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Topic: Tripe about Ukraine (Read 258002 times)

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #725

Also, despite suggestions to the contrary on the linked page, the parliamentary investigation determined the Dutch soldiers were not at fault, but rather their commanders: the Dutch government and NATO.

It's more my imprecise formulation that is at fault. I summarised it as if being more about the army than about the government.

The linked text mentions the Dutch government clearly enough (even in the title "Dutch state liable...") and logically it's the government calling the shots in both cases, in UN missions and the current airplane mission.


Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #726

My bad, I should have specified. I was referring to krake's link, where the soldier was trying "to remove the irrational stigma from Dutch soldiers who were stationed in this part of eastern Bosnia under the UN auspices".

The conclusions of the parliamentary commission can be found here.

I misspoke slightly. The commission concluded that Dutchbat didn't try to accompany the Muslim men up tot he last moment, so I suppose they did lay some blame at the soldiers' feet (or at least at Karremans, their commander). But first and foremost the government pushed the mission through even the army already warned in advance that without proper equipment their presence would be symbolic at best. And let's not forget general Janvier's infamous denial of air support.

Anyway, I can't imagine what it must be like to be one of those soldiers, but it seems to me that the article would've been more valid if written in 1998 than in 2008. The author mostly seemed upset that Oric wasn't sentenced for certain war crimes, but at the same time the idea that "the West" doesn't want me to know about said war crimes is rather odd. That stuff specifically relating to Oric was all over the news a little less than a decade ago, and the entire Srebrenica affair constantly kept returning to actuality for most of my life. I think it's a bit absurd to say "here's what the West doesn't want you to know" when it reads more like "look at these things everyone knows from mainstream media like NOS" (except that most media would have said that Oric is accused of this and that as opposed to saying he most definitely did this and that).

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #727
Nope, that was just an example of how denigration works.

Your wording implied that poster was from the State Dept. In fact, he was not and has nothing to with the agency.

RT is the new Pravda. That's undated video of an exchange between unnamed people. If you notice, this couldn't have been about MH17 because the man mentioned that it was two Ukrainian planes. MH17, of course, was Malaysian. Obviously we can deduce which incidents that conversation was about and the man's questions have since been answered.

Now instead of relying on Pravda RT, it's not difficult to read the primary source, which indeed provides evidence , Oh look, right after that happened the separatists were boasting about downing a transport plane. Ooops, it wasn't a transport plane. Putin tried to blame the Ukrainians for having a transport plane within three miles of civilian aircraft (not in the briefing, but easily available from other sources) 

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #728
I tried reading/listening to/viewing RT a few times. I found its reliability to be about the same as "The Onion". The difference is that "The Onion" doesn't try to hide that it's satire, RT -- well, it's RT.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #729

RT is the new Pravda. That's undated video of an exchange between unnamed people.

The US State Dept. is accusing Russia for firing artilery into Ukraine but refuses to provide proof.
The clip was taken during Thursday’s scheduled press conference.
The reporter is Matthew Lee, a veteran AP journalist and the lady is a spokeswoman of the US State Dept. I don't know her name but at least she looks much better than Samantha Power ;)
Oh and don't try to tell me that the new Pravda did fake the clip.

Now instead of relying on Pravda RT, it's not difficult to read the primary source, which indeed provides evidence

So your primary source, the venerable pack from Kiev backed by the USA is providing evidence?
Doesn't such kind of evidence insult your intelligence?

- "All evidence we have suggests" - suggestions are no proof
- "we have detected an increasing amount of heavy weaponry crossing the border from Russia into Ukraine." - any proof for the allegation?
- "Russia-backed separatist fighters have demonstrated proficiency with surface-to-air missile systems and have downed more than a dozen aircraft over the past few months, including two large transport aircraft." - they have indeed downed some Ukrainian military airplanes flying at a much lower altitude with man-portable air-defense systems (manpads)
- "At the time that MH17 dropped out of contact, we detected a surface-to-air missile (SAM) launch from a separatist-controlled area in southeastern Ukraine." - detected trough transcedental meditation? Where is the proof?
- "Intercepts of separatist communications posted on YouTube" - YouTube is the only alleged proof? Good luck ...

This one tops all the rest because it is the most stupid:
- "Video posted on social media shows a SA-11 on a transporter traveling through the Krasnodon and back to Russia. The video indicated the system was missing at least one missile, suggesting it had conducted a launch."

