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Topic: Moderation (Read 16455 times)

Re: Moderation

Reply #25
I noticed the Simpsons one but didn't really look much besides that. Now that you mention it, whoa! Haha.

Re: Moderation

Reply #28

Re: Moderation

Reply #30

Maybe I'm naive but I think most moderating here will be cleaning up after spam bots.

I'm not sure of that. Most posters that comes from D&D have a certain experience and things don't usually goes too far in terms of friction but new ones can be a different matter. People needs a cold warn when too hot...

Depends what exactly 'too hot' is and who's going to decide that. If a thread turns into nothing but name calling it should probably just be closed, with an explanation at the end ("try again, this time without screaming" or somesuch).

Re: Moderation

Reply #31

I like that. Long rules serve the purpose of convincing everyone that the Boss has a legitimate authority even if the end he's right anyway. Like with the government.

I think "my house, my rules" applies, since this is practically an extension to Frenzie's living room. No need whatsoever to legitimize any authority here. The rules are whatever the host is willing to put up with.

Re: Moderation

Reply #32
Jax showed up. I wonder if he wants to play moderator again ;)

Re: Moderation

Reply #33

I like that. Long rules serve the purpose of convincing everyone that the Boss has a legitimate authority.......

I think "my house, my rules" applies, since this is practically an extension to Frenzie's living room. No need whatsoever to legitimize any authority here. The rules are whatever the host is willing to put up with.

I agree, but I do not envy his huge task, to always display the 'Judgment of Solomon' when faced with his own personal likes & dislikes, weighed against the greater well-being of the Forum.............a form of fairness, that if not seen by all as mostly always fair can undo a lot of hard work in making this Forum all happen.

Re: Moderation

Reply #34

I like that. Long rules serve the purpose of convincing everyone that the Boss has a legitimate authority.......

I think "my house, my rules" applies, since this is practically an extension to Frenzie's living room. No need whatsoever to legitimize any authority here. The rules are whatever the host is willing to put up with.

I agree, but I do not envy his huge task, to always display the 'Judgment of Solomon' when faced with his own personal likes & dislikes, weighed against the greater well-being of the Forum.............a form of fairness, that if not seen by all as mostly always fair can undo a lot of hard work in making this Forum all happen.

Maybe there should be a rule that moderators who take part in a thread shouldn't do any moderation there ( other than purely janitorial tasks like cleaning up spam )

Re: Moderation

Reply #35
An interesting discussion, and useful.

My feeling on this is that attempting to define rules that cover everything precisely is not a good strategy since there are always borderline cases and it's important that Moderators retain flexibilty and not get mired down by precedents that do not really fit the case.

In "principle" those with strong feelings could let those feelings sway their judgement but I don't see that being a problem; after all this forum (I include the Opera D&D in that) has always tolerated the right of people to express their opinion on anything (apart from some obvious pornographic exceptions). It's really just the two areas of being civil to those inside the forum and legal to those outside which need real moderating effort.

On Jax - I'm sure we all have great respect for Jax's contributions over the years, but let's not assume too much from someone who may want to relax for a bit.

Re: Moderation

Reply #37
One idea, at least for the beginning, would be a Moderation Council. Three elected posters decides, no written rules.
If it works fine, we keep it, if not - we think about it again.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Moderation

Reply #38
Maybe there should be a rule that moderators who take part in a thread shouldn't do any moderation there ( other than purely janitorial tasks like cleaning up spam )

I'm not convinced that should be a rule, but it should do as a guideline. If you're personally invested in the thread, exercise restraint. Always try to differentiate between what you find annoying and what is not permissible. There's overlap, but they're not the same thing.

Re: Moderation

Reply #39
As a matter of practical interest, Frans, does this forum software all for moderators to
o Delete posts
o Move posts ?

Re: Moderation

Reply #40

Maybe there should be a rule that moderators who take part in a thread shouldn't do any moderation there ( other than purely janitorial tasks like cleaning up spam )

I'm not convinced that should be a rule, but it should do as a guideline. If you're personally invested in the thread, exercise restraint. Always try to differentiate between what you find annoying and what is not permissible. There's overlap, but they're not the same thing.

Sounds like the right thing to do either way ;)

Re: Moderation

Reply #41

As a matter of practical interest, Frans, does this forum software all for moderators to
o Delete posts
o Move posts ?
Delete yes, move I have to investigate the specifics. I made Luxor a moderator on the Lounge, not global, so perhaps he can't move topics.

Re: Moderation

Reply #42
I have the option to move topics and for a test I moved a topic to this forum.
I can't move it from here though so someone else will have to delete it.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Moderation

Reply #44
I'm not sure of that. Most posters that comes from D&D have a certain experience and things don't usually goes too far in terms of friction but new ones can be a different matter. People needs a cold warn when too hot...

New users aren't that much of a challenge. You are nice to new users, show them the ropes, and that there is enough for them to hang themselves with. Then you ban them. Sometimes they then reincarnate into a troll, then you show them the sun, exerminate their messages and ban them. There was this particularly tenacious guy who did this about a dozen times, flooding the forums with porn or worse, but each time his creations were gone within minutes, and he gave up after a month or so. He, Grumpy Old Man, and ultimately Bantay were the only ban on sights, the rest got a chance to break the rules at least once before a ban.

You have those that generally behave sensibly unless provoked for some (often trivial) reason, then they break as many rules in as short a time span as humanly possible. Ultimately they all ended up banned, we didn't do anger management classes.

You have those that generally behave sensibly unless in the same thread as someone else who also generally behave sensibly, but together they celebrate the critical mass. Most of these eventually ended up banned.

Trolls and internet warriors can be a serious pain. We spent incredible effort in trying to reform the irreformable and Grumpy, until and actually after the ban from the land policy.

All that notwithstanding hell hath no fury like a spam storm. Spam is the real concern.

Re: Moderation

Reply #45
Bantay is the only one I recall having used sock-puppets to form a group that all agreed with his statements. Besides using sock-puppets to keep resurrecting himself, of course. He went to great lengths to try to hide that they were all him, but in the end it failed.

I note that I am supposed to be a "global moderator" and I wonder just what "powers" I do have. Deleting spam goes without saying, and it appears I have powers to close threads if things get out of hand, but-- who controls the mighty "Ban Hammer" and how does that tool of the trade get deployed when necessary?
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Moderation

Reply #46
Besides using sock-puppets to keep resurrecting himself, of course.

I'd call that getting a fresh start, or trying to. The thing is, on this system we can ban a user for e.g. a week, so it's not an all or nothing proposition.

I note that I am supposed to be a "global moderator" and I wonder just what "powers" I do have.

I should probably take a closer look at those settings.

Re: Moderation

Reply #48
I'm GMT -4 (Atlantic Standard Time) if that would help? I am not hugely techie but have good common sense and a level head. If you would like any help modding, let me know  :)

Re: Moderation

Reply #49
I think we're probably okay for now but thanks for the offer. :)