ersi bought a white Boox Palma

I had one earlier Android e-reader for a while. I think it was Onyx Boox T68. It had the same 6.8" screen as Kobo H2O, but the interface made all the difference: There was no easy way to exit/revert to the home/main page despite the elaborate five-way hardware button, so I gifted it away.
Boox Palma is massively better in terms of convenient user interface navigation. Also the hardware specs are such that swipes are genuinely snappy and the touchscreen mostly reacts as expected, ranking up there with an average smartphone, which is frankly awesome. It doesn't have phone features though.
There's a microSD card slot, exceedingly rare to have these days (this was a weighty factor for me). No 3.5mm headphone jack though (probably okay, as I haven't noticed myself using headphones on an e-reader). USB-C connector and three somewhat configurable hardware buttons along the edges.
Google Play is pre-installed, but entirely optional. There's no forced account creation of any kind upon first startup. No compulsory connecting to the internet ever. Thus very (privacy-)friendly first setup.
What to say about the screen? Maybe not the best reading experience upright, but certainly a decent experience sideways on Logitech K480 keyboard, which is how I intend to spend most of my time with it.
My main plan for the device is to have a convenient portable Termux+Emacs setup on eink. But I installed Koreader also. Koreader has a decent out-of-the box experience on Boox Palma, except it fails to connect with the device's frontlight. The appropriate gestures on Koreader produce messages like "Frontlight enabled" and "Frontlight disabled", but the actual effect is nil. (This I discovered in the first ten minutes of trying.)
Current state of my eink collection in the order of intensity of usage:
- Pocketbook Inkpad 3
- Kobo Mini 5"
- Onyx Boox Mira 13.3" monitor
- Onyx Boox Palma
- Kobo H2O
- Pocketbook Inkpad 4