Ukraine’s “Krasnodon” video actually in Lugansk
Bogus photos of ‘Russian’ air-defense systems in Ukraine debunked by bloggers

Reminds me of this one: Evidence of undercover Russian troops in Ukraine debunked

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #730
In the last few weeks there have been 47 shells landing in Russia including the shelling of a border post the injury of a border guard and the killing of a civilian along with private property effected. The real niggle are these statements by the White House press wafflers telling reporters us they have it on good authority or intelligence suspects, etc. When pressed on actual proof they do a dance and cut the questioner short. Not so much actual proof just as strong feeling. Come back Dr Goebells all is forgiven.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #731

In the last few weeks there have been 47 shells landing in Russia including the shelling of a border post the injury of a border guard and the killing of a civilian along with private property effected. The real niggle are these statements by the White House press wafflers telling reporters us they have it on good authority or intelligence suspects, etc. When pressed on actual proof they do a dance and cut the questioner short. Not so much actual proof just as strong feeling. Come back Dr Goebells all is forgiven.

So it all balances out. The Russian propaganda against the White House propaganda. A fair balance, pick your favorite liar and see where it goes.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #732
Yes that is if we are being basic and no reason why not mjsmsprt40, fine. The only thing that disturbs that premise which is a fine one is the hysterical and fanatical mayhem of the Western media along with screaming newspaper front page stuff. With the West jumping on anything as "a distinct possibility" in any incident but giving no proof is not much of an intelligent stance. Being a bit more sensible about reporting  should be the norm until something can be proved.

Now for goodness sake people in the Netherlands are talking about trying to sue the Russian President. how wacky is that one?!  In the sadness of the plane crash there is another aspect that troubled me especially about the Dutch. The plane was not a military one but all the pomp came out, the king and Queen (fair enough) but a military show? it should have been a simple but dignified civilian affair. Re the other plane crash in northern Africa with over 100 all dead is that going to be a military excuse too i wonder?

Anyway, I can agree with you on principle about which propaganda should be listened to but they really must stop insulting intelligence by coming out with the rabid rubbish being spat out.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #733
- "All evidence we have suggests" - suggestions are no proof
You know, the propaganda from Russia and the separatists tends about the US "showing no proof" despite the US showing much more evidence than you want to admit; meanwhile there's scant evidence to contrary. There's satellite photos, etc showing that the missile did indeed launch from the separatist controlled territories. There were no Ukrainian troops in the area. The separatist briefly boasted about it before they realized it wasn't a Ukrainian transport. Once the error as discovered they tried to remove the posts, but the internet remembers everything. It's clear what happened. The separatists shot down MH17 in a case of mistaken identity.

With the West jumping on anything as "a distinct possibility" in any incident but giving no proof is not much of an intelligent stance.

Like repeating the refrain, "where's the proof" is? Right now, we're looking at about 99% probability that was indeed the separatists. We have the satellite images, etc. What's the other part of the 47 shells in Russia? Remember that crap out Ukrainians supposedly shelling their own people, only it turned out those towns were in separatists controlled territory and were filled with them? What really happened with your 47 shells? Were the Ukrainians shells really fired a separatist troops that crossed the border like the craven cowards they are?

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #734
You don't know anything that is perfectly accurate at all.

I have watched the White House press meetings and they are disgraceful. When a reporter asks for proof he is curtly dealt with for having the nerve to question assertions. He will be told arrogantly it is on good authority or "facts." However when pressed to be more explicit as the statements are provocative the matter is cut off or a refusal. Explain that, eh? So US propganda is A1 and Russian propaganda is a lie. Interesting and odd thesis that baloney. Russia also produced copies of diagrams that showed a Ukrainian fighter in the same area as the downed plane yet Kiev denies it so that's okay then?

As for the BUK missile Russia too has shown a picture of the BUK and states it was Ukrainian and later moved. Just staing that a missile is in a controlled are is stretching practicality. The rebels are hardly a standing army like the Ukrainian Forces are they. They do NOT effectively control that whole area either and is something that suits you to miss.  You and the media chose to ignore the 47 shells into Russia over the last few weeks killing of a Russian border guard, civilian and destruction of a home - all very suitable for you of course! . Kiev is making no difference, it is shelling where it likes and destroying homes and killing men, women and children. Kiev denies it but pictures show something else but DC prefers to just accept any lie that Kiev tells them so it can rant against Russia it being a country they cannot control like the rest of the world.

