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What's going on there?

Boris Johnson's going on.
[ 2 ] (18.2%)
Cameron's going on.
[ 0 ] (0%)
The Labourists are going on.
[ 2 ] (18.2%)
Riots are going on.
[ 2 ] (18.2%)
It's raining again. And again.. and again...
[ 5 ] (45.5%)

Total Members Voted: 6

Topic: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies (Read 110804 times)

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #175
Haha. I am laughing all over this keyboard.  Someone from an almost bankrupt country that was only kept alive by handouts from Europe and is still in an economic mess. Considering our economy in Gt Britain is the fastest growing in Europa, employment a way up,debt decreasing projects whilst unemployment including youth is astronomical in Portugal, do get a life chum. Hah, had, ha. Hee, hee. Damn it I nearly spilled my Irn Bru  tears of laughter make my night!  :lol: :lol:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #176
It was all a spoof but the girls were all believing the thing so says something.

Right. So why don't we bring some British girls over to the US to meet who they think is a cousin to the Clintons or Bushes and say that it means something that those girls are fooled :p

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #178
You are letting your inclination to irish-Americanism warp your grey cells Sanguinemoon. Ireland is not faster than Gt Britain and may I also remind you that we loaned your pals in Dublin over 7 billion to keep them afloat. As for the American dilly-dollies they are that. I noted a picture of the girl making all the hoo-ha and there she was putting her heart out. Another photograph showed her father who was mouthing off an illustration of a low grey cell redneck. Dressed in a country and western shirt and with a big cowboy hat on his head. Typical of the mentality of people preening themselves and out for money and fame. As for US growth we will wait and see although with tend of millions of poor and the rich gap getting wider by the minute (trillions clock still ticking) patience, laddie, patience.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #179
Poor Howie. Ireland GDP growth rate 3.5 percent. United Kingdom 2.6 percent . Both of which are handily outpacing the rest of the Eurozone. America's for the fourth quarter 2014 was a stunning 5 percent. It's just the numbers, Howie.
Typical of the mentality of people preening themselves and out for money and fame.

Yes, because I'm 120% positive that we don't have British people that disgrace themselves for 15 minutes of fame and money that'll probably burn through in a year. :p Or German, Or Chinese. Or fucking Uzbekistan. Some people doing that is not a statement about any particular country, but a weakness within the human soul.

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #180
Tut, tut, foul language to emphasise a point is a weakness. It seems the US lawyer who was named is now taking legal action against the girl concerned and it is the rather unsavoury modern style of wanting money for just about anything. Was it McDonalds who got sued millions over too hot coffee in cartons? He was angry on television news and it will be interesting to see how her campaign compares with the one from this lawyer.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #181
the only difference is we, unlike Royalty

I feel compelled to offer a critique. I would have said something to the effect of "....unlike a bunch of inbreds that in America would be meth-addicted trailer trash living off welfare for generations and would only get attention from police, who are tired being called to the called to their rundown mobile home twice a week..."


Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #182

the only difference is we, unlike Royalty

I feel compelled to offer a critique. I would have said something to the effect of "....unlike a bunch of inbreds that in America would be meth-addicted trailer trash living off welfare for generations and would only get attention from police, who are tired being called to the called to their rundown mobile home twice a week..."

       Your critique is duly noted, & in retrospect could be substituted without undo reluctance. 

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #183
You hardly do your country much credit at all Smiley with that crude and undisciplined language. One of your semi-royal dynasties was hardly a paragon of virtue. The Kennedy lot and 3 of them in clandestine matters. For a country that ilkes to boast about how reasonable things are you are a laugh. This case which the prince is not directly involved in will be very interesting now that the le

As for the drunken clown "Bonnie" Prince Charlie he got nowhere here trying to take the Crown and in Lowland Scotland like much elsewhere was disliked. Glasgow was solidly against the creep.  Anyway the prince is not involved in what passes for legal proceedings in the ex-colonies and let's see what happens now that lawyer has raised legal counter action on that daft preening lassie and her redneck money seeking father.Knowing the way your court system works it should be an enjoyable comedy show.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #184
Party like it's 1939.

Capital in the 21st century

Quote from: The Economist
London’s population is the same size as it was in 1939, but looks very different

IN HIS history of 20th-century London, published in 2008, Jerry White recalls that at the start of the millennium it seemed impossible that the capital would ever grow larger than its 1939 peak of 8.6m people. That belief was widely held. But this week statisticians announced that London had managed it.

The city is far more suburban than it was in 1939 (see maps). Having cleared their Victorian slums, inner-London boroughs like Islington and Tower Hamlets are much less densely populated—though both are now growing again.

