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Topic: Suggestions, bugs and questions (Read 4285 times)

Suggestions, bugs and questions

First of all, I'm very impressed with Otter Browser. What a nice project! From the audacity to the achievements, I have so many compliments :)

I have a little list of suggestions, bugs and questions. I hope I can help you someway. I'm using Windows x86 #103 build.

Create shortcuts for:
. Transfer (CTRL+J)
. History (CTRL+SHIFT+H)

On History/Transfer tab make possible to:
. Use mouse gestures
. Select all items (CTRL+A) or some items (SHIFT+UP/DOWN)

On Transfer tab:
. Downloading something through the Quick Download works but you can't see it on the list
. When a download starts, don't go to the Transfer tab (or make it configurable)

Add known mouse gestures/shortcuts, like:
. Copy current tab to a new one (down -> up)
. Minimize tab (down -> left)
. Restore 100% zoom (CTRL+WHEEL_CLICK)

On address bar:
. Complete with 'www' and '.com' if user types something and press CTRL+ENTER
. Always put the domain in the first position of the URL suggestions

On Otter About dialog:
. Put architecture info (x86 or x64)

AdBlock dialog:
. I can't access it when menu bar is hidden

Possible bug:
. Open a new private window, now you can't have transfer or history tab if it's opened in the other window, and vice-versa
. Source (CTRL+U) sometimes show me the source for a few seconds then the tab goes blank. Example:
. On text boxes (like this post on editing mode) CTRL+LEFT/RIGHT shoudn't work as navigation shortcut
. Twitter seems to have some issues with image loading. Example:

. Is it possible to direct Magnet links to an external program (Transmission, uTorrent, etc)? I can use them with Opera, but with Otter I receive an error
. Is it possible to get a 100% portable installation (without any Otter Registry entry)?

Thanks in advance and keep going!

Re: Suggestions, bugs and questions

Reply #1
some of the items you mention are already configurable - you can adjust the keyboard shortcuts in
Preferences: Advanced: Keyboard: Default - Edit...
there is a list of functions, which can be called via shortcuts.
I agree, that those ones can be added to the standard setting (unless I am missing some collision etc.).
There is some support for adjusting mouse gestures too, but there are plans for adding some enhancements:
Preferences: Advanced: Mouse ...
I can confirm the transfers window being unavailable in private windows and the source content disappearing for the mentioned page. (using win32 otter webkit, weekly 103 on win7).
I guess, you probably know the command line parameter --portable (but I didn't check the registry entries).


Re: Suggestions, bugs and questions

Reply #2

you can adjust the keyboard shortcuts

Thanks! But what I mean is what you said here:

I agree, that those ones can be added to the standard setting (unless I am missing some collision etc.).

I guess, you probably know the command line parameter --portable (but I didn't check the registry entries).

I wasn't aware of this parameter. Great! :)

Re: Suggestions, bugs and questions

Reply #3
I've just added another two suggestions:

. When a download starts, don't go to the Transfer tab (or make it configurable). This is how Opera 12.x, Firefox and Chromium family usually behave.
. I can't access AdBlock dialog when menu bar is hidden.

Re: Suggestions, bugs and questions

Reply #4
You can configure this behaviour in
Preferences: All settings: Browser: TransferStartingAction: ...
Probably openBackgroundTab is the one you need

Content blocking settings is available via right mouse button context menu of the page.
Probably it could be added to the simplified menu too, e.g. to "Page" submenu (one can configure the content of the menus via json, if it were really important).

   and best wishes for the New Year to everyone...


Re: Suggestions, bugs and questions

Reply #5
Right! :)

Another thing: I can't use AdBlocking when I'm running with '--portable' flag. It simply doesn't block any ad. Can you confirm?

Happy new year for you too!

Re: Suggestions, bugs and questions

Reply #6

Another thing: I can't use AdBlocking when I'm running with '--portable' flag. It simply doesn't block any ad. Can you confirm?

for me, the content blocker is working with the --portable flag without any difference (on Windows7).
Do you use some non-restricted user folder for the program? - the flag --portable means the profile data is stored in a subfolder of the program folder itself (rather than the user profile of the operating system).
On more recent Windows systems, writing to system folder such as Program Files is restricted and Otter might not  work correctly with the --portable flag in such location. (It might be similar on other systems too.)

Re: Suggestions, bugs and questions

Reply #7
Hmmm... I've just tried with the beta9V2 and it's working.  :P


Re: Suggestions, bugs and questions

Reply #8

I guess, you probably know the command line parameter --portable (but I didn't check the registry entries).

The command line parameter is tiresome IMHO. You have to perform it at each browser start.
I'm not the kind of user who leaves his browser (or computer) on for days, weeks or months.
And don't suggest me to write a batch file for such a trivial task. :)

Re: Suggestions, bugs and questions

Reply #9

I guess, you probably know the command line parameter --portable (but I didn't check the registry entries).

The command line parameter is tiresome IMHO. You have to perform it at each browser start.
I'm not the kind of user who leaves his browser (or computer) on for days, weeks or months.
And don't suggest me to write a batch file for such a trivial task. :)

If you are on windows (as it appears in your user info), you may edit the shortcuts (lnk files) to include the flags after the program path.
Conceptually it looks like the same as a batch file, but the shortcuts are rather usual in this context; You'd need to adjust all the shortcuts you use (on desktop, in the menu,  main panel...

Re: Suggestions, bugs and questions

Reply #10
@fulalas, as already noted by vbr many of these suggestions are planned or even have own tickets (or are part of bigger tickets).
That issue with source viewer is already fixed and fix will be available in next weekly (tomorrow).

Is it possible to direct Magnet links to an external program (Transmission, uTorrent, etc)? I can use them with Opera, but with Otter I receive an error

Not yet, it's work in progress.

The command line parameter is tiresome IMHO. You have to perform it at each browser start.

This is why it is possible to create arguments.txt next to otter-browser.exe and put there own list of command line parameters. ;-)
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: Suggestions, bugs and questions

Reply #11

This is why it is possible to create arguments.txt next to otter-browser.exe and put there own list of command line parameters. ;-)

Thanks Emdek. My bad, didn't know about that.

Re: Suggestions, bugs and questions

Reply #12

@fulalas, as already noted by vbr many of these suggestions are planned or even have own tickets (or are part of bigger tickets).

Luckily almost all my suggestions are easy to implement (CTRL+ENTER completing with 'www' and '.com' is specially easy and helpful). I'm a Qt developer too, but unfortunately I haven't had much time lately to help you. :(

That issue with source viewer is already fixed and fix will be available in next weekly (tomorrow).

I see. Thanks! :)

it is possible to create arguments.txt next to otter-browser.exe and put there own list of command line parameters. ;-)

I wasn't aware of this. Beautiful!