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Topic: Europe's Migrant Crisis (Read 35987 times)

Re: Europe's Migrant Crisis

Reply #100
This is more to the point.

Re: Europe's Migrant Crisis

Reply #102
I notice that earlier here the would-be open minded liberal entourage commenting about anti-immigration in Europe use the rightist patter. That is a rather poor attempt at almost justifying the open door mentality. The sheer cost of immigration is an added pressure on the continent and money is not massive. Germany has already seen what the open door mentality brings - a million extra costing people. In addition we get emphasise on news item on children and they do suffer but it is being used subtly. Two governments ago here in GB the Labour party overseen an inflyx of 2 million onto this small island and the do-gooding fraternity seem to think this sharing can continue indefinitely? We already have too many and as a side to that the lot in that "jungle camp" at Calais are mostly money seekers.

Europe will not be able to cater for these armies of fleers no matter what the extra good might want to brain us with. This island is expected to keep population rising to over 70 million within a decade and continue in that mode. The pressure on  social affairs, health services,crime, schools, housing(plus ghettos)  and so is getting very strained and the sheer cost of the arriving is ridiculous. 

Turkey is a mess of a country as it is and it is getting money to stem the travellers hut this is another damn mess. Turkey could be doing something to stop the constant flow of people. Last night I watched a Turkish police car stopping and the officers got out and stood watching the people being crowded onto a large and dangerous dinghy to the poin of danger. What did they do/ They just didn't bother got in the car and drove away.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Europe's Migrant Crisis

Reply #103
You probably mean: "app to teach how to behave".  ;)

Nope, it's about many different aspects of life in Germany (LEARN GERMAN - LIVING IN GERMANY - ASYLUM, APPRENTICESHIP, JOB).
As one can conclude from the above picture it's not forbidden to put your hands on a man's ass...

Another example of life in Germany:

Disguised under "a guide" I see nothing but treating refugees as childish idiots.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Europe's Migrant Crisis

Reply #104

Nope, it's about many different aspects of life in Germany (LEARN GERMAN - LIVING IN GERMANY - ASYLUM, APPRENTICESHIP, JOB).

Another example of life in Germany:

Sorry but you got it wrong. It wouldn't be for the first time. :)

an attempt to instruct the newcomers in proper behavior in the form of a 14-panel cartoon similar to an airplane safety information card

Anyway, an app to learn Portuguese (since it's a less difficult language than German) would make probably more sense...
Imagine - millions of refugees rebuilding Portugal and making it the most shiny place in Europe. Wonder if you can. ;)

Re: Europe's Migrant Crisis

Reply #105
Anyway, an app to learn Portuguese (since it's a less difficult language than German) would make probably more sense...

Wonder why there's not one single German that can speak it properly...
Imagine - millions of refugees rebuilding Portugal and making it the most shiny place in Europe. Wonder if you can.

You have a very strange concept of "shiny place"...  :eyes:

A matter of attitude.

Re: Europe's Migrant Crisis

Reply #106
The 4th Reich messed up their participation of the over the top influx and expect everyone else to be as daft.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Europe's Migrant Crisis

Reply #107
There have been other people slaughtered but it is always the Jews who are specialised. Turkey did a mass killing of Kurds in the early 19th century and the Communists in Cambodia did the same. Both those incidents are in 7 figures.  The Soviets transported hundreds of thousands far away from their traditional homelands (and far more killed than Jews)  so such is history.

What I iften notice about thismEuropean migrant invasion is the number of participants who wave at the camera, smile and so on. Now I can accept there are genuine people fleeing war and such but they cannot all keep coming to Eorope because it is more advanced, prosperous, etc than there places but it simply cannot continue practically. In Germany there are not enough places to put them and one of the tv channels here did a hour on the subject and towns are already feeling the satrain and put into all sorts of places such as empty workshops or small factories. Families are separated by sheets they put up.