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #185
[glow=black,2,300]UK Army drive for more Muslims after Paris massacre and rise of Islamic State

Quote from:      The Daily Mail    
Leaflets on British military values posted through doors of Islamic schools
    Troops instructed to take part in integration projects to boost numbers
    Drive comes after it emerged there are just 480 Muslims in the British army - 0.5 per cent of the 88,500 overall troops
    Percentage of Muslims in the UK overall is much higher at 5%............. continued here

Couldn't happen to a sweeter clutch of inbreds.

If this course keeps up, soon their chickens will be coming home to roost!

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #186
What a disastrous point, haha. So much for the wonderful American so-called principle of open society. Especially coming from a country where being black is a nuisance  except por shooting practice from the police. May I also remind you that during WW2 we were fighting a racist dictatorship in Germany and your army was split by apartheid and whites didn't want to be with blacks. When stationed here the palefaces were shocked to see local lassies dancing with Negroes!  Vietnamese were gooks an so on. When it came to peace projects in local S. Vietnam villages you lot were hopeless and the Australians and the Australians away ahead. The same US forces who got into the regular habit of shooting up or bombing weddings in Afghanistan. I am no lover of Islam  or the modern liberal idea of proportions but it was obviously to try and integrate more into society which is a challenge in itself.

In WW1 you came in during the last months all gung-ho and of course full of enthusiasm and your generals were still sending soldiers to die in droves right up to the Armistice time. Disgusting. Oh I know you love to tease and you don't fully appreciate how childish and immature you appear with all the big type and ne-con symbolising style (actually doing large type is regarded as bad manners child).So it would mean something if it wasn't that your people in army uniform are a problem waiting to happen! Goodness we are into 2015 and the wonderful marines haven't shot up Afghan innocents. All in keeping with a so-called principled patriot who supports terrorism. So beyond the attempt at satire is a dopy style that your corener cannnot figure and other ex-colonists can groan at.

When you become a wider idea of democracy and get back a bit from being a military pariah State then you will have something principled!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #187
[glow=black,2,300]British Army snipers fear kidnap by Jihadis in UK
after blundering MoD blows their cover

AN elite band of snipers are being given an SAS crash course on how to escape
jihadi assassins after blundering army bosses revealed their identities online.

Quote from:      The Express  
The sharpshooters fear their lives and those of their families are in mortal danger after defence chiefs published names and photographs of serving snipers in official reports which were uploaded to the internet.

The blunder has left the men vulnerable to reprisal attacks here in Britain because it means it is now potentially easy for home-grown Islamic extremists to track them down.

At least 50 troops from elite Parachute Regiment and Royal Marine units whose cover was blown are receiving SAS training on how to evade capture if jihadis target them at home or in the streets. 

The soldiers, some whom have since left the Army, have been warned to remove their names from the electoral roll and not to carry any military identification as fears over their safety grow.

The courses at the SAS headquarters near Hereford also include briefings on cyber-security, with the snipers being shown how to thwart attempts to hack into their mobile phones, email and Facebook pages.

Ministry of Defence rules state that snipers should never be identified because jihadis consider them to be high-value targets.

Their specialist role shot to prominence last month with the release of Oscar-nominated film American Sniper, which stars Bradley Cooper as US Navy Seal Chris Kyle, who killed 160 insurgents during the Iraq war.

One former sniper whose cover was blown when MoD chiefs published a photograph of his regiment in an evaluation report expressed outrage over the blunder, which has left him fearing for his life.

The un-redacted document even featured revealing details about his military service, describing how he shot dead a Taliban fighter in Helmand province at a range of more than 1,000 yards..........continued

What a bunch of rank amateurs, but being they want Jihadists in their ranks because of Political Correctness, it's a no wonder why they are ranked 28th in the world as an effective fighting force, down from 22nd:lol: :monkey: :banana:

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #188
More passingly immature stuff from a a bunch of Audie Murphy fans. Half a million men in South Vietnam and look at the farce of that long and wasted thing. You had soldiers doped up to the eyeballs with drugs, killed the innocents and of course Mai Lai was the outstanding effort. Throw in te so-called discipline breaches and even with half a million you were roundly beaten and retreated with some embarrassment  including from the roof the roof of the US embassy in Saigon. You sent the marines full of go, go and with the media cameras all clicking away and the result? Had to leave again with some flees in the pants because you got slapped again. Not surprised Hitler did the Bulge he certainly picked the best way for getting to the coast until you were rescued. Your "greatest army in the world" trained that Iraqi army and they all ran away! And what do you know - storming Normal in the Gulf War said he was really pleased he had sucn an efficient and able contribution from the land of the Union Flag. In the former Yugoslavia debacle your general wanted to face the Russians and ordered us to move up and we told him rather than cause an international nonsense to do things right. Same general who later had to resign from an office as he was inwith a woman who wasn't his life.

