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Topic: Replacing Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia (Read 61055 times)

Re: Replacing Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia

Reply #75

Given that Obama has 11 months left that should leave several months of political theatre. Obamas promise of taking his time should add to that. I find it unlikely any candidate or president won't have a very short shortlist. Had they only had the same diligence for ambassadors...

Sweden to get new US envoy after 9-month wait

Quote from: The Local

The US Senate confirmed the appointment last month of former JP Morgan banker Azita Raji as its new ambassador to Sweden, after presidential hopeful Ted Cruz ended his senate blockade on “political nominees”.  ...

Ted Cruz, a Republican senator from Texas, began his blockage last summer, sending a letter to President Obama warning of plans “to block all nominees for the Department of State and hold any legislation that reauthorizes funds for the Department of State,” unless he received assurances on what described as the "catastrophic Iranian nuclear deal".

Sweden has been without a US ambassador since Mark Brzezinski ended his four-year stint in Stockholm at the start of July to take up a post as Executive Director of the US government's Arctic Executive Steering Committee.

Raji’s Iranian background will be welcomed by Sweden’s 63,828 Swedish Iranians, who have become one of the country’s most successful immigrant groups since fleeing Iran after the 1979 Islamic Revolution, with several prominent MPs, writers, musicians, sportspeople and scientists. ...

In neighbouring Norway the ambassador's office sat empty for more than 900 days. Oslo finally expects to welcome the new US Ambassador, Samuel Heins, next week.

Yay, after a mere three years wait, Norway will finally have a US ambassador until the next election.

Re: Replacing Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia

Reply #76
Well the appointment of that ambassador is perfectly in line with the corporate controllers.  :cheers:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Replacing Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia

Reply #77
Why would the U.S. need an ambassador to Norway…? (Are they going to side with the Germans, again? :) )
What difference does Norway make, in the modern world?
Indeed, what difference does Europe make…?

What difference does the replacement of Justice Antonin Scalia make to us here?
I know what it means to me. And I know what it means to our Democrats. What I don't understand is what difference it makes to Brits and Europeans…

Anyone care to explain it to me? :) (You can be honest: No one reads this…)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Replacing Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia

Reply #78
Now deosn't that reply typical of the ridiculous stance that unfortunately makes the country look stupid? I will tell you what your country has done with it's size, Oakdale. created wars, deposed people leaving a mess, fully practiced modern imperialism and when sown people in your mindset start looking into the past elsewhere because your mind cannot cope. If you do not appreciate small countries that shows an arrogance and snidey attitude of aloofness and ignorance.

On the subject of the replacement judge making no difference here or in Europe a teenager could work that one out simply. But what you equally choose to suitably bypass is that those judges are controlled by the political masters and put in vi a political dimension. Sad.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Replacing Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia

Reply #79
I will tell you what your country has done with it's size, Oakdale. created wars, deposed people leaving a mess, fully practiced modern imperialism
Who taught us? :) It's not just a case of the pot calling the kettle black… Yours is a chamber pot…
On the subject of the replacement judge making no difference here or in Europe a teenager could work that one out simply […]
And yet you can't? :) I'm not surprised!
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Replacing Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia

Reply #80
Typical. You try to drift into the past somewhere else and totally avoid the modern imperialism your country is hooked on. When the obvious does not suit you hermit book status then look to somewhere else rather than face the truth. Your judges are publicly footered about with by the politicians and traditionally appointed in political standing. Why do you ignore the obvious?
"Quit you like men:be strong"


Re: Replacing Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia

Reply #81
Howie, why do you pretend to understand things that you obviously haven't the intellect to even faintly grasp? :) You're not fooling anybody…
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Replacing Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia

Reply #82

Why would the U.S. need an ambassador to Norway…? (Are they going to side with the Germans, again? :) )
What difference does Norway make, in the modern world?
Indeed, what difference does Europe make…?

What difference does the replacement of Justice Antonin Scalia make to us here?
I know what it means to me. And I know what it means to our Democrats. What I don't understand is what difference it makes to Brits and Europeans…

Anyone care to explain it to me? :) (You can be honest: No one reads this…)

Side with the Germans? That was a confusing aside. Northern Europeans tend to be overall aligned in the global scale of things, and Germany is a top trade partner, but politically Germany is not Norway's significant other. Britain (and their former colonies) might be, and Sweden certainly is. To Sweden Russia is historically the significant other.

