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Topic: Tripe about Ukraine (Read 256296 times)

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #500
The sole purpose of a trendy hobby is to encourage you to keep buying trendy accoutrements.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #501
A shooting glove! It's that a sort of fashion accessory? Like the telescopic sights?

I really must get a glove for changing gears in my car. Maybe take my shirt off too.

The point of all this is that I scorn posers.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #502
That's called a gear glove. Go ahead and take your shirt off, you Putin clone.

You scorn posers, do you? How about this?

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #503

A shooting glove! It's that a sort of fashion accessory? Like the telescopic sights?

I really must get a glove for changing gears in my car. Maybe take my shirt off too.

The point of all this is that I scorn posers.

Get the gloves. Cars have had glove-boxes for a century. Not too sure about the shirt. Is any car fitted with a shirt-box?

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #505
@jimbro.  I don't smoke.  :)

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #506
Daft answer jimbro. Probably due to not being fully aware of the detail or think I am singly your leaders especially along with our European leaders. It is okay for time after time for the West to interfere wherever it suits them but not some country they cannot control? Russia cannot be compared to the interference by all of us in the West whether the US or Europe. Taking the sao-called moral high ground when you consider our modern history over the last several decades says much. When will we in the West interfere with the running of places like, say Saudi Arabia? A hell hole of despotism and no rights, etc. Russia was right over Crimea so that has to be loved with and all the daft stuff about Moscow wanting to invade is a symptom of the continuing of a failed hang back of the Cold War thinking.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #507

In the meantime he has turned a large country (Ukraine) with reasonably good relations into a hostile neighbour

A large country (Ukraine) with reasonably good relations?
You mean the self-appointed gang coming to power through a coup d'etat organized by fascists with Western support?

and he has made Western Europe realise that traded dependency on Russia is a bad idea with the long term consequences that implies.

By 'Western Europe' you probably mean primarily 'the USA', the UK, Poland and the 3 Baltic states (in that order)?
Or do you mean the same Western Europe that took the USA's side when they invaded Iraq?

As for the 'invaded' and 'annexed' Crimea - from the 18000 Ukrainian troops stationed there around 1500 have returned to the Ukraine!
Does this at least tell you something?
And no, Russia doesn't hold back anybody from returning 'home'.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #508

As for the 'invaded' and 'annexed' Crimea - from the 18000 Ukrainian troops stationed there around 1500 have returned to the Ukraine!

Why do you put 'invaded' and 'annexed' into quotes? Doesn't the invasion and annexation in Crimea qualify as such? What would it take so that it would qualify as invasion and annexation?

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #509
A large country (Ukraine) with reasonably good relations?
You mean the self-appointed gang coming to power through a coup d'etat organized by fascists with Western support?

By 'Western Europe' you probably mean primarily 'the USA', the UK, Poland and the 3 Baltic states (in that order)?
Or do you mean the same Western Europe that took the USA's side when they invaded Iraq?

As for the 'invaded' and 'annexed' Crimea - from the 18000 Ukrainian troops stationed there around 1500 have returned to the Ukraine!
Does this at least tell you something?
And no, Russia doesn't hold back anybody from returning 'home'.

1 No I mean The Ukraine, the large country with reasonably good relations with Russia. Neither do I equate Russia with it current clumsy Government.

2. The USA is not actually in Europe. To back up my remark about Europe working towards less dependency on Russia, please refer to this: EU plans to reduce Russian energy dependence.

3. (Putin's) "Russia doesn't hold back anybody from returning 'home'.". Strange remark - it is not clear what you mean - do you mean Ethnic Cleansing, or do you seek to justify annexation of a country on the grounds that they speak the same language?

3. Iraq - what has that got to do with the current crisis in the Ukraine? Possibly because of WMDs? Iraq had WMD and led people to believe they maintained that capability, whereas the Ukraine destroyed theirs as part of the agreement that their territorial integrity was guaranteed by Russia. But that was Russia, not Putin's Russia.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #510
By 'Western Europe' you probably mean primarily 'the USA', the UK, Poland and the 3 Baltic states (in that order)?

That doesn't make any sense. Most of the EU's gas and a decent amount of oil comes from Russia. Meanwhile, the USA has been importing less and less Russian oil for years. There's no such thing as an American energy dependency on Russia.

As for the 'invaded' and 'annexed' Crimea - from the 18000 Ukrainian troops stationed there around 1500 have returned to the Ukraine!
Does this at least tell you something?

Yes, that you fully accept the annexation. How else could one "return" from Crimea to Ukraine?

