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Are you ok with the wrong members' count?

Bugger off!
[ 3 ] (33.3%)
I don't care.
[ 4 ] (44.4%)
What's wrong with it????
[ 1 ] (11.1%)
Slightly uncomfortable.
[ 1 ] (11.1%)
Definitely not.
[ 0 ] (0%)

Total Members Voted: 8

Topic: Do we need some Purge? (Read 27850 times)

Re: Do we need some Purge?

Reply #26
The membership count is counting accounts open--- and since a sock-puppet requires its own account, there is no problem there.
Well, let me help you with words...
In the starting part you use the word "membership". The morphology of this word directly derives from the stem lexeme "member" - exactly which word is used by the site to account for all cases of separate registering. Get it or what?

Re: Do we need some Purge?

Reply #27
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Do we need some Purge?

Reply #28
General question: How would we go about purging the list of sock-puppets, and further how would we keep them out? Since one guy could theoretically make many puppets-- Bantay was famous for this-- I have a suspicion that the job isn't easy-- and may not be possible.

Josh, about the count--- each sock-puppet requires its own account. Live with it.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Do we need some Purge?

Reply #30

The membership count is counting accounts open--- and since a sock-puppet requires its own account, there is no problem there.
Well, let me help you with words...
In the starting part you use the word "membership". The morphology of this word directly derives from the stem lexeme "member" - exactly which word is used by the site to account for all cases of separate registering. Get it or what?

The membership list is counting open accounts. It has no way of knowing that one actual person is using three different usernames, so each of those names is counted as separate members. If I decided to put up 5 sock-puppets, I would then have a total of 6 accounts and therefore would be counted as 6 members. I could form my own imaginary army. Hmmm... sounds like fun. I may have to give it a try someday.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Do we need some Purge?

Reply #31
The membership list is counting open accounts. It has no way of knowing that one actual person is using three different usernames, so each of those names is counted as separate members. If I decided to put up 5 sock-puppets, I would then have a total of 6 accounts and therefore would be counted as 6 members. I could form my own imaginary army. Hmmm... sounds like fun. I may have to give it a try someday.
It's wrong.
At least those can't be called "members" (schizos is an exception).

Re: Do we need some Purge?

Reply #33
I didn't mean that voting. It's ok:faint:

Now what it is.
The "Forum Stats" reads something like this now:
12210 Posts in 222 Topics by 55 Members.

As long as psyche parapetting is not illegal, at least we shall have
12210 Posts in 222 Topics from 55 accounts.
- and no "members" anywhere anymore anywhere (I said that).

Re: Do we need some Purge?

Reply #34
This thread=
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Do we need some Purge?

Reply #35
You sure? I'm not. Not especially different from any other thread...

<edit>You know what?
It IS different: there's been no off-topic here so far - unlike almost everywhere else:P</edit>

Re: Do we need some Purge?

Reply #37


Re: Do we need some Purge?

Reply #38

But I like your art...

Did you do that?:)

Nope. I'm not "Redpenofdoom"-- I do have a blog on Wordpress, but it's under the same userhandle I use here.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Do we need some Purge?

Reply #39
Purge? As in
a. To rid (a nation or political party, for example) of people considered undesirable.
b.  To get rid of (people considered undesirable).

Okay, as probably the closest representative to the Roman Latin spirit, I suggest the beautiful method of dizimation.
Invented by Roman generals to put lazy armies again in top condition, it consists in separating people in groups of ten and each group has to beat one of it's members until death.

It seems that such method had the most effective results. :)
If it doesn't work, at least DnD has learned a lesson in History...
A matter of attitude.

Re: Do we need some Purge?

Reply #40
To channel Josh: don't you mean decimation? :P

Re: Do we need some Purge?

Reply #41

To channel Josh: don't you mean decimation? :P

josh will destroy this forum or any other.
I think he's the reincarnation of Attila, except that instead the grass not growing where he passes, is the people that can´t speak where he speaks. Not good for forums.
Except for that he's a funny guy. Not too much clever, however, and insupportable most of the time.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Do we need some Purge?

Reply #48


Re: Do we need some Purge?

Reply #49
This isn't going to end well. Mouse pointer hovering over lock topic link.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.