In the same global scale of things Norway doesn't matter much. It only has 0.07% of the world's population. That is even slightly less than Scotland (or the state of Minnesota), though probably not for long. Norway's population is 5.01 megapeople and Scotland has 5.36 megapeople. However half a century ago Scotland had the same population as now, just a couple townfulls less, while Norway at the time had between 3½ and 4 megapeople. The USA, with 326 megapeople and 4.4% of the world's population, is obviously more important to the world.

50 years back the USA had 195 megapeople, while China had ¾ gigapeople and India ½ gigapeople, out of a a population of 3.3 gigapeople. In other words China had nearly a quarter of the world's population and India nearly a sixth. Today both countries have around a sixth of the world's population (18% and 16.6% respectively). The difference is that neither country mattered then, now China matters, and soon India matters.

Does diplomacy matter? Of course it does. It won't change the powers in the world, but it can change how they are marshalled. Do embassies matter? Can they be replaced by a web page and up-in-the-clouds spying? The answers seem to be yes and no respectively, subject to regular reevaluation. Do US ambassadors matter? That is an open question, maybe they don't, in which case embassies may be better off without them.

Do US supreme justices matter? To the outside world not a lot. They rarely constrain presidents in their foreign policy. When Scalia died it got a mention in European media, primarily as something to make the US presidential elections more interesting. Practically all articles are on Donald Trump anyway, with a little on Clinton vs Sanders, for balance's sake.

Obviously the Supreme Court matter more to the people living there. If the ambassadorship matters little, more time and attention should be taken for court openings. If an ambassador needs 3 years, I would think 15 years deliberations should be about appropriate for a new Justice.

Re: Replacing Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia

Reply #83
I will let the Oakdale corporate Republican brained waffle on.  Yes in real terms there has been a modest increase in the Scott population but I would think that is due to the immigration side. Not yet like the mess there is down in England but the indigenous family rations have declined for some time as in the rest of GB and across Europe.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Replacing Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia

Reply #84
Yes in real terms there has been a modest increase in the Scott population but I would think that is due to the immigration side.

The immigration side will lead to a new Scottish flag.

Re: Replacing Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia

Reply #85
The Mexican flag will no doubt be in a high position in the ex-colonies before the wall goes up (mind you the existing fence isn't a stop) . As for Caledonia ending up inder that rag one must remember that I live there. Nuff said.  :happy:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Replacing Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia

Reply #86
Taking about walls.

President Reagan said "Mr Gorbachev, tear down that wall."

And now we have "lets build a wall."

Re: Replacing Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia

Reply #87
Jochie, there's a difference between telling people they can't leave and telling people there are rules they need to follow to come in…

BTW: Howie, do you not want to procreate with the available stock, or are you poof? :) (I'm sorry, already, for this comment. But I'm sorrier for your acceptance of your country's decline…) What the heck happened, boy-o?!
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Replacing Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia

Reply #88
You really cannot see much from your hermit corner can you Oakdale?? The widespread US poverty, interference with the rights and freedom of your people and the imperial military industry. What a dear, oh dear insult you are to thinking and progressive minded ex-colonists!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Replacing Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia

Reply #89
It's the "progressive minded ex-colonists" -as you call them- who've given us the current mess… Certainly, a great many so-called conservatives helped. But, on the part of the progressives, it was the goal! (You've heard of Alinsky? — Wait! Who am I asking? :) )
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Replacing Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia

Reply #90
Well Oakdale I would say that both parties are to blame as they get power but the statistics that are negative do not essentially change unfortunately. Such a crying shame.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Replacing Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia

Reply #91
The Mexican flag will no doubt be in a high position in the ex-colonies before the wall goes up (mind you the existing fence isn't a stop) .

I once suggested that we build simple towers every 300 to 500 yards or so, & install hired sharpshooters to man them.

As an incentive, place a per head bounty on anyone & everyone that attempts to cross into the USA illegally.  And yes, that's restrictions.

I guarantee that within weeks the illegal immigration problem will slow to a mere trickle, if that, compared to today's rate.

Remember, no one has a right of entry into the USA without being previously given a specific legal permission, via the proper channels, to do so........period.

Re: Replacing Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia

Reply #92
Antonin Scalia was the best friend of creationism, but still creationism (Intelligent Design theory) lost in courts and now Scalia is dead. So Supreme Court judges are irrelevant. Doesn't matter who replaces him.