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #512

Daft answer jimbro. Probably due to not being fully aware of the detail or think I am singly your leaders especially along with our European leaders.
Russia was right over Crimea so that has to be loved with and all the daft stuff about Moscow wanting to invade is a symptom of the continuing of a failed hang back of the Cold War thinking.
I'll respond once I find a translator.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #513

1 No I mean The Ukraine, the large country with reasonably good relations with Russia. Neither do I equate Russia with it current clumsy Government.

For reasonably good relations it needs at least two parties.
Blaming Russia and turning a blind eye at the gang in Kiev won't change facts nor is it meant to de-escalate the situation.

2. The USA is not actually in Europe. To back up my remark about Europe working towards less dependency on Russia, please refer to this: EU plans to reduce Russian energy dependence.

Not geographically at least...that's why I put it into quotes.

From the link you gave:
Van Rompuy also spoke about the need to facilitate gas imports from the USA, where shale gas has become available for export via LNG terminals. He mentioned the need to include this issue in the ongoing TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment partnership) negotiations with the US.

What Van Rompuy tells is rather irrelevant. He will leave office in November while Europe will exist even after that date.
As I mentioned before TTIP is seen with much scepticism for several reasons by many in Europe...
If some countries prefer to import shale gas from the USA, that's fine. They can do it immediately. No need for TTIP for that.

Alluding to the fact that Russia pursues a policy of ‘divide-and-rule’ vis-à-vis EU countries, Van Rompuy appealed for more transparency on contract conditions, and the need for the EU to “work as a team”, when individual countries negotiate contracts with Russia.

What the US puppet didn't told, the ‘divide-and-rule’ vis-à-vis EU countries applies rather for the USA.

Sharing more information, bringing more transparency on contract conditions – all that to increase our joint bargaining power”, Van Rompuy insisted.

So the contract conditions should be supervised by whom? Should Germany supervise economic trade relations of the UK or vice versa? Or should Poland supervise economic trade relations of Germany and the UK? To increase our joint bargaining power or to weaken it?
I see where Van Rompuy is coming from...
Germans aren't afraid of dependency for Russian gas and oil. Those who are should import from the USA and our Saudi friends.

Merkel also didn’t discard developing shale gas in Europe as an alternative to imports.

Those who are willing to ruin their environment even more, are free to do so. Chevron will give them a helping hand.
No fracking in Germany, with or without that friggin TTIP!

3. (Putin's) "Russia doesn't hold back anybody from returning 'home'.". Strange remark - it is not clear what you mean - do you mean Ethnic Cleansing, or do you seek to justify annexation of a country on the grounds that they speak the same language?

I thought my point was very clear.
Even the overhelming part of Ukrainian troops (in spite of an oath) stationed in Crimea prefer to live in a Russian Crimea instead of returning home (even though they have been ordered to return).

3. Iraq - what has that got to do with the current crisis in the Ukraine? Possibly because of WMDs?

Wasn't it also an invasion? An invasion driven by civilized nations with the highest ethic standards, not like Putin's creepy Russia.
So of course it was quite different from Crimea's invasion by 'imperialistic' Russia.
Some of the differences:
1. It wasn't based on a pretext but on a blatant lie.
2. The lie had to be legitimized by dragging other nations into the war too (Coalition of the willing).
3. It wasn't bloodless, it took the life of hundreds of thousands.
4. Good part of the infrastructure was destroyed by the 'liberators'.
5. It didn't end with a referendum but with a civil war destabilising an entire region and the carnage is continuing till this day.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #514
The way you play along with Russia's divide-and-rule policies, Krake, is sad to watch. I thought only Merkel and Schröder did that. I didn't expect it from ordinary Germans. This particularly applies to your comments on energy policy.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #515
LNG shipments are not the answer.
Van Rompuy also spoke about the need to facilitate gas imports from the USA, where shale gas has become available for export via LNG terminals. He mentioned the need to include this issue in the ongoing TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment partnership) negotiations with the US.

While the shale-gas boom has made the U.S. the world’s largest natural gas producer, efforts to ship the fuel are bogged down by rules, financing needs and construction demands. Winning U.S. approval can take three years or longer, and not all companies planning a project are committed to completing the work.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #516

By 'Western Europe' you probably mean primarily 'the USA', the UK, Poland and the 3 Baltic states (in that order)?

That doesn't make any sense. Most of the EU's gas and a decent amount of oil comes from Russia. Meanwhile, the USA has been importing less and less Russian oil for years. There's no such thing as an American energy dependency on Russia.

Those are the main players worrying because of Western Europe's dependency on Russia and asking for Russia's isolation.
Of course, US trade with Russia is negligible. The USA hopes that deadening Western Europe's economic trade with Russia is a good opportunity for boosting its own TTIP.

As for the 'invaded' and 'annexed' Crimea - from the 18000 Ukrainian troops stationed there around 1500 have returned to the Ukraine!
Does this at least tell you something?

