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What's going on there?

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Total Members Voted: 6

Topic: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies (Read 110787 times)

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #350
My brief summation of Rj's post
So many inaccuracies in one post. He should write for the Daily Mail.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #351
Queen unveils monument celebrating half a million Iraqi deaths


Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #352
For Oakdale, krake and Luxor...

Firslty can I say Oakdale that I have always been a Brexit man so get sobered.

For krake I would say that link is guff and hardly a big broadcaster. And anyway firgures just get made up and in the Iraq situation did not stay at one figure but within short periods different news bumped numbers up and competing between news channels and papers. The man who spoke is a minority and the monument was right.

As for Luxor he just comes out with the usual body-swerve of the Scots Brigadoon and modern Jacobites. He just skips what was said by me. I will list the obvious including sadly repeat thoughts.

- An independent Scotland would have to apply to Europe to join and be told to accept the Euro.
- Leave the UK then be controlled from Brussels!
- Made a hash of the police by amalgamating them and the national police in tens of millions of debt, some shocking failures.
- National Health system in Scotland. The Scots government has control of it and it is in a mess.
- Education. Once a world wide success it has declined and declined and suffering.
- College places reduced.
- Now that oil has collapsed where does extra money come from?
- There would be no Barnet formula grant from the UK government.
- We would have to fund our own military.
- Only a quarter (as pointed out) of Scotland's economy depends on Europe but the Nats want to leave Britain be controlled elsewhere!
- The SNP has had 10 years and created some of the above negatives but done nothing about it. Instead rabbiting on about Europe because they cannot answer the inefficiency and mess they have made.

In fairness there is one area they succeed.

That one is braining emotional Scots from the basic truths such as above. So the luxors of the world can be as haughty and sniffy as they want because practicality is a negative possibility.  :hat:  :happy:

"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #353
can I say Oakdale that I have always been a Brexit man
As much as you can say you've always been Catholic! :)
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #354
- An independent Scotland would have to apply to Europe to join and be told to accept the Euro.
No one has to join the Euro. If a member state decides that it’s not in its interests to adopt the common currency, then we can't be forced to.

- Leave the UK then be controlled from Brussels!
Brussels won't take all our resources and give us back pocket money. Unlike Westminster who do what they want to Scotland and totally ignore us.

- Made a hash of the police by amalgamating them and the national police in tens of millions of debt, some shocking failures.
Like all police forces in the UK then.

National Health system in Scotland. The Scots government has control of it and it is in a mess.
Best performing NHS in the UK as fine you know. Oh wait you believe what the Daily Mail tells you, don't you.

- Education. Once a world wide success it has declined and declined and suffering.
Depends on who you believe.

- College places reduced.
Because they removed the low quality part-time courses. Full time courses have gone up.

Now that oil has collapsed where does extra money come from?
Oil is a bonus. Scotland is a wealthy country.

There would be no Barnet formula grant from the UK government.
Well Duh! Of course not, that's what being independent means. We wouldn't need the Barnet pocket money because we would keep all of ours to ourself. Jeez! I would have thought that was simple enough, even for you to figure out.

We would have to fund our own military.
Yes we would. Like any other independent nation.

Only a quarter (as pointed out) of Scotland's economy depends on Europe but the Nats want to leave Britain be controlled elsewhere!
We would still trade with the UK which they would need to as we are their biggest trading partner, more than what we trade with them.
Or would they cut off their nose to spite their face?

- The SNP has had 10 years

And many more to come if the polls are to be believed.  :yes:
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #355
Usual bending answers from the modern Jacobite Luxor.

The NHS in Scotland IS having problems and his answer bends the proper answer there too. He does a dance on the police sayng the same is with all the other police forcs in the UK. Talk about false tongues. The police service in Scotland has declined and has tens of millions of debt now but we are given a twisted answer like the other subjects. Education standards HAVE slipped  and he has ignored what has been reported from education sources and NOT newspapers but he thinks that we are all as stupid as the Indy lot and uses the Daily Mail as a weak answer.  May I also remind him that Sturgeon HAS said there would be problems dealing with the UK on independence re financial matters. That other weak comment about not having to accept the Euro did make me laugh. He also ignored the truth that three-quarters of Scotland's economy is with the UK NOT the EU. . Anyone with an open brain would see the bending going on and may I also remind too that most Scots are not getting into a niggle about wanting another damn referendum. Oh and the Barnet Formula neatly ignored.  What would they replace the Barnet with to make up the loss? On the military, Scotland's proportion of the military to take charge of would not be possible as would be too expensive and have to be reduced.  That Standard newspaper on independence has slumped brilliantly and a passing bit of good news! Woo maybe the Daily Mail will be blamed for that too?! The usual Scottish Nose Picker answers are always bended or answers ignored.  :whistle:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #356
Usual bending answers from the modern Jacobite Luxor.
Still not grown up yet I see.  :whistle:
I'll ignore the rest of your drivel.
answers are always bended or answers ignored
You don't like the answers then that's your problem.
Imagine what state our NHS and Police would be in if Rooth-the-mooth was in charge. Now that would be a disaster.  :yes:
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #357
As you can see folks he is doing the usual dance and the hard fact is that the NHS in Scotland HAS deteriorated in the 10 years of kilty cauld bums as has the police repeatedly and the education and all that Luxor's pal the wee smart mouth has said shge is working on - eh - a decade??. Even the Brexit thing has been used by the Nationalist children as an excuse and ignores the hard ACTUAL hard truth that the UK IS Scotland's biggest customer NOT Europe. His corner moans at the UK yet the Scots Parliament is getting the best powers of any devolved administration but he wants to be controlled by Europe. The British government gives a lot of money annually to Scotland with the Barnet Formula. A separate Scotland taking it's percentage share of the UK military could not afford it meaning that area would have to be reduced and I am of the view that many military men would not be keen on being in it! and as the Royal Navy has ships built up here an independent farce would potentially see that lost.

