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Topic: Tripe about Ukraine (Read 255935 times)

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #475
What a relief!
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian said on Saturday it had no intention of sending its armed forces into Ukraine, signaling Moscow wants to ease tensions in the worst East-West standoff since the Cold war.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #476
Klichko is reported to go running for presidency (Radio Verulam).

I was just struck by a thought. That's related to that 'notorious' "inertia" of the "new powers" towards the Crimea's situation. (And also it implies some gerrymandering connotations.)
You know what? Being presumably common politicians, the new guys in Kiev must not be VERY interested in preserving the Crimea. You know why? Deeming that Yanukovich & Co. were sorta "pro-Russian" guys, let's recall that the majority in the Crimea don't seem to feel quite happy towards the "Ukrainian revolution", don't you think? Thus, preserving the Crimea in tact with the mainland means certain dissolution for support of the "revolutioners" taking the individed territory (ie the overall electorate as it could form with the Crimea).
What do you think? Is that 'inertia' just a "practical solution" for the "khloptzy" to keep the gain?

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #477

Forget Crimea, what about....?

Breaking News!
According to The Onion - America's Finest News Source, Mr.Obama agreed to turn over Alaska to Putin. Only condition Putin will have to comply is to take Sarah Palin too.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #478
That's a good trade-off. Bye, bye Palin.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #479
In your mania about Putin/Russia the fact that Russia never had an intention of invading wasgenerally  ignored. Politicians and the corporate media have a lot to blame along with the stupidity and possibly deliberate stuff coming from Kiev.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #481

In your mania about Putin/Russia the fact that Russia never had an intention of invading wasgenerally  ignored. Politicians and the corporate media have a lot to blame along with the stupidity and possibly deliberate stuff coming from Kiev.
Invading Criminea or the the Ukrainian mainland? Are you trying to suggest that he put 50K troops on the border to keep the Ukraine from invading with their pitiful army that isn't even close to being a threat to Russia?

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #483
You really are so gullible Sanguinemoon. You just absorb propaganda and Goebbells would have loved you and others in similar mode. Because you cannot prove there was any invasion you have to fall back on the invasion prospects tripe.  It is bad enough that the ex-colonist media is so terribly bias without this additional nonsense. Your pal nation across the pond is the one with the unbeatable record of invading.  It is the West who has helped create the Ukrainian mess and it will now only get worse as you all just simply ignore what is in your faces. On top of that the impending frugal existence Ukrainians are going to have with IMF money conditions.

The utter farce of the West rushing to support a minority in Kiev overtyhrow an elected government is unimportant but when an elected one (Crimea) does something all hell breaks loose. Some in Europe have come to realise that the Nazi lot have been released into the wider field. Germany is also still a bit concerned about sanctions which are not going to go anywhere.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #484

In your mania about Putin/Russia the fact that Russia never had an intention of invading wasgenerally  ignored. Politicians and the corporate media have a lot to blame along with the stupidity and possibly deliberate stuff coming from Kiev.

It's like the title of a new movie Hollywood is making....."What if they threw a war & nobody came?"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #485
Why is it beyond the pale for a country outwith your own to look after it's interests? No other nation has such a woefulrecord of destabilising or attacking sovereignty than your own. I wouldn't be surprised if Fox News claimed Moses was a Yank.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #486
Quote from: The Guardian
Ukraine's Darth Vader bids to lead nation to the dark side

Sith lord runs for president as candidate of Ukrainian Internet party, vowing to 'make an empire out of a republic'

As Ukraine battles to stave off dark forces of its own, the Star Wars villain Darth Vader announced at the weekend he was running for president in a bid to restore glory to the downtrodden nation.

The Sith lord, or at least an unnamed costumed protester often seen on Kiev's Independence Square flanked by his loyal stormtroopers during the winter protests, has been chosen as the official candidate of the Ukrainian Internet party (UIP) which has become known for its theatrical public stunts.