Ah, and let me tell you something else now I bet you don't know. Some 40 Ukrainian soldiers have now defected and been allowed to go over the border to Russia. Oh and 2 Kiev border guards have also left their post and fled over the border too. The fleeing soldiers statement is that they were not happy killing their own fellow countrymen and women. Interesting,eh? Wonder how the Kiev Army will get on when they run of money to pay them?  :down:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #736
As for the BUK missile Russia too has shown a picture of the BUK and states it was Ukrainian and later moved. Just staing that a missile is in a controlled are is stretching practicality. The rebels are hardly a standing army like the Ukrainian Forces are they.
Now if there were actually any Ukrainian troops anywhere near there. How many times does Putin need to lie before you see him for what his is. It's not an Obama vs Putin he said, he said situation. Putin was lying from the get-go, starting with denying those were Russian troops in Crimea (which later had to admit.) He's put himself in the comfortable position of wiping the separatists' ass, now. He actually even accidentally all but admitted the separatists did it when he tried to blame the presence of a Ukrainian transport plane three miles away. Get it? In that he tried to say the separatists were actually trying to shot down the transport instead of MH17. Yes, the rebels had SA-11s, supplied by Russia.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #737

You know, the propaganda from Russia and the separatists tends about the US "showing no proof" despite the US showing much more evidence than you want to admit; meanwhile there's scant evidence to contrary.

Scant evidence? Really?
Another State Department Hoax?
Suddenly the evidence appears in an email and is spread via social media. This is not credible. Such evidence if it actually exists would be released in a Washington press conference by top government officials with experts present to explain the meaning of the photos to the journalists and to answer questions. No real journalists, if any are left, are going to believe that such hot information would be released in an email. Moreover, the photos are meaningless to the uninitiated, and there is no way to judge their authenticity.

Additionally, it is not credible that such important information would be released at a news dead time -- 8:45 AM EDT on a Sunday morning when the West Coast is still asleep.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #738

Dutch premier Rutte says armed mission to MH17 site 'not realistic'

They woossed out.

They had to since Kiev has broken its word. It was an agreement with Donetsk and Kiev to halt military actions in the vecinity of the disaster site so international experts can do their work. Poroschenko has promised to halt military actions in an area of 40 square kilometer.
Kiev's promise became history. "Ukrainian armed forces on Sunday engaged in a major offensive against separatists to gain full control of the crash site."

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #739
Automatically Putin is lying according to your rather limited bision and thought process. Why is it the White House press room yaks about Russia and when asked for proof cannot provide the evidence? You really have a nerve roasting me for supporting Putin. The Russian President advocated dialogue between Kiev and the rebels and also that both sides should try and desist from further warfare. He allowed as I have to repeat again for your daft benefit Ukraine to have oil cheaper than anyone else and they still can't meet the bill. You are so gullible and part of the American hypocrisy on world affairs. Doesn't matter what Putin says he is a liar and dangerous. Load of cobblers. Are you going to justify all the mess ups your country has created in the world? Russia is nowhere near that but instead you just gulp down the lies from the White House. Its gibe no proof just allegations and when pressed ignores the question with "it must be" or "looks that way."

Russia has never said it wants East Ukraine it is all scurrilous US screaming propaganda and you insult your grey cells just accepting bland answers. If Russia had really wanted the 2 provinces it could have marched in and taken them and end of story but no matter how often Putin said no to invasion you still conjure up something else with no proof whatsoever.To take the stance that you are whiter than white and Russia the very opposite actually doesn't say much for you. You question nothing but just accept White House answers that answer nothing. Maybe you lot could pay what Ukraine has owed Russia and maybe pay the Ukrainian soliders when they have no wages. Not surprised some have already deserted and Kiev is in one stinking mess caused by their own scurrilous and ant-democratic stupidy.