May I also remind dear readers that a former SNP leader and 2 former Edinburgh SNP ministers have contradicted the going ons and another area skipped by the bloated grey cells of Luxor as you will have noticed.  :P  :yes:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #358
It's so much fun, watching you quasi-Europeans arguing with each other! :) What will you do if America cuts you loose? (Because Trump is -you know- crazy!) Become adults again?
Fat chance.
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #359
Yak, yak. Blah, blah. That's all I see in your posts Rj. Daily Mail "facts" repeated by yourself constantly.
I sometimes think you are Murdo Fraser in disguise, because you repeat the same garbage he does every day on Twitter.

The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #360
You really do yourself no credit whatsover dear modern Jacobite.

The former head of Scottish school inspection has noted the decline in Scottish education. Not just a slight drop but a long slump. You Luxor can blah about the Daily Mail all you like but it is not much of an argument against what I stand by. The Police Scotland has been a fiasco. Stations shut across the country, glaring and shocking mistakes involving missing or dead individuals. And that immature guff about our NHS being amongst the best in Britain and something the hard truth displays as a mess whether it is organisation, waiting times or whatever. And you totally ignored re the education corner too the big drop in college places.  The UK government helps support Scotland with the Barnett Formula but in that corner too you totally ignore what the loss of that would mean on independence. Robertson, who has been a leading Remain campaigner in Westminster, told the SNP conference in Aberdeen that Theresa May is afraid of a Scottish referendum because the Conservatives “are desperate to prevent anyone having the chance to reject the hard-right Brexit that they are so wedded to.” You also ignored what I intimated about the former SNP leader and two former Ministers concerned about how the SNP is doing things. No answer just ignored.

Sturgeon and her robots have harped on and on about Brexit which was an overall British Referendum not a purely Scottish one. There are Nats who are Brexit people including at least one of those 2 ex-Ministers too!  The majority of Scots do not want another referendum so Sturgeon mouth rabbits on about the EU. The fact that Europe only accounts for 25% of Scotland's economic side is also ignored by you. In an independent state there are contrasting Nationalist views on currency  (as in the 2014 referendum). There is talk about "starting" with a pound but big head Salmond the former leader of the Brigadoon mob has mouthed that would just be a start to another currency. Education, college places, health, police, economics, etc were danced around by you and fall back on squeaking about one newspaper as if that is an intelligent answer??

So keep yourself happy by scoffing about the Mail as it is not possible to deal with the hard truths I have intimated. I did muse on the poor satirical edge but II have to accept we live in a democracy and numpties and clowning has to be put up with. Oh and one last thing about newspapers. That paper "The National" that got all the ballyhoo a couple of years ago striding for independence has lost the greatest part of it's circulation - what is it now around 16,000 from the starting 50,000?. Brilliant. Every time I pop into my supermarket cafe for a cup of tea and snack they have free papers on a rack to read and I always bin that rubbishy thing!  :cheers:

"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #361
No one has to join the Euro. If a member state decides that it's not in its interests to adopt the common currency, then we can't be forced to.

Technically that is not correct. New entrants, as well as the old members (with the exception of UK and Denmark) are required to join the Eurozone as soon as the technical requirements for doing so are fulfilled. That is the single most stupid thing with the Euro, that the entrance is based on political obligations rather on than metrics of economic integration. Euro is a good thing, for countries with well-integrated economies.

In practice this is not a major issue. Sweden long ago found the loophole. One of the technical requirement has been to stay within the ERM II exchange rate mechanism for two years, as a measure of exchange rate stability. However, joining the ERM II is voluntary. Sweden would fulfil all the technical requirements, including a stable exchange rate, and the track to the Eurozone would be automatic and unavoidable. However Sweden never joined the ERM II, and cannot become a Eurozone member until we've stayed two years in something we never joined. The Czech Republic uses the exact same loophole. Denmark got an exception, but would actually benefit from being in the Eurozone, while Greece never should have joined.

An independent Scotland should consider the Euro though, it might be good for Scotland, and better than a currency union with Britain. A Scottish pound might be for the best though.


Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #362
A Scottish pound might be for the best though.
That's my preferred option.