In Germany alone at the present rate of the flow by the end of 2016 there will have been another million. What should have happened is for more settlements nearer to places like Syria Nd Iraq which would make more prctical sense than the very serious problems Europe is getting and will continue to do so. Turkey is a disgusting partner in the flow to Europe and the sellers in Turkey get a good wack selling life jackets. Why doesn't that semi-dictatorship not do more to ease things/ Te hard truth is it hasn't bothered it's backside and the West still treats that control freak excuse of a so-called democracy as if it is something.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Europe's Migrant Crisis

Reply #108
The obvious solution to it Scotland.

Those rouges have only 5 million ppl and are facing the same problem the Japanese are facing; too many old folk and not enough young 'uns to pay taxes to support the old folks.

As an apparently keen observer of Scottish and British politics, no doubt our reputable R.J. Howie has foreseen what the ever smarmy D. Cameron intends to do; ship the 100,00 or so migrants up north, before they vote on independence again in 2020.  :sherlock:

I await Mr. Howie's no doubt colorful response, but leave him with this:


Re: Europe's Migrant Crisis

Reply #109
No I won't listen to that keech dear boy and with HM The Queen's picture on my living room above the fireplace, King William of Orange on a bedroom wallI emphasise the cry of my corner on "No Surrender" (shouted from the walls of Londondery during the terrible sige of Londonderry in 1688  :up:)

Another 3 months and the annual marching season of hundreds of lodges that are all Unionist will be in full process.  :knight: :hat:

ps. I also still have one of the great principled man General Robert .E Lee on another room.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Europe's Migrant Crisis

Reply #110

No I won't listen to that keech dear boy and with HM The Queen's picture on my living room above the fireplace, King William of Orange on a bedroom wallI emphasise the cry of my corner on "No Surrender" (shouted from the walls of Londondery during the terrible sige of Londonderry in 1688  :up:)

Another 3 months and the annual marching season of hundreds of lodges that are all Unionist will be in full process.  :knight: :hat:

ps. I also still have one of the great principled man General Robert .E Lee on another room.

lol, I'll never understand your aversion to your own country's national anthem. Understandable that you prefer God Save the Queen, as you are an ardent monarchist, but to dislike Oh Flower of Scotland is perplexing to say the least.

One assumes this is the picture?

Re: Europe's Migrant Crisis

Reply #111
Rihanna can speak for himself but I suspect it is because it is overtly Nationalistic. From the English perspective it is anti english but it is also anti Unionist Scottish.

It probably did not matter a few years ago but the Scottish Referendum has divided Scotland and increased sensitivities.

Of course Scotland is not the only country to have such outmoded hostilities in their National Anthem.


Re: Europe's Migrant Crisis

Reply #112
String does touch on factual points and that dirge "Flower of Scotland" is a dreadfully anti-English far too indepth nationalistic load of Scots keech. At the last General election I was one of well into 400,000 Scots who voted for a Scottish Unionist party and will do so again at the next Scottish Parliament one. The hundreds of all-Britain Orange Lodges and plus the Black Order Lodges sing God Save The Queen at the end of meetings, rallies. Indeed they actually sing the two verses and before some amateuristic history limited brain comes on and yaps that there was a verse at rebellious Scots that was never part of the actual Anthem. Mind you when there were rebellious Scots like at 1745 and that creep "Bonnie" Prince Charles he was defeated resoundingly at Culloden by a British Army with as many Scots as English in it so good for them!  :knight:

On the theme of immigration there are enough immigrants into Europe and Gt Britain and the massive numbers of Muslims a basis for a future Armageddon.  :mad:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Europe's Migrant Crisis

Reply #113
On the theme of immigration there are enough immigrants into Europe and Gt Britain and the massive numbers of Muslims a basis for a future Armageddon.   :mad:
I think the massive number of protestants in the North to be much more worst for Europe...
In fact, protestants are nothing but the sunites of christianism. Or the xiites... depending on the approach.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Europe's Migrant Crisis

Reply #114
Whoo-hoo! Now wasn't it Papist mixture of Christianity and paganism that showed how to burn people to death, boil in tubs of oil and create instruments to torture and dissect people to death. Protestantism set the sites on getting back to the simplicity of the man from Galilee as well as greater freedoms and laying the ground for democracy. Tell you what Belfrager. You take in the army of people and see how long the country lasts.