Re: Replacing Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia

Reply #93
Antonin Scalia was the best friend of creationism, but still creationism (Intelligent Design theory) lost in courts and now Scalia is dead. So Supreme Court judges are irrelevant. Doesn't matter who replaces him.
Is RT the only news source you get? :)

Please give me even one credible source for your "Scalia was the best friend of creationism" claim… (Merely saying that he was Catholic won't do, ersi. How about something that Scalia himself wrote? :) ) I'll wait…
It's good to see that your logic remains non sequitur-oriented.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Replacing Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia

Reply #94
You have a nerve regarding that RT comment after all so many of yours are hooked on that Fox stuff.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Replacing Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia

Reply #95
RJ, you probably watch Fox News more than I do… :) But let's see if ersi can come up with any cites…
Patience is a virtue!
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Replacing Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia

Reply #96
Merely saying that he was Catholic won't do, ersi.

Since when ersi said that such a nobody nonexistant ignorant idiot, like you, was a Catholic?
Merely posting imbecilities doesn't give you any credit at a civilized european forum dear Oakdale.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Replacing Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia

Reply #97
Could you be a little more incoherent, Bel? :)
Justice Scalia was a Catholic. ersi claimed that he was a "friend of creationism" and Intelligent Design Theory (…I'd dispute the appellation "theory," because it doesn't provide testable predictions; but that's another topic.) — which "has lost in [the] courts" and, hence, his replacement is beside the point!
Do you (…can you follow that logic?!)
If so, please explain it to me…

First, creationism and Intelligent Design are not matters for any American court. Nor is Neo-Darwinism or any other form of the Theory of Evolution. We don't "settle" matters of philosophy and science by judicial fiat; that's not their ambit.
Antonin Scalia certainly understood that!

Second —until I see specific cites showing otherwise— I'll keep my original estimation of J. Scalia: a good judge and committed constitutionalist. That is to say, I doubt he'd let his religious feelings trump his scholarly understanding of the law… (Not to say he wouldn't say where traditional morality had been transgressed!)

Third, just because someone has died doesn't mean their life and works disappear… There's history, you know! (Are double-negatives so common in Portuguese? How are they interpreted? Try using elementary logic, or struggle to use Venn Diagrams or the syllogistic…)

Fourth, I don't have a fourth point. Kinda like you didn't have a first one! But, in your defense, neither did ersi…! :)
(This was added while I was typing…)
Merely posting imbecilities doesn't give you any credit at a civilized european forum dear Oakdale.
There's an obvious retort —that I won't use!— but your so-called "civilization" seems to be coming apart at all of its seams…
Is everything you can't understand imbecilic, Bel? :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Replacing Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia

Reply #98

Could you be a little more incoherent, Bel? :)
Justice Scalia was a Catholic. ersi claimed that he was a "friend of creationism" and Intelligent Design Theory (…I'd dispute the appellation "theory," because it doesn't provide testable predictions; but that's another topic.) — which "has lost in [the] courts" and, hence, his replacement is beside the point!
Do you (…can you follow that logic?!)
If so, please explain it to me…

First, creationism and Intelligent Design are not matters for any American court. Nor is Neo-Darwinism or any other form of the Theory of Evolution. We don't "settle" matters of philosophy and science by judicial fiat; that's not their ambit.
Antonin Scalia certainly understood that!

Second —until I see specific cites showing otherwise— I'll keep my original estimation of J. Scalia: a good judge and committed constitutionalist. That is to say, I doubt he'd let his religious feelings trump his scholarly understanding of the law… (Not to say he wouldn't say where traditional morality had been transgressed!)

Third, just because someone has died doesn't mean their life and works disappear… There's history, you know! (Are double-negatives so common in Portuguese? How are they interpreted? Try using elementary logic, or struggle to use Venn Diagrams or the syllogistic…)

Fourth, I don't have a fourth point. Kinda like you didn't have a first one! But, in your defense, neither did ersi…! :)

Merely posting imbecilities doesn't give you any credit at a civilized european forum dear Oakdale. No one gives a fuck about your "judge" and even less to your "supreme court" or your "constitution".
You say your litle judge is a Catholic and that ersi call him a creationist...  well, ersi is not a Catholic and why do I should care about it? ask ersi and don't bother me.
Let the peace be with you American.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Replacing Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia

Reply #99
And yet you take the time to re-post… Must be pretty boring, in Portugal, eh? :) (Aren't you tending to your vegetable garden? You don't have serfs anymore, do you?)

When you say "let the peace be with you" you apparently mean take insults lying down? Your "intellect" seems to have become much the same as that of Donald J. Trump: 8th grade schoolyard…

Or have you decided to just be a Troll? :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)