@Rj the only thing that is ignored by me is you.  :yes:
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #363
Euro is a good thing, for countries with well-integrated economies.
You are right - theoretically at least.
Bear in mind that even within the same country there are regional gaps concerning the economic status.
Furthermore, what do you think base rate is good for?
By 'outsourcing' the control over your currency you are outsourcing one of the most powerful level lever your government once had, to keep the economy afloat.

Can you please enumerate those countries with "well-integrated economies" profiting from the Euro?
My country is for the time being still one of them. Wonder if and whom you'll add to that list...

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #364
Well you have to ignore me Luxor because what I said is too much of the practical truth and a typical modern Jacobite answer mentality.  So well done being traditional in all fairness!  :hat:  :cheers:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #365
Nah! I ignored you because you're a wee nyaff.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #366
People will generally notice that my list of the modern Jacobite negatives were danced around and instead a would-be sanctimonious stance from a corner! Such minds fall back on doing a dance and hide behind the Brexit issue and they feel chuffed and superior because of their nationalism. Well when they lose another  future referendum I will celebrate because the hard issues are beyond the mentality of the snooty Luxor mindsets.  here is there symbol folks!  :headbang:

"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #367
The only nationalism in Scotland is by the retards that wrap themselves in the Union Jack.
The rest of us are internationalists who welcome everybody.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #368
You welcomed the fellow who killed three and injured nearly 30 yesterday…? If you're making that argument, you're sillier than RJ!

How about you… No. Never mind. You folks deserve what you get… Stupid gits.

Thankfully. at least one copper had a firearm, and used it appropriately.
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #369
I would say Oakdale that a Nat like Luxor dribbling about Scot Nat would-be modern Jacobites are so obviously nationalist as they cannot see beyond kilts, shortbread and Scotland! They are fanatically nationalist and body-swerve seeing progress in Scotland. It is the same kind of warped mentality that covers Americans who ignore the Presidential conclusion!  The one we are stuck with here rabbits about unionists waving the Union flag and what do his lot of emotionals do with the Saltire? They go out of their way to ridicule Scottish Unionists. If there was ever another Scots referendum and the the nationalist child minds lose I do hope that wee Sturgeon does what that big arrogant and smug Salmond did and resigned. Would save her wearing high heels all the time to be noticed!  :yes:  :P
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #370
You welcomed the fellow who killed three and injured nearly 30 yesterday…?
For your enlightenment - the fellow you are speaking about was born in Great Britain 52 years ago.

However, there are facts you won't speak and don't want to hear about.
Your country and its vassals have actively contributed to the spreading of radical islamism. Main goal was to destabilize countries/regions in order to push through own geostrategic interests.
Example: The CIA's Intervention in Afghanistan
If destabilization didn't work or it seemed to take too long, you simply started with 'humanitarian' bombing or even war.
Have you ever considered to sacrifice one minute of your precious life and think about the resulting number of muslims killed or injured?
Could you imagine that your children, relatives or friends get bombed or droned for mesquin geostrategic interests/regime changes? Wonder if you can?
Keep in mind that radicalization and hate can work both ways...
Last but not least, the main financiers for radical Islam worldwide, the Saudis, Kuwait and Qatar are your/our allies.

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #371
Bear in mind that even within the same country there are regional gaps concerning the economic status.
Furthermore, what do you think base rate is good for?
By 'outsourcing' the control over your currency you are outsourcing one of the most powerful level lever your government once had, to keep the economy afloat.

Can you please enumerate those countries with "well-integrated economies" profiting from the Euro?
My country is for the time being still one of them. Wonder if and whom you'll add to that list...
Economies that are basically in synch and can be expected to remain so. The economic heartland of EU is Germany and France. When Spain and Ireland was overheating, Germany and France were stagnant, the ECB gave priority to the latter. That laid the groundwork for the recent crisis and the PIIGS talk. Euro is beneficial, but risky for the economic periphery, which means Finland, the Baltic states,  Central and Southern Europe, Norway (if an EU country), the British isles, Iceland.

Apart from Germany, France, Be-Ne-Lux and Northern Italy (but not the rest), Denmark and probably Austria and Sweden are in the same economic cycles.

Alternative facts

Reply #372
Nah! According to Trump, all terrorists have immigrated from a list of countries that don't include Saudi Arabia. Trust him. Alternative facts.

Re: Alternative facts

Reply #373
Nah! According to Trump, all terrorists have immigrated from a list of countries that don't include Saudi Arabia.
This might even be true.
Take for example Mohamed Atta. He came neither from Egypt nor from Saudi Arabia but from Hamburg.
So I'd advise Mr. Trump to expand the existing travel ban over Germany too. :)
As for Saudi Arabia, it isn't our ally only since the Trump administration. Is it?

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #374
You welcomed the fellow who killed three and injured nearly 30 yesterday...?
You mean the born and bred British citizen. Aye keeping foreigners out could have prevented that.  :whistle:

They go out of their way to ridicule Scottish Unionists.
They don't need no help from the likes of me to ridicule them, they are doing a fine job of that all by themselves.   :yes:
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.