Apart from all the home wrecked and civilians killed, tens of thousands of the non-combatants fleeing over the border this is simply ignored by you and the mindsets similar to yours. I have also noticed that polls in the US that were massivelt against Russia have declined to 51% so at least there are those that don't just absorb government untruths and think for themselves. America doesn't have a moral stance it only wants to be able to control everyone and condemns any country that doesn't accept it's warped stance and thoroughly disgraceful deceit and subterfuge on the issue.
"Quit you like men:be strong"


Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #740
Wipe that fleck of foam from the corner of your mouth.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #741
Unable to break away from the White House propaganda and lies, eh? It would take more than your emptiness to make me foam. It is an easy way to avoid the issue of course so I respect your right to be perhaps even unintentionally ignorant.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #742
My dear rjhowie, you know that I share some of your ideas relating the "biggest potency in the world" (if they still are...) but listen to a word of advice - don't trust Putin, he's not less dangerous than your ex colonies "over the pond".

What results clear from all this mess it's the absolute lack of idea about European's role in the world while under the German leadership, an illegal, abusive and unacceptable leadership with destructive consequences. Again, Germany will be responsible for destroying Europe.
The German people deserves not such fate, they should have the opportunity to contribute with the best they have (and it's not just a little) not with the worst they have.

Inefficacy it's total and Europe's turning into a joke for the rest of the world to laugh about.
There's no worst way of finishing but like this, as an anecdote. That's not proper of Men but mice.

This twenty one century will be tenebrous.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #743

This twenty one century will be tenebrous.

It is tenebrous from the start. At the end of the last century everybody thought the new one will be nice sweet fluffy, but then some Saudi pilots trained in America landed some airplanes on WTC and Pentagon and the United States razed Afghanistan and Iraq in retaliation. Nothing in world politics makes sense every since.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #744

This twenty one century will be tenebrous.

It is tenebrous from the start. At the end of the last century everybody thought the new one will be nice sweet fluffy, but then some Saudi pilots trained in America landed some airplanes on WTC and Pentagon and the United States razed Afghanistan and Iraq in retaliation. Nothing in world politics makes sense every since.

I often wondered about that. Nobody noticed that these pilots showed no interest in learning to safely land a plane?
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #745
It was the Feds

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #747
Have a regard for what you say Belfrager although i must say that Putin is still less a threat to the world than the good old US of A. It has military bases all over the world which Russia will never have. Where imperial America gets involved in conflicts it helps it's multi-billion military hardware industry and when someone is invaded it is followed by the corporates. So the US will give interference via the excuse it is protecting it's interest. Yeah those of the money barons on Wall Street. If they want to be really moral they should be looking internally on their own nest troubles and the tens of millions of ex-colonists weho are suffering.

For some time Russia has had trade inks with Ukraine because that country produces some parts for items in Rusia and of course there is the strong Russian physical presence in the tragic place too. If America thinks it's puppets in Kiev can just hook up with Europe and ignore the East then it more stupid than it is as been up till now. Of course Russia has an influence i the East but it doesn't matter how often it says it does NOT want to incorporate the 2 provinces because that doesn't suit the White House. The anti-Russian attacks are over the top  and need scaling down whilst the same time there has to be dialogue regarding Ukraine AND Russia.

Would also say that mjsmsprt40 does have a discussion point regarding the propaganda on both sides in Ukraine but I have to say the arrogance of the White House press briefings is mind-boggling. Automatically if they allege something it is sqeaky clean but from anyone else automatically wrong. Now just as I presumed the US is giving money to the Kiev regime. No coomments on the money the Kiev bandits owe Russia and I dare say some of this throwaway cash will go to pay the Ukrainian Army before any others decide to hop it! So no matter that the US is in trillions of debt (owes masses to the good ole Commie dictatorship of China! to hang on to it's self-belief it is called to run the world.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #748
Have a regard for what you say Belfrager although i must say that Putin is still less a threat to the world than the good old US of A.

Let the devil to come and chose...

I don't know what's worst but one thing I know, Putin let it very clear that the times when there was only one super power are gone.

How many presidents the USA had after the fall of the Soviet Empire until now? two? they'll stay as the more inept the Country has ever seen at their brief History. An unique opportunity thrown away at a succession of disasters.
That, of course, assuming that Presidents matters, which I doubt it.

Anyway America knows how to care for themselves. So does Putin, so does the Chinese. The problem it's us, the Europeans and I disagree very much with you, siding with Putin it's not a solution for us. It could be if we had a strategy but we don't. We are not even we.
A matter of attitude.