Tell you what I will do. I am conducting and preaching at a city centre church (for the second time) during a minister vacancy next Sunday and will think about you dear boy. Next time you are in a masshouse don't faint because a Prod is praying for you and an Orangeman at that!  :cheers:

ps. That is (diet) Irn Bru in the glass as I don't drink.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Europe's Migrant Crisis

Reply #115
By the way Colonel that is as I have known for a long time an excellent picture of a man who was highly regarded and respected. His men getting a new uniform made for him when he went to sigh the surrender papers says much. Everyone remember this. He had no slaves but the founding President of that mess-up called the USA Washington had them!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Europe's Migrant Crisis

Reply #117

Merkel was a fool to accept male refugees. It will be her political untergang.

I agree on this and most people here no matter of what political color do as well.
Wonder if you know why she did it. At any rate it wasn't human kindness something she was praised for oversea.
But the ultimative plan of our ally had to be cached into a toughing narrative...
She got duped and tries now disperately to paddle back so far she can.
Nobody really cares about her political future, something that isn't important.
Due to her stupidity she did a lot of harm to the EU - raise of nationalism, xenophobia and social tensions. It's a dangerous mix...
The damage she did in Germany is immense. No, I don't even take into account the aprox 50 billions of EUR which the tax payer will have to pay for refugees this year. The political damage is much worse.
The fourth pillar of a democracy is a somehow functioning free press. If you turn the media exclusively into a propaganda tool at a degree that even the stupid can realise the lie than you get a problem. Not only that nobody will believe anymore what your "free" press tells but it will be met with hostility.
We are at a point now that reporters of the "free" press need bodyguards when reporting live from demonstrations - the result of bias and falsehood.
The public service television financed with tax money and supposed to be independent, became a propaganda and desinformation cornet that hurts any normal being's intellect.
Well, I'll stop here because I get only pissed off thinking about it and the above should suffice for my todays English exercise. ;)

Re: Europe's Migrant Crisis

Reply #118
The sheer cost of all these armies of "refugees" is something else never mind the aftermath in the longer term. The thing has got out of hand and that damn country and control freak, Turkey has a lot to answer for too. As for that lot at Calais money is the aim for most of them. We have had eniugh on this island and when I listen to all the guff of the so-called concerned and allegedly open minds they always ignore the question of cost where they will live and so on. Already education, housing, welfare and much else is under strain and especially down south in England although the population up here has seen a marked increase. Trouble also is that ghettos become standard and many of the indigenous flee. All of which contradicts that mindset I mention who studiously ignore too the fact that we live n an ever increasing over populated island. That we are expected to take on board the population will soar to over 70 million the "experts predict 100 million by the end of the century.

The traditional indigenous (and I remember when London was once a traditional English city) has been on the slope down to around what is it 1.4 children? The incomers have big families and the day will come when the community divisions will not be nice to know later this century.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Europe's Migrant Crisis

Reply #120
and the above should suffice for my todays English exercise.  ;)

People are exercising too much English... it affects the brain.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Europe's Migrant Crisis

Reply #121
Too much self styled pomposity on this form and that latest rubbish from Barulheira well proves my point. Anyone who has an average brain wil know how statisticians and the experts in such fields operate. What I have said is direct as always and the grey cell assumers sniffingly cannot answer such so drift into their world of incapability. For the feeble brainers here may I simply point out ho the experts average things. Now have your bedtime glass of milk and biscuit give a parent a hug and get to sleep for school in the morning.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Europe's Migrant Crisis

Reply #122
A little bit of humour and imagination can help sometimes.

Re: Europe's Migrant Crisis

Reply #123
I love short remarks.