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Topic: Collection of Guns (Read 16976 times)

Collection of Guns

@Smiley Faze:

As we are the only two known gun owners, I figured that we should have our own thread to discuss what all guns we have.
My Grandfather was nearly  life-long member of the NRA, and my Dad inherited his impressive collection. (As such, I have access to any pistol, shotgun, etc, I need/want at any time.)

So, to start off, which gun do you use for hunting?

Re: Collection of Guns

Reply #1
I use my .308 with an ancient Leupold scope.

I have missed only 3 deer with it, ever. I call her Old Faithful.

Re: Collection of Guns

Reply #2
As we are the only two known gun owners

Aww. My southern brother has left me out.

Anyway, My Old Faithful is my 30-30, backed up by my .357mag. Between the two if something needs shootin' it'll get done proper. I have a favorite shotgun and several others of the hand-me-down type but mostly show pieces.  

Re: Collection of Guns

Reply #3
As we are the only two known gun owners, I figured that we should have our own thread to discuss what all guns we have.

As an American you'd doubtless scoff at a mere air rifle, but my father owns quite a nice spring-piston rifle. We've had some fun shooting at targets (including e.g. a bottle or two). Make no mistake; you wouldn't want to be hit by one of those.

For the other type of gun, you'd need to be a member of a shooting club, prove you have a proper safe in which to store guns and ammo, and such. It doesn't really seem worth the trouble.

Re: Collection of Guns

Reply #4

As we are the only two known gun owners

Aww. My southern brother has left me out.

Anyway, My Old Faithful is my 30-30, backed up by my .357mag. Between the two if something needs shootin' it'll get done proper. I have a favorite shotgun and several others of the hand-me-down type but mostly show pieces.  

Ah!! My bad @ensbb3.
I forgot you had made the transition over here.

Re: Collection of Guns

Reply #5

As we are the only two known gun owners, I figured that we should have our own thread to discuss what all guns we have.

As an American you'd doubtless scoff at a mere air rifle, but my father owns quite a nice spring-piston rifle. We've had some fun shooting at targets (including e.g. a bottle or two). Make no mistake; you wouldn't want to be hit by one of those.

For the other type of gun, you'd need to be a member of a shooting club, prove you have a proper safe in which to store guns and ammo, and such. It doesn't really seem worth the trouble.

Nah, I wouldn't scoff at all.

They are dead useful. I use them to shoot unwanted animals away from the house all the time.

Re: Collection of Guns

Reply #6
In his draft army days, I believe my dad had to use an M1 Garand. Back in the '50s, Dutch army material consisted mostly of cheap WW2 leftovers bought from the Americans. Leaving it here was cheaper than shipping it back. Selling it to local allied armed forces for cheap was better still. The brilliant plan in case of a Soviet invasion? Retreat all to Italy, hold the ground there, and wait for American reinforcements.

Re: Collection of Guns

Reply #7

@Smiley Faze:

As we are the only two known gun owners, I figured that we should have our own thread to discuss what all guns we have.
My Grandfather was nearly  life-long member of the NRA, and my Dad inherited his impressive collection. (As such, I have access to any pistol, shotgun, etc, I need/want at any time.)

So, to start off, which gun do you use for hunting?

First off, unlike many years ago, I rarely do any sports/game hunting these days -- only 3 trips in the last 6 years.

Nothing of any note for the last 3-4 years.

Shooting animals was interesting years ago, but I soon found it a bit tiring.


The only thing that I might remotely consider nowadays is a good wild pig hunt in heavy bush using only a crossbow, & an all important sidearm.

Hearing your adversary breathing close by can raise the level of excitement a notch, knowing full well he has many advantages over you (scent, sound, & intimate knowledge of the domain) 

In the last few years or so, 99%+ of all my 'legal' shooting has been at the range, otherwise I enjoy some occasional off-road plinking.

I had a lil 'fun' on the Mexican Border a short while back, but that's a different story for another day.

In all honesty, my most pleasurable hunts were hunting 2 legged targets.

Targets, that if not extremely careful, at a moments turn could reverse the tables...turn you from hunter into the hunted.

So, back to your question, if I were to go hunting for say deer/elk/goat/bear I'd probably use something like a Weatherby Mark V (.300 Mag) with a cute lil Swarovski Z6 Scope.

I always carry a sidearm, so I'd probably be carting something like a Ruger Blackhawk (.44 Spec) just in case I want to get up close & personal, or Mr. FuzzyWuzzy decides to pay me an unexpected visit.

