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Topic: Tripe about Ukraine (Read 266460 times)

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #25
So he resurfaced in Russia? His life was threatened by some of the extremists nuts who now form the Kiev government. Neither am I going to get distracted by that daft comment about an Ulster comparison. The ex-Prsident of Ukraine was democratically elected and certified by international people and the system rubbed out by a coup of street protestors many of who are fanatical fascist inclined including in the new "government."  Now the acting President is taking a stance about the Crimea against the "legimate" government! I can hardly belive his brass neck.

Crimea was part of Russia when Josh's Red pals ran the then dictatorship and transferred the peninsular into Soviet Ukraine. I have said that if kiev worls on street people being allowed to take over the country then they have started a precedent and vwallah! - Crimea! The Western media and true to form comes out with gun carriers taking over the regional parliament down there and now 2 airports. Does that sound familiar to anyone? Kiev mark 2 BUT with less violence and deaths to report. The place is a Russian enclave and considering the self appointed lot in Kiev quite right to say they do not want to be part of something that they are totally and locally against.

Western leaders like Obama, Kerry and Cameron come out with this completely laughable stuff about Russia not interfering in Ukraine! You have to wonder about the mentality and sheer gall of such rubbish. It is okay for their pals in Kiev to bludgeon and shoot their way into power but woe behide anyone not in their pocket doing so.  Politicians from the West went into Ukraine and guffed about support and for non-violence yet fully aware that the opposition well included a sizeable extreme nationalist lot  were beating and killing.

If the West and the EEC continue to be behind this motley crowd of street fighters who think they will run Ukraine then Europe has a problem. Many follow the tradition that supported the SS in WW2 and unashamed and now are in government.  Now it seems there may well be a referendum down at the Crimea on  seceding and traditional home connections. Good luck to them a the referendum does take place as that is more democratic that what the West is supporting up north as the alternative is a cauldron of fire.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #27
And talk about sheer audacity with Obama warning about infringing sovereignty and interfering in another country?! Another example of somewhere that preaches rights and values but certainly does not exercise such themselves. Ukraine has been taken over by a minority and it does include some very nasty pro-Nazi people. On Friday night I watched an inteview with people from one of the "Nationalist" parties who stated quite frankly the word National Socialism.Another lot had badges quoting "88" representing the 8th letter of the alphabet twice for Heil Hitler. Some are in this artificially created government. In fact the Minister of Defence is a frightening nationalist and another has said no-one will take his gun, nife, etc away. How wonderful our Western media is in reporting. The Kiev Square was a hell place of violence and death but the mob did a coup and the West supports it. Now when others come out (and no killing) in Crimea and take a stand they are hinted as being terrible!

As for Ukraine and the EEC those Ukrainians who are desperate to be in that motley crowd of head banging wasters are bashing a daft cause.  Just look at the state of Europe in the EEC. There has been no clearance of it's annual accountancy by auditors for years. Ukraine thinks going into that bunch that will solve their problems - no it won't and they will then become like the Greeks, Portuguese and others on the tour round looking for a job or on the welfare system. It doesn't matter who you watch, Sky, ITV, BBC they are all so one-sided it is damnable.  I do hope the peninsular does do a referendum and as it was party independent anyway it will be a short move getting out the fiasco as they have been ignored by the weird bunch of new Kiev government who haven't a clue on running Christmas Club never mind a country.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #28
Hard-core heroe of the maidan?

He has left the maidan for now, there's much work to do in the Ukraine

Speaking with a state prosecutor

He also has the blessing of some clergyman like Rev. Mikhaylo Arsenych.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #29
Ukraine has been taken over by a minority...
You don't think they're a majority, do you?
Like in the last video?
...who stated quite frankly the word National Socialism.
The word or some National Socialism?
The thing is - let alone SOCIALISM (which is evil by itself) - the wordS themselves may just be considered hacked. Yeah, by NSDAP.
See, Britain does already have socualists in power, the USA has a socialist president. They just don't call themselves socialists.
Next, THE WORD "national", as an adjective to - what? ok, "socialism", "healthcare"? The word is ok. If you, for example, oppose the socialism in Britain going nationally - it doesn't make somebody a Nazy.
What I say -- THE WORDS are ok (except what I stated about socialism, of course).

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #31

And talk about sheer audacity with Obama warning about infringing sovereignty and interfering in another country?!