Dare say there are some good units but here is another incident.

During the Cold War when US and British troops were along the Berlin Wall a friend of mine who was a British officer was seconded to a US Army unit in the middle of winter. In the dark and middle of the night a whole group of soldiers were moaning about how cold it was so they left the place and went back to the barracks. Later a US colonel arrived in a jeepto see how things were going and all that was there was my friend. He saluted the colonel who wanted to know where his 'damn men' were and was informed they went home due to the weather. The colonel nodded and commented they were Goddam right.

When it comes to ceremonial and these are part of every army you lot are out of kilter. You simply walk in step it isn't marching. Soldiers on duty wear sunglasses doing the ceremonial at the Washington Monument.  What made me groan on You Tube was they 'walked' like women or queers. Tut, tut. Unfortunately your soliders look like civilians in a uniform trying to be martial but it doesn't come off. Even some of the small European countries can put on a better show. And anyway you lot treat a military uniform like kids. We should also to be fair recognise that you did invent general concentration camps during your civil war. Oh and what about that prison camp in Afghanistan where torture was the order of the day, violence and sexual perversion . Marine units shooting up innocent families plus the regular killing of family wedding parties.It would be more fine for you to slag off other countries if it wasn't for all this stuff.

My oh my Smiley you are embarrassing the sensible ex-colonists here and if you had not fell back on your emotional gung ho rubbish then this answer would not have been needed. So making allowance finally for the sensible I wil conclude with this. These weaknesses I mentionraise the question of the calibre of many young men who join up. Poor backgrounds and basic education and in the army will get free health and a pay coming in. No doubt those who are capable but there are those damning flaws that play havic with what you think is being patriotic but in reality what you practice is out and out silly nationalism that does your country no credit at all. You constantly create military situations and send these young men in and have been killed in droves for who/ A warped nationalism and to keep the corporate military interest filling their pockets with cash whilst all those basically decent young lads get killed. Shame on you and for them.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #189

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #190
Ah yes...he was a fine singer.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #191
Goth sanctuary site confirmed

A CREPUSCULAR forest wherein echoes the melancholic song of the nightingale is to become the UK’s first goth sanctuary.

The atmospheric site near Yeovil will become home for the UK’s remaining few thousand goths, who were once plentiful in market towns. However their natural habitats of windswept seventies shopping precincts and dingy basement clubs have been increasingly eroded.

Naturalist Tom Logan said: “The introduction to Britain of the North American hipster has been a disaster for the indigenous goth.

“The hipsters’ thick plaid shirts, luxuriant facial fur and gourmet burger diet mean they are better adapted to survive the winter.

“Gradually the UK’s abandoned churches and disused brutalist office blocks have been turned into eclectically furnished tea shops and micro-breweries, leaving goths with nowhere to congregate in an ominous but polite manner. Consequently, breeding has plummeted.

“If we did not act goths would go the same way as water beetles, great bustards and jazz funkateers.”

However local resident Mary Fisher said: “It’s the thin end of the wedge. Next they’ll be wanting to reintroduce grebos into Warwickshire.”

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #192
Art for infrastructure.

Anonymous Activist Gets Potholes Fixed By Drawing Giant Penises Around Them



Like many cities, Manchester, England, is plagued with potholes. One half-mile stretch of road can have as many as 70 holes. After claiming he saw his friends injured in pothole-related bike accidents, one anonymous resident has taken matters into his own hands.

He goes by Wanksy. And using what appears to be an industrial level chalk, he draws penises around the potholes, creating moments of visual terrorism that the city can’t ignore. Really. Because according to the Manchester Evening News (MEN), within 48 hours of Wanksy’s efforts, many of Manchester’s problematic potholes, which had been a nuisance for years, were filled. Within a week, even more were fixed.

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #193
Being a former major in political science, I usually keep up with certain countries elections (my own, obviously, the UK, Canada, and Australia).

I note that there isn't a "UK General Election Thread", so I might as well post it here.

It would look as if David Cameron and the Tories will be leading the next HM's Gov't. Pending final results, the Tories ascertained 330 seats in the British Parliament, more than enough of the 323 required to form a gov't. How did this happen?

1. Labour was massacred in Luxor and Howie's Scotland, where 56 of the 59 seats went to the SNP, with only one seat remaining Labour, another remaining Tory, and IIRC, one Lib Dem seat surviving the massacre. Ed Milliband has resigned as head of Labour.

