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Are you ok with the wrong members' count?

Bugger off!
[ 3 ] (33.3%)
I don't care.
[ 4 ] (44.4%)
What's wrong with it????
[ 1 ] (11.1%)
Slightly uncomfortable.
[ 1 ] (11.1%)
Definitely not.
[ 0 ] (0%)

Total Members Voted: 8

Topic: Do we need some Purge? (Read 27826 times)

Do we need some Purge?

As of MEMBERS, we actually have only 47 of them - or less.
The counter also counts a "Test", and a couple of suq popettes.
As of that "Test", Frans?
As of the soup casquettes... Well, should we have a policy about that? What do you think?
Unless it's absolutely necessary, why create multiple accounts here? For fun?
Jim, you're free to use your primary one... Who else?..

Re: Do we need some Purge?

Reply #1
If you define sock puppetry restrictively as the problematic use of multiple accounts, that's not allowed.[1] If you define sock puppetry simply as having multiple accounts, there's no rule against that.

[1] An example would be if I showed up with the Test account in a discussion saying "well, Frenzie's really got a good point there" so as to make it appear as if my argument had popular support.

Re: Do we need some Purge?

Reply #3
I'm not bothered by the use of  duplicate identities unless they're misused, as in spam1, spam2 etc. I used one myself in the ggg thread in D&D as a literary device for fun, where it was clear who it was and why I did it. If it's a problem then OK "off with his head" but not for bean-counting reasons.

Re: Do we need some Purge?

Reply #4

If you define sock puppetry restrictively as the problematic use of multiple accounts, that's not allowed.[1] If you define sock puppetry simply as having multiple accounts, there's no rule against that.

[1] An example would be if I showed up with the Test account in a discussion saying "well, Frenzie's really got a good point there" so as to make it appear as if my argument had popular support.

You've really got a good point there.

Re: Do we need some Purge?

Reply #8

[1] An example would be if I showed up with the Test account in a discussion saying "well, Frenzie's really got a good point there" so as to make it appear as if my argument had popular support.

You've really got a good point there.
You really do, Frenzie!
I agree, it is the best point I have ever seen in this whole thread.

Re: Do we need some Purge?

Reply #9
I honestly learned the term "sock puppet" from this board when the Terms were drafted, which is why I was a little surprised that I was asked about it.

The search only points to this thread when I search for "sock puppet", "sockpuppet", or even just "puppet"?

Re: Do we need some Purge?

Reply #10

I honestly learned the term "sock puppet" from this board when the Terms were drafted, which is why I was a little surprised that I was asked about it.

The search only points to this thread when I search for "sock puppet", "sockpuppet", or even just "puppet"?
Searches in sites often search the sites badly. There's e.g. search terms to search specific sites with precision in Google. I often have to resort to that.

Re: Do we need some Purge?

Reply #11
Searches in sites often search the sites badly. There's e.g. search terms to search specific sites with precision in Google. I often have to resort to that.

Damn Google with their fifty billion computers. :P

Re: Do we need some Purge?

Reply #14

Drop dead, you asshole!©

I've read all your posts and you're right about everything!  :love: :wizard:

Also, abuse reported.

    Who did that?
    This time, it is INTENTIONAL creating shit - for the purpose to fucking have fun?

    Wow!  :lol: IMHO, there's no point in taking life/forums so seriously. Cool your jets Josh.  ;)

    Re: Do we need some Purge?

    Reply #15
    I just got home, and top of the list is a report from this thread.

    Now, I got somethin' to say. If you're going to beat on a beehive with a stick, don't be surprised if you get stung.
    Translated: This thread, by its very nature, was guaranteed to start trouble. I'm not sure that locking it isn't the right idea.
    What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
    According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

    Re: Do we need some Purge?

    Reply #17
    I have a not entirely rational belief that an account is, or should as a best practice, be tied to a computer or network (IP address). It could be moved. But logging in from several locations can be bad.
    I am extremely mobile, connecting from many different wifi networks on the run along the day. If you want to kill my participation here, then tying my account to one IP pretty much guarantees it.

    Re: Do we need some Purge?

    Reply #18
    I am extremely mobile, connecting from many different wifi networks on the run along the day. If you want to kill my participation here, then tying my account to one IP pretty much guarantees it.

    I can't bring myself to use public wifi on a day to day basis. Consequently I've used 13GB of mobile data only half way thru the cycle, tho. Anyway, to the point...

    Modulating IP's make it impossible to tie any account to one IP. All I have to do is logoff network or lose data connection and i'm reassigned a new IP when I reconnect. Couple that with my provider likes to throttle bandwidth to certain sites, so it's likely I'm bouncing off a proxy too.

    Re: Do we need some Purge?

    Reply #19

    I just got home, and top of the list is a report from this thread.
    Yes, indeed.
    "Test" had a cause/reason, Jim's "puppet" had a reason at the time, don't know about "kardon", but there might have been a reason too. A necessity.
    Get this, Michael? That's it.

    You're the one beating on a beehive with a stick. Sometimes you get stung when you do things like that. It happens.

    I can think of nothing more likely to attract sock-puppets than a thread about sock-puppets. It brings out the mischief in the best of us.
    What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
    According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

    Re: Do we need some Purge?

    Reply #21
    So far, none of the puppets have done anything actionable. Bad language? Maybe-- but if we start moderating for bad language, I have a soapspicion the OP might have more than a little to worry about himself. For the rest--- it's exactly what I would expect from a thread with this subject matter. Yeah, some users who ordinarily wouldn't do sock-puppets are doing them to mess with the OP. Surprise, surprise.

    As a Global Moderator, I'm looking for the standard badguys. Spammers. Deceptive practices. Troll-type behavior (note: this thread is all but guaranteed to produce troll-type behavior, which is the good reason for locking it). Personal attacks. That sort of thing.

    For the rest-- we're all adults here. At least I think so (can't be sure about a couple of folk). It shouldn't be that much of a problem to keep halfway civil discourse going. If somebody does use a sock-puppet---so long as the sock-puppet behaves him/herself, what's the problem? This is the Internet, most people use some sort of username that has little to do with their real names, so there's a certain anonymity in any case.

    Life is too doggone short to get bent out of shape over a forum posting.
    What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
    According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

    Re: Do we need some Purge?

    Reply #22
    If somebody does use a sock-puppet---so long as the sock-puppet behaves him/herself, what's the problem?
    That's on topic!..
    The only legal reason to raise this question was that the stats account those accounts (sorry) as "members" - which means persons.
    If I'm a schizo, maybe myself being several members would be ok. But I don't think some guys are schizos here.

    Re: Do we need some Purge?

    Reply #23

    The only legal reason to raise this question was that the stats account those accounts (sorry) as "members" - which means persons.
    If I'm a schizo, maybe myself being several members would be ok. But I don't think some guys are schizos here.

    Does your member count feel inadequate?   :wizard:

    Re: Do we need some Purge?

    Reply #24

    If somebody does use a sock-puppet---so long as the sock-puppet behaves him/herself, what's the problem?
    That's on topic!..
    The only legal reason to raise this question was that the stats account those accounts (sorry) as "members" - which means persons.

    And that is a problem exactly how? The sock-puppet IS a person--- well, at least sort-of-- so the count is accurate, even if it is a bit high on the number of actual people. The membership count is counting accounts open--- and since a sock-puppet requires its own account, there is no problem there.
    What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
    According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!