Full article here.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #488

You really are so gullible Sanguinemoon. You just absorb propaganda and Goebbells would have loved you and others in similar mode. Because you cannot prove there was any invasion you have to fall back on the invasion prospects tripe.  It is bad enough that the ex-colonist media is so terribly bias without this additional nonsense. Your pal nation across the pond is the one with the unbeatable record of invading.  It is the West who has helped create the Ukrainian mess and it will now only get worse as you all just simply ignore what is in your faces. On top of that the impending frugal existence Ukrainians are going to have with IMF money conditions.

The utter farce of the West rushing to support a minority in Kiev overtyhrow an elected government is unimportant but when an elected one (Crimea) does something all hell break  loose. Some in Europe have come to realise that the Nazi lot have been released into the wider field. Germany is also still a bit concerned about sanctions which are not going to go anywhere.
Why not ask me to prove that on clear day, the sky is blue? The Russian troops spread from their base and took control of the peninsula and occupied it. That's an invasion. What would you ask me to prove next, the tea comes from leaves? You claim bias, but sometimes one side has little to no legitimate argument.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #492

From the NYTimes...
Russian President Putin to visit Germany.
"We're sorry; we seem to have lost this page,                                   
but we don't want to lose you."

That's the whole article?

It  should suffice for April Fools' Day :jester:

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #493
The Meeting between Kerry and Lavrov has ended, apparently without any agreement although Lavrov says it was positive.

The Russian position and intent is crystal clear:  Ukraine crisis: Ukraine does not work as ‘unified’ state warns Sergey Lavrov after talks with John Kerry break up.

Should that be done then it's almost inevitable that the Russian-speaking East will sooner or later fall into Russian hands. It's worrying that Lavrov should claim that Kerry is amenable to this idea. I just hope that Kerry is sophisticated enough not to get drawn into discussing blind alleys and obvious power plays aimed at more land-grabs.

The Rationale behind Putin's Russia (a common phrase I understand) is hypocritical in the extreme bearing in mind the amount of stirring that has gone on. The Ukraine is potentially a rich country and should be allowed to sort their own future, whatever that might be. It is not helpful for any countries to pre-judge the result and set up the very conditions which would precipitate it. That is precisely what Putin's Russia is doing.

However it's encouraging that there is diplomatic talk going on; at least the likelihood of armed conflict has reduced somewhat. Personally I would favour more sanctions of the non-trade version (i.e targeting high level cooperation over a range of areas) but leave the door open to future improvement after, but not before, Putin goes. Russia deserves someone with a few more "smarts".

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #495
Personally I would favour more sanctions of the non-trade version (i.e targeting high level cooperation over a range of areas) but leave the door open to future improvement after, but not before, Putin goes. Russia deserves someone with a few more "smarts".

Putin is 61 years old and in good shape. Hell, he swims with dolphins,shoots tigers and hunts with his shirt off.

Putin isn't going anywhere. What's your guess on how the next two or three elections go? :up: or :down:

And his partner?

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #496
Putin is 61 years old and in good shape. Hell, he swims with dolphins,shoots tigers and hunts with his shirt off.

Left alone he will stay for yet another term, having circumvented the Russian Constitution.

But I just try to put the blame in this silly adventure on where it belongs.

Vain people are more vulnerable to being ignored methinks.

If he comes around (and there are ways that he could do that) fair enough, but his present and near past conduct does not warrant any more red carpets or other trappings of a statesman.

In the meantime he has turned a large country (Ukraine) with reasonably good relations into a hostile neighbour and he has made Western Europe realise that traded dependency on Russia is a bad idea with the long term consequences that implies.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #497
I'm guessing that he'll stay on as long as he wants to. A recent poll shows his approval rating at 70 percent. Merkel's is 68 percent, Cameron's is 37 percent, and Obama's ... lets not go there.

I don't know if that was before or after Crimea, but his Crimea adventure could only help. Somebody more knowledgeable about Eastern Ukraine will have to say what a move there would result in. He's said that he won't go there.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #498
SF - if you are reading this - what is the purpose of the glove on Putin's right hand in the above photo? He seems to be right handed, but surely a glove on a trigger finger is not the best approach for accurate shooting. I'm open correction of course but do you think he thinks he's playing golf.

He seems even shorter than I thought if that grass height is anything to go by.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #499
Not SF, but it's a shooting glove.