biggest, baddest hombres around, even though you snigger behind ouì B-B-B-Bach-man, and the sissy Phants in the Pyrenees still surrender, non?
Do you have to explain Chi-kophs-ki's weefault[2]we from here see as envy's Brahm-ic stoicism opposed to exhubrisant-ianism, and cant, tata and shan't... :) --
:yikes: D'ya'll see what happens when I'm notified before I've had my morning coffee?[3]I'm off for a paper, its jumble and cross-words and comics... After that, we'll see: The usual me might even make a nice-words jigsaw -- oh, wait: Already done: Anyone else remember the Wordle Applet?
After a while, crocodile. Later, gator. Anon, mastodons!
Do you take a hit for presumptuous priority, to the point of oblivion I'd say;but wadda I know? Thought there were 6 (or 7, to consonate with the Seas)...
He never mastered the symphony, yet his own simple complexities was wonder-ful...
We do -you'll agree- need quasi-ephemoral interior polling for situations just like this oer e'en moe-r similar? It's been suggested before...
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1293
Try and have a cup of tea. Always coffee is not good for you especially as a day goes on and my doctor confirmed that too! So too much coffee for Yanks is a challenge!!  :lol:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1294
Tea is alright, for little old ladies. Or fussy fastidiously foppish Scots lowlanders... But seriously, the benefits of coffee and tea are not to be disputed by pop-medicine! :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1295
That is head shaking coming from an America Oakdale! Wanting superiority the world has been an an in depth thing for generations. Creating battlefields, spying on countries, trying to destabilise where they will not give in to US Imperialism. Your country accuses Russia of interfering in your election but no proof - none. America is riddled with wide spread mob violence, regular mass killings but wants to be a world controller! You have bases all over the world and coming out with a label on Russia over the election nonsense. Where is the proof??!

America is indeed a violent continent, measured in murder rate*, but the United States of America is a relatively peaceful spot, far less dangerous than Russia, the most violent European country.  

* The usual caveats about international crime statistics apply

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1296
More than a few surprises there...
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1297
America is indeed a violent continent, measured in murder rate*, but the United States of America is a relatively peaceful spot, far less dangerous than Russia, the most violent European country.
America would be fairly average for the Western world if it weren't for a few highly localized problem areas, like Riverdale and Englewood in Chicago, or rather problem street segments.[1]

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1298
Derek Chauvin got a guilty verdict on all charges. I guess the clear and present video evidence made him indefensible, so that even his own colleagues testified against him, and he had to be held accountable.

Some commentators say exactly that: This is accountability, but it is not justice. Real justice would be that such defiant antisocial police behaviour does not happen.

Re: What's Going on in the Americas?

Reply #1299
First, I know this is an unpopular opinion +- but: Floyd's death was not a homicide; the drugs in his system and his pre-existing conditions account for the manner of his demi se... (One of his pec's was "being special while black*!) to

Now, since I'm on the road, using my phone, I'll just add: Justice is God's perview.
Though the mobs think burning down some some few blocks of already stressed real estate is the Real Deal... 😆
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)