One could also say:

"And talk about sheer audacity with Putin warning about infringing sovereignty and interfering in another country?"

Hypocrisy rules!

cartoon in the Times

The outcome? The Crimea, a strategic "necessity" for Russia, separates from the Ukraine and becomes a Russian Vassal State.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #33

And talk about sheer audacity with Obama warning about infringing sovereignty and interfering in another country?!

One could also say:

"And talk about sheer audacity with Putin warning about infringing sovereignty and interfering in another country?"

Hypocrisy rules!

cartoon in the Times

The outcome? The Crimea, a strategic "necessity" for Russia separates from the Ukraine and becomes a Russian Vassal State.


Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #34
Just my personal, uninformed opinion-- take it for what it's worth:
I hear that Obama is threatening Putin, telling the Russian leader that he'd better not interfere with Ukraine problems. I have a suspicion that it's not so easy, and that in fact Russia has plenty of good cause to stick its oar into the Crimean situation.

You have a former state of the Soviet Union that broke away several years back, now in the midst of an internal revolution. This state borders Russia, so I would hazard a guess that it matters very much in the Kremlin which way things go in Ukraine. Russia  doesn't need a potentially hostile state on its borders, partly because it already has enough hostiles on its borders. Besides-- Obama, fair is fair. We send our ships, planes and men all over the world trying to make sure that foreign governments are friendly rather than hostile towards us -- or else then we want to warn Russia about interfering with a potentially hostile state on its border. Somehow, I'm not in a mood to blame the Kremlin a whole lot if they choose NOT to listen to  Washington.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #35
Well jimbro you live in a nation where hypocrisy is a global capital word inspiration. Your leadership is hand in glove with israel which has ignored the UN and the world time after time. You (and well you know I mean country so don't hive off on that stuff a usually do). Israel has long invaded sovereignty for it's own ends and has it's military and existence funded by America the great leader of the Free World (groan). Time after time DC has disrupted country after country and found excuses for war. Usually followed up by the corporate masters following for money making. Hundreds of military bases everywhere and contradicts it's own Founding Fathers on rights, freedom and much else.

As for Ukraine and minorities as referred to earlier.  The mobsters in the Kiev square who took over the nation were a minority and replaced a voted in government so because it suits the West at it's sniping on Russia that makes it okay. However in the East of Ukraine there have been a whole series of protests from people who object to then cabal that has taken over in Kiev.  Can I say mjsmsprt40 there is much in what you say but as a passing explanation  - just to clarify for you can I say that Crimea was part of Russia in the USSR days and long ago in Kruschov's time (?) he gave it to Ukraine So it wasn't taken off Russia so to speak. The majority there are Russian and from the start of the Ukranian link have always had their own provincial government.

Now Crimea has stated it will be holding a Referendum this month on it's position and may I also say that in the last 2 weeks over 140,000 Crimeans have applied for Russian passports. Up until now they had to have Ukrainian ones to get access to things lie pensions, etc. So Crimea IS Russian and I do hope they vote for a walk away rather than be under the clowns in Kiev. This may spread across the east as well in due course after they see what happens in Crimea and in the circumstances why not? Those in Kiev and the west of the country are hell bent on being in Europe and the EEC because the country is just on the edge of default and bankruptcy not only to Russai which dished out but other places.  So in the end either a Ukraine and a completely separate Crimea or perhaps an East and West Ukraine as the best solutions bceause neither is going to accept the other.

For the West to execrise the sheer gall towards Russia bearing in mind what we have done over theworld to suit ourselves is frankly absurd. As for the unpopular man in the White House he apart from being hopeless is incapable of doing anything. What a change to find the corporate global State that thinks it has a right to rule the world having a nation it cannot control. Not before time.

East Ukraine and Crimea should go their way and the West it's as the best solution. Come back in 10 years and the West half of the country will still be a banana republic run by a motley crew.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #36
As far as I could understand the Scottish English...
O'k, "the majority" is [almost] always passive. They "disappear" every moment when an action has to be undertaken, or a non-trivial decision made.
Those "majorities" sorta exist - physically (as a propagating mass), and statistically. But they don't exist regarding any decisions other than ALLOWED AND REQUIRED by the powers that be. I.e. polls, 'elections', that sort. THEN they do exist - SOMEHOW!!!...

