How do like to enjoy yourself?
- Daydreaming/imagining things/soul-smiling. (Meditation included.)
- Physical activities (just walking included).
- Listening to music.
- Eating:)
- Lying on the sofa doing nothing except for breathing.
- Intoxicating:pipe:
- Reading.
- Watching TV...:nark:
- Playing games (board, video-games).
- Watching movies.
- Back to Nature! Enjoying the Nature in person!..
- Gardening - this sort. (Mowing the lawn included.)
- Travelling, sightseeing.
- Some "DIY"/tech hobby.
- Making and/or enjoying art (shooting photo/video, watching or drawing paintings).
- Chatting with people.
- Writing/blogging, discussing things on forums;)
- Pooping:D
- Sleeping.
- To play with children.
- To flirt with you know better whom - or even
- Getting news to know.
- Learning/studying (science, techie, language, whatnot).
- Sharing/listening to funny stories or such...
- Singalong, karaoke, shoutloud.
- IT.
- Evesdropping, pranking, etc.; other dirty business
- Self-flagellation, self-torture, self-reproach
- Yet something else.
Total Members Voted: 6