2. The Lib Dems also suffered massive losses, going from holding 53 seats to only 8. Nick Clegg has also resigned. (It would seem that the voting populace were not impressed by the Lib Dems selling out their ideals in order to stay in power with the Tories?)

3. Labour was also routed in England and Wales.

4. Nigel Farage of the UKIP has resigned after his party only ascertained one seat.

What I noted is that Scotland and Cameron's Gov't will be at odds with each other for the next 5 years. 2017 could be a breaking point for the UK, if and when the UK opts to opt out of the EU. It will take a relentless and almighty effort for Labour to recover from such an arse-whipping; 5 years may not be enough for them to recover. Same for the Lib Dems.

I'd be interested in hearing @Luxor, @rjhowie, @String, and all the other Brit's thoughts on the outcome. Also, what do you expect from Cameron's second go 'round? Finally, do you all think that the Queen will be around for the next GE, or will Charles have assumed the role of King?

In any case, good luck to you all!


Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #194
Well, it's time to congratulate the Scottish National Party (and the Conservatives) with SNP receiving 95% of the representatives. The joys of first past the post.

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #195
To be more specific:

% Votes
82 (+62)
51 (-98)
31 (+20)

So UKIP quadrupled their number of votes and got half the number of seats, -1-. In a pure proportional system they would have gotten 82 seats.

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #196
The Lib Dems got what they deserved after going into a coalition with the Tories.
Scottish labour got what they deserved after siding with the Tories during the referendum.
I must say I did enjoy seeing my former MP lose his seat.

The Labour party only had a chance if they had a different leader, as Ed Milliband was never prime minister material.

what do you expect from Cameron's second go 'round?

A lot of pain for the young, the poor, the sick and the disabled. Like every time there's a Tory government.

First past the post is not good enough though, not for a true democracy, that needs changed. We had a referendum on it during the last parliament but it was defeated, so I doubt it will change any time soon. At least here in Scotland when it comes to electing our parliament we have a fairer voting system in place,
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #197
Firstly i have fully answerd Colonel Rebel's query on the General Election so all can have a look there. Yes the SNP did well on MP's but in the end it doesn't matter because the wining party has an overall  majority. Luxor bemoans that every time there is a Tory government he comes up with the usual lefty brained stuff which is head shaking.

As I pointed out in the other thread the SNP went into a coalition here in Glasgow years ago with guess who - the Tories as the Conservatives were 2nd and in going along with them the SNP reckoned Labour could be kept out and was. In the last Scottish parliament the SNP met with the Scots Tories to get agreements on issues to get them through as they did not have an overall majority. Yet one of thei new MP's described his consitutnts in Edinburgh in a derogatory way. Pensioners were more or less doo-la and anyone not supporting the tartan lot were traitors and quislings. Found all this amusing when the terrible Tories up here polled 30,000 more than last time and well over 400,000. Heavens what a lot of traitors we have!

In the last 5 years the debt has been reduced by the Coalition, unemployment is vastly up and better than anywhere else in Europe. Tax does not start now until you have at least £10,500 and will go up to £12,500 gradually.  Benefit payments are generally good and the word "poor" is a misnomer. I worked in my job and did deep voluntary work in a large housing scheme. It had a private taxi firm that did great business and there was also a permanent line of black hackney cabs (lot dearer). The main group of shops has a heavily supported pub and 2 betting shops. It was amongst the first areas years ago to have cable tv and now when you walk around you see satellite aerials on houses all over the place. Welfare IS important but for too many it gradually became an alternative to work and don't tell me over 2 million on Sickness Benefit should not be challenged.

The Nats leaned left cleverly to undermine Labour and the silliness of Salmond saying tat Cameron has no right to "rule" Scotland. That comes from the anger at losing the Referendum. Now Sturgeon is saying one thing about their Westminster involvement and he is the usual ignorant, oaf. In the end they will not have the dance all to themselves as Cameron has a majority and that will frustrate but such is democracy! (for more detail see my reply elsewhere!)
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #198
I do enjoy watching the great unwashed frolic… :) RJ. your politics is as incomprehensible to me as ours is to you.
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: What's going on in the UK and Crown Dependencies

Reply #199
Luxor bemoans that every time there is a Tory government he comes up with the usual lefty brained stuff which is head shaking.

You come out with the usual right-wing, Daily Mail reader claptrap which is equally head shaking. I'm beginning to doubt your credentials as a Glaswegian, as it sounds more like you live in some faraway fantasy land.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.