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Topic: Scottish Radio (Read 20877 times)

Scottish Radio

Why do I like it?
There are some good stations across the UK (and Dependencies), but they are proportially few to the amount of such in Scotland.
Yesterday, I kept running Bute FM; now it's Central FM (Falkirk)..
The percentage of bad stations in Scotland seems to be even lower than that of good stations elsewhere (in the UK&Co.).
What's the culprit? Is it the language? Music?
What do you love about Scottish culture (apart from RJHowie!)?

Re: Scottish Radio

Reply #1
This is related to my erstwhile hobby. I listened to foreign radio stations when it was Soviet era. Foreign news sources, Finland, Free Europe (or Freedom Europe, whatever), VOA, things that Soviet authorities attempted to block. Radio Luxembourg for music. Awesome times.

Now I have a main job that basically consists of the same. Not so awesome any more.

Re: Scottish Radio

Reply #2
My understanding is that Radio Free Europe was stock-full of ridiculous propaganda (as if you didn't get enough of it at home). I wonder why they didn't just play NPR.

Re: Scottish Radio

Reply #3

My understanding is that Radio Free Europe was stock-full of ridiculous propaganda (as if you didn't get enough of it at home). I wonder why they didn't just play NPR.
The manner of Soviet and capitalist propaganda is very different. Soviet propaganda was gross. Capitalist propaganda is much more subtle. I lived in an exceptional place in Soviet Union, where Finnish and Swedish sources were naturally available, so I had was able to compare differences in reporting and thus figure out the essence of journalism, including the propaganda element.

Elsewhere in Soviet Union, all alternative news sources were good for perspective. Free Europe and VOA were specifically tuned to penetrate deep into the country. They were famous. BBC also worked pretty well. And there was no block on Radio Luxembourg.

Re: Scottish Radio

Reply #5
Please stay on topic (the UK's radio):

I endorse this comment.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Scottish Radio

Reply #6
Is there no propaganda on Scottish radio? Such as pro- or anti-independence?

Re: Scottish Radio

Reply #7
If the question's for me, what I happen to listen to are generally community and/or music stations.  Likely that those people tend to like music, mostly happens good music (to my taste, of course):sing:

Re: Scottish Radio

Reply #8
Elsewhere in Soviet Union, all alternative news sources were good for perspective. Free Europe and VOA were specifically tuned to penetrate deep into the country. They were famous. BBC also worked pretty well. And there was no block on Radio Luxembourg.

One book in my collection alleges to be about the radio propaganda aimed at CubaScotland (gotta stay on topic :D).

Josh, do you listen to podcasts (i.e. recordings) or live?

Re: Scottish Radio

Reply #9
I would listen to podcasts only in exceptional cases.
Besides, while they're all practically about music, why?

Re: Scottish Radio

Reply #10
I was just curious whether you were using the Internet as a type of high-quality shortwave radio or whether you were using some of its more twenty-first century innovations as well. Do I need a reason? :P

Re: Scottish Radio

Reply #12
Not surprising.
It was a Scot who invented radio.
Guglielmo McConi.

Re: Scottish Radio

Reply #14
He is Guglielmo McConi, the Highlander. Born in 1592 in the Highlands of Scotland, and he is still alive. He is immortal. For four hundred years, he's been a warrior... a lover... a wanderer... an inventor, constantly facing other Immortals in combat to the death. The winner takes his enemy's head, and with it, his power. I am a Watcher, part of a secret society of men and women who observe and record, but never interfere. We know the truth about Immortals. In the end, there can be only one. May it be Guglielmo McConi, the Highlander.

Re: Scottish Radio

Reply #15
A matter of attitude.

Re: Scottish Radio

Reply #16
And where would the Industrial Revolution have been without Machinery?

Re: Scottish Radio

Reply #17
One has to assume Josh is currently living in the UK?
Or perhaps has that awesome Hola VPN?

Re: Scottish Radio

Reply #19
RJ, I'm not sure I remember if you told something about Aberdeen... Do you like the shire? And - there are places around there whose names start with "Inver-" -- would you mind shedding some light about the meaning?

Re: Scottish Radio

Reply #23

One has to assume Josh is currently living in the UK?
Not exactly - but sorta.:)
That started as my personal language maintaining-improving project. Now it's also certain fun:)

I see.  :beer:

I don't

To be honest, I don't either, but with Josh, I've just learned to nod in agreement and move along.  :right:


Re: Scottish Radio

Reply #24
Now listening to NECR.
I like the accent! ;) :cheers:

<add> Their broadcast is really moving!
Luxor, do you like Irish music? :)</add>