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #37

Besides-- Obama, fair is fair. We send our ships, planes and men all over the world trying to make sure that foreign governments are friendly rather than hostile towards us -- or else then we want to warn Russia about interfering with a potentially hostile state on its border. Somehow, I'm not in a mood to blame the Kremlin a whole lot if they choose NOT to listen to  Washington.

There are things that Obama can do, but none of them will have the wanted effect, ie., to make Russia pull back. See...
This business is in Europe's backyard, and if they can't/won't do anything, what can the US do? Nothing. Personally, Americans have grown weary of our meddling abroad. We need to butt out.

Now, if Germany were to retool, perhaps.... ;D

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #38
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #39

This business is in Europe's backyard, and if they can't/won't do anything, what can the US do? Nothing. Personally, Americans have grown weary of our meddling abroad. We need to butt out.

Now, if Germany were to retool, perhaps.... ;D

No, thanks.
We ruled Crimea for a very short time before. That was enough. Let the US do it. They have the necessary experiece and the adequate 'tools' for doing so.
Besides, based on its high moral grounds the USA enjoys worldwide respect, trust and credibility ... :)

Last but not least Crimea and the Ukraine are also in Russia's backyard. Doesn't seem to make any difference for the USA anyway...

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #40

No, thanks.
We ruled Crimea for a very short time before. That was enough. Let the US do it. They have the necessary experiece and the adequate 'tools' for doing so.
Besides, based on its high moral grounds the USA enjoys worldwide respect, trust and credibility ... :)

Last but not least Crimea and the Ukraine are also in Russia's backyard. Doesn't seem to make any difference for the USA anyway...

Which USA would that be? Not mine, I assure you, but there many USAs.

Putinville will have it's way. I'll drink my caffeine free diet Coke, post on DnD and watch the final round of The Honda Classic golf tournament at 1 PM and the NASCAR race at 2:30 PM. I'm getting ready to prepare some Ramen Noodles in chicken stock that I made yesterday. My little USA is working just fine.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #41

Not mine, I assure you, but there many USAs.

I know
I also know that it isn't the USA of some US residents posting here on DnD neither.
But for the world there is only one USA no matter how each of its residents might feel or think. This applies for any other country too, unfortunately.  :(

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #42

I also know that it isn't the USA of some US residents posting here on DnD neither.
But for the world there is only one USA no matter how each of its residents might feel or think. This applies for any other country too, unfortunately.  :(

Which world?

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #44
It seems that Russia's borders now encompass the Crimea.

Putin has now control of the Crimea but appears to have lost control of himself.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #45

It seems that Russia's borders now encompass the Crimea.

Putin has now control of the Crimea but appears to have lost control of himself.
But he's in total control of his image.

Nice tits, Vladimir.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #46
Crimea became another Ossetia. I don't remember what Nato was saying at that time, but it was the same thing: Everybody talking, only Russia actually doing stuff.

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #47
A bit different.
Besides, did you know there was a guy, Khruschov, who in times of the USSR "redivided" the state - on which occasion the Crimea went to Ukraine. Which was not a big deal while there was an empire - but not later, '80s+. By many Russians the peninsula was thought to have been a RUSSIAN stronghold for long, aka "forever"...

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #48

A bit different.
Besides, did you know there was a guy, Khruschov, who in times of the USSR "redivided" the state - on which occasion the Crimea went to Ukraine. Which was not a big deal while there was an empire - but not later, '80s+. By many Russians the peninsula was thought to have been a RUSSIAN stronghold for long, aka "forever"...

Isn't there something in the Old Testament about Khruschov and Adam and Eve? And this, too.
"Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for Putin to enter the kingdom of God."

Such a good book!

Re: Tripe about Ukraine

Reply #49

A bit different.
Besides, did you know there was a guy, Khruschov, who in times of the USSR "redivided" the state - on which occasion the Crimea went to Ukraine. Which was not a big deal while there was an empire - but not later, '80s+. By many Russians the peninsula was thought to have been a RUSSIAN stronghold for long, aka "forever"...
I know full well that the borders of the "republics" within Soviet Union have been re-drawn, sometimes considerably, a number of times. Also, everybody knows that Russians have very difficult to distinguish between Russia and Soviet Union. Both are "nasha rodnaya strana". Even more, Russians have a hard time breaking apart from their great imperial past. Schizo situation for them, dangerous for themselves and for everyone close by.