Re: Collection of Guns

Reply #8
I have a Foil, an Épée and a Sabre.
A Gentleman needs no more.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Collection of Guns

Reply #9

@Smiley Faze:

As we are the only two known gun owners, I figured that we should have our own thread to discuss what all guns we have.
My Grandfather was nearly  life-long member of the NRA, and my Dad inherited his impressive collection. (As such, I have access to any pistol, shotgun, etc, I need/want at any time.)

So, to start off, which gun do you use for hunting?

First off, unlike many years ago, I rarely do any sports/game hunting these days -- only 3 trips in the last 6 years.

Nothing of any note for the last 3-4 years.

Shooting animals was interesting years ago, but I soon found it a bit tiring.


The only thing that I might remotely consider nowadays is a good wild pig hunt in heavy bush using only a crossbow, & an all important sidearm.

Hearing your adversary breathing close by can raise the level of excitement a notch, knowing full well he has many advantages over you (scent, sound, & intimate knowledge of the domain) 

In the last few years or so, 99%+ of all my 'legal' shooting has been at the range, otherwise I enjoy some occasional off-road plinking.

I had a lil 'fun' on the Mexican Border a short while back, but that's a different story for another day.

In all honesty, my most pleasurable hunts were hunting 2 legged targets.

Targets, that if not extremely careful, at a moments turn could reverse the tables...turn you from hunter into the hunted.

So, back to your question, if I were to go hunting for say deer/elk/goat/bear I'd probably use something like a Weatherby Mark V (.300 Mag) with a cute lil Swarovski Z6 Scope.

I always carry a sidearm, so I'd probably be carting something like a Ruger Blackhawk (.44 Spec) just in case I want to get up close & personal, or Mr. FuzzyWuzzy decides to pay me an unexpected visit.

I see.

Yeah, regrettably, I've not been able to go hunting in two (!) years.
I do miss it, but will eventually get out and hunt again.

@Belfrager: Hunting is in our homo sapien's instincts. Try not to push it away, eh? :)

Re: Collection of Guns

Reply #10
@Belfrager: Hunting is in our homo sapien's instincts. Try not to push it away, eh?

Yes, I know and I support sustainable hunting very much. Every children should learn how to hunt.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Collection of Guns

Reply #12
I have two pistols by the way.
Illegal and forbidden. :)

And some other things. Not too big collection.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Collection of Guns

Reply #13

I have two pistols by the way.
Illegal and forbidden. :)

And some other things. Not too big collection.


@Josh: Thankee so much for #GrammarNazi'ing my post. Don't know what I'd do without you, lad.


Re: Collection of Guns

Reply #15

@Belfrager: Thankee so much for #GrammarNazi'ing my post. Don't know what I'd do without you, lad.

Don't you mean Josh? :right:

Right you are, Sir.

In another thread, I had been busy trying to antagonize Howie and Belfrager into a pi**ing match. Must have had Belfrager in mind when posting that.  

Re: Collection of Guns

Reply #17
Oh here we got again. A corner for the country that has never matured from the days of the Wild West.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Collection of Guns

Reply #18

Oh here we got again. A corner for the country that has never matured from the days of the Wild West.

Oh, here we got again, the Scotty from the sweetest spot on earth, who finds himself once again in a single-handed, world saving crusade against Americanism.

Hey rj .......  

Re: Collection of Guns

Reply #19
Oh here we got again. A corner for the country that has never matured from the days of the Wild West.

Let the guys enjoy their hobby without going off topic and venturing into debate on the rights or wrongs of guns.  DnD Central is the place for such discussions.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Collection of Guns

Reply #21
Exactly ...... 100%

This place is fer hobbies.

Re: Collection of Guns

Reply #22
Purdey has beautiful engraved guns. I remember one in the family that I have to look where it is.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Collection of Guns

Reply #23
I am considering getting the  .44 Magnum out for some target practice before too long.
(Whenever I have time, which is not much anymore these days. :( )

Re: Collection of Guns

Reply #24
Like this  [glow=black,2,300]Ruger 50th Anniversary Super Blackhawk .44[/glow]

Gotta love it!

Though I have yet to purchase my own, I have fired them & they are quite the treat.......Great balance, comfortable grip, & reasonably accurate.

I gave my cousin a matching pair of Colt Anacondas for his 50 birthday a few years back (his choice).

They're nice too, but personally I wasn't too fond of the "feel".