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Topic: What's Going on in Europe (Read 275375 times)

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #175
The election of the far right in both the UK and France was notable in the afore-mentioned elections.

So too was the election of that far left bunch in Greece.

Seems to be quite the interesting time for the EU, for sure.

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #176
Europe is collapsing.
However, Europe's importance is such that it's collapse will lead the others to disappear. There's no tomorrow without Europe.
All this will take hundred years to solve, another dark ages are inevitably approaching .
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #177
Years ago we had a referendum about joining the "Common Market." However this evolved into a political rubbish and we never got a referendum to accept that massive change did we? The EEC is a damn mess and it just cannot get out of the shambles over it's own currency and how thankful I am we kept the pound. And let us remember too that the EEC Parliament has never yet got it's books cleared by auditors so how do they still get away with that one? Try that in a business and you are out on your ear. Having two parliament buildings was another ridiculous travelling expense. They squabble well but cannot solve the financial debacle they self-created.

Personally, Europe is fine for a holiday and have been in France and the Netherlands twice but have nothing in common with it at al all and pleased we are separated by water. I wouldn't put the EEC in charge of a public lavatory.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #178

There's no tomorrow without Europe.
All this will take hundred years to solve, another dark ages are inevitably approaching .

You mean another hundred years until dark ages? This is kind of disappointing. I am impatient already. I hope for a faster end of the world so my painful mortgage goes into the black hole of history sooner.

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #179
Bad news, Ersi. Mortgages will survive. That and taxes.
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #180
Too true Belfrager although I am content at the moment as my tax has been reduced......
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #181
Quote from: Belfrager

......... Mortgages will survive. That and taxes.

Don't have any mortgages on any of my residences -- all paid in full, my property taxes have been paid years in advance, so the only taxes I really have to pay are related to sales in one way or another, so that's why I prefer to lease rather than own.

  I'm patiently waiting for the Socialist Politicians to run out of other peoples money, so when the free stuff they've been promising all dries up, & the creditors demand payment, the government dependent peasants will rise up,  storm the gates, shoot all the politicians, & set fire to the socialized world!

When the fire dies out, & people come down to the harsh reality that nothing is actually 'free' -- it's all 'pay as you go', then we can start all over again....sort of like a rebirth so to speak.

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #183
You pay taxes in advance?
For the State, the last centime at the last minute, my motto.

Taxes always goes up every year.
I pay 10 years in advance, at today's lower rates, for which I receive special access & future considerations if needed.

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #184
I pay 10 years in advance, at today's lower rates, for which I receive special access & future considerations if needed.

There are better, way better, investments.
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #185
There are better, way better, investments.

Well, If I ever needed intercession with any governmental agency, in say another State or even another country, I have opened doors to make the requests, & have successfully on many occasion, thanks to the invention of Alexander Graham Bell - the American Inventor & Citizen. (suck that up RJ)

Understand, that I do way more than simply paying my taxes in advance.....I've built parks & playgrounds out of my own pocket.

I've facilitated professional  instruction for hundreds of law enforcement officers in the use of self-defense, counter-terrorism techniques, & all degrees & forms of firearms & ballistics training at little or no cost.

An oh yes, I almost forgot, I've also made numerous political contributions, even to some demonrats.

These, just skim the surface.

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #186
A typical Republican ex-colonists there SmileyFaze, Represents people who think the tens of millions of US poor are un-American. Although Bell is taken as inventing sound communication there are others who were also in the field such as Innocenzo Manzetti and others. Bell was more fortunate than them. And anyway dear ne-co fanatic Bell came from Scotland so be thankful he left Edinburgh or you wouldn't be doing as you lot always do and think you can claim everything. Suck on that. We are drifting from Europe.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #187
We just received a letter by the bank about something called FATCA. The Republican Party seems to have the right idea about it:

WHEREAS, The United States is effectively the only country in the world that taxes foreign income of its citizens who are living abroad and who already pay taxes where they reside, creating enormous reporting burdens for American taxpayers living overseas, and putting them at great risk for penalties for even the slightest innocent mistake;

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #188
FATCA by reputation is significantly worse, but beg to differ about "only country". I have moved from Norway to Sweden but will still have to pay taxes to Norway for the next 3 (4) years.