Yes, that you fully accept the annexation. How else could one "return" from Crimea to Ukraine?

Whatever I fully accept or not is less important.
What it tells is that even the vast majority of Ukrainian troops stationed in Crimea prefer to live in an 'annexed' Russian Crimea instead of a 'free' Ukraine.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #517
Even the overhelming part of Ukrainian troops (in spite of an oath) stationed in Crimea prefer to live in a Russian Crimea instead of returning home (even though they have been ordered to return).
Maybe they don't think that Crimea isn't home anymore, huh?
Was it annexation or not?

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #519
A bit like America borrowed Hawaii?

Meanwhile a US Air force general has moved back to the John Wayne attitude of stating via NATO that Russia has a large and extremely well trained capable army ready to invade Ukraine and take it within 3 days?? What utter bunkum. Why the heck is NAT still here? It is a hangover from the past and makes all sorts of spurious claims to justify it's existence and world ominance. Crimea is back home so forget about that because that is not going to change and the people there will be better off under the Federation than the half-baked and Nzi influenced bandits in Kiev. The West still bleats about the quickness of the Referendum decided by the parliament (note legitimate parliament) whilst happily endorsing a bunch of creeps who stole the legitimate government of Ukraine.

Unfortunately for Ukraine it will continue to suffer with the heavy restrictions on the IMF loans which most here on the thread chooser to subtly ignore of course. Considering how limited the bandit take-over was in support nationally the future is rather shaky and considering the wonky state of the EEC financially not much to be expected with that lot of losers.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #521

A bit like America borrowed Hawaii?

Meanwhile a US Air force general has moved back to the John Wayne attitude of stating via NATO that Russia has a large and extremely well trained capable army ready to invade Ukraine and take it within 3 days?? What utter bunkum. Why the heck is NAT still here? It is a hangover from the past and makes all sorts of spurious claims to justify it's existence and world ominance. Crimea is back home so forget about that because that is not going to change and the people there will be better off under the Federation than the half-baked and Nzi influenced bandits in Kiev. The West still bleats about the quickness of the Referendum decided by the parliament (note legitimate parliament) whilst happily endorsing a bunch of creeps who stole the legitimate government of Ukraine.

Unfortunately for Ukraine it will continue to suffer with the heavy restrictions on the IMF loans which most here on the thread chooser to subtly ignore of course. Considering how limited the bandit take-over was in support nationally the future is rather shaky and considering the wonky state of the EEC financially not much to be expected with that lot of losers.

Have no fear, William Howie Wallace! When Scotland leaves the UK, we'll remove our bases from Scotland.  :cheers:

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #522
"The Walls kept tumbling down in the City that we love; gray clouds bringing darkness from above."

But if you close your eyes, does it almost feel like nothing changed at all? 

Let Pew-teeen & his band of lil Ruskie KGB pussies come here & get what for -- an armed, 2nd Amendment lovin' American Patriot behind every blade of grass, poised at the ready behind every tree, drawin' a bead on his sorry punk ass!




Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #523
Well you do need a dose of practicality on being invaded dear Smileyfaze terrorist.

Your armed forces have amongst the highest rate of suicides - average one a day. On top of that menatal health issues effect 25% of the rest and been rising.  What is it now - 3 shooting rampages on army bases and twice in the same one? Even the Majhor involved in one was a head shrinker!  Oh and throw in a whole line of sex abuse cases to distract the invasion as well. Of course there are efficient units and don't deny that but doing that breast thunping bit about the wonderful boys in unform is pushing the boat not just a little! With such a rising mental situation it shows that the intake is highly questionable and the calibre is far short. So on that basis perhaps you had better get on the right side of Putin to save yourself a headache. If really stuck I can send over The Boys' Brigade or Scouts from the gritty parts to help. Anything to help as i know a sensible ex-colonist!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #524

Well you do need a dose of practicality on being invaded dear Smileyfaze terrorist.

Your armed forces have amongst the highest rate of suicides - average one a day. On top of that menatal health issues effect 25% of the rest and been rising.  What is it now - 3 shooting rampages on army bases and twice in the same one? Even the Majhor involved in one was a head shrinker!  Oh and throw in a whole line of sex abuse cases to distract the invasion as well. Of course there are efficient units and don't deny that but doing that breast thunping bit about the wonderful boys in unform is pushing the boat not just a little! With such a rising mental situation it shows that the intake is highly questionable and the calibre is far short. So on that basis perhaps you had better get on the right side of Putin to save yourself a headache. If really stuck I can send over The Boys' Brigade or Scouts from the gritty parts to help. Anything to help as i know a sensible ex-colonist!

Putin can right well bug off.

Never will understand why you wish to bend over backwards for that arrogant prick.