Not to worry, the Swedish tax lady said, Sweden and Norway have a tax agreement, you won't be taxed twice (which is one thing that supposedly can happen with FATCA), we'll only take what Norway doesn't.

Great, so in the next few years I will live under a maximal tax regime. I will pay to Norway or to Sweden, whichever is to my greatest disfavour.

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #189
FATCA by reputation is significantly worse, but beg to differ about "only country". I have moved from Norway to Sweden but will still have to pay taxes to Norway for the next 3 (4) years.

Yet you are fully employed and residing in Sweden?

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #190
Wasn't there a news report that Europe now had a zero interest rate and no indication of progress? Thank goodnes Gt Britain never got involved with that damn currency. Our economy is now doing better than most across there.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #191
The front page of ECB website always reflects the current key rates

Marginal lending facility    0.40 %
Main refinancing operations (fixed rate)    0.15 %
Deposit facility    − 0.10 %

It's the deposit key rate which went negative a few days ago. The institutionally admitted deflation starts when the operations rate goes negative.

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #192
And not everyone in Europe is jumping for joy on sanctions either.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #194
Europe is already like that, it doesn't bothers me, by the contrary, that's Europe's biggest richness.

Maybe our friends from other places of the world don't realize that each and every one of those areas represents a People that identifies themselves since immemorial times as different from the neighbors, are recognized as being different by the others, speaks differently, thinks differently, and lives differently.
A matter of attitude.

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #195
Not that immemorial...

Europeans drawn from three ancient 'tribes'

The modern European gene pool was formed when three ancient populations mixed within the last 7,000 years, Nature journal reports.

Blue-eyed, swarthy hunters mingled with brown-eyed, pale skinned farmers as the latter swept into Europe from the Near East.

But another, mysterious population with Siberian affinities also contributed to the genetic landscape of the continent.

The findings are based on analysis of genomes from nine ancient Europeans.

Agriculture originated in the Near East - in modern Syria, Iraq and Israel - before expanding into Europe around 7,500 years ago.

Multiple lines of evidence suggested this new way of life was spread by a wave of migrants, who interbred with the indigenous European hunter-gatherers they encountered on the way.

But assumptions about European origins were based largely on the genetic patterns of living people. The science of analysing genomic DNA from ancient bones has put some of the prevailing theories to the test, throwing up a few surprises.

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #196

We just received a letter by the bank about something called FATCA. The Republican Party seems to have the right idea about it:

WHEREAS, The United States is effectively the only country in the world that taxes foreign income of its citizens who are living abroad and who already pay taxes where they reside, creating enormous reporting burdens for American taxpayers living overseas, and putting them at great risk for penalties for even the slightest innocent mistake;

Sanity from the republicans? Did I just see a pig flying by? :left: :right: :insane:

That said, I don't have income in .de, so I don't pay taxes there.

Re: What's Going on in Europe

Reply #198

All the Separatist Movements

All? That's a bold claim. For example, Wikipedia comes with a larger (but also slightly different?) number of active separatist movements.

Yeah, I don't think there was an actual sorb separatist movement when I left .de - I think we'd have heard about it, they're just 150km south of where I used to live. Same with the Danes in .de and probably the Germans in Denmark. Looks like someone threw any party representing an ethnic minority together with the likes of the SNP, Herri Batasuna etc.

Also, the Bayernpartei is a fringe party that shows up on the occasional ballot, gets its 1% or so probably mostly from people outside Bavaria who would love to see the CSU go away, but otherwise seem to be little more than a bunch of grumpy old men who don't like us Saupreissn.