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Topic: The Genesis Soup (Read 4780 times)

The Genesis Soup

this lately i witnesses many debates  from Creationists and evolutionists .

both of them are always talk about something from the past .
primordial Soup , biogenesis/abiogenesis ,  etc . blah blah ..
but none of them talk about the future times .

if somehow,  we ( homosapien- sapien ) create a Genesis soup in some Goldilock Planet .

and after 2 billion years it become a  complex organism .
until they have certain intelligence level .

are they will thinking and questioning , who has created them ?
nor will we become " The God " ?

Re: The Genesis Soup

Reply #3
Some of us have been pranked, but naming no names.

Re: The Genesis Soup

Reply #4

are they will thinking and questioning , who has created them ?
nor will we become " The God " ?

It depends. If "The God" means simply the originator, then maybe.
If it means a force that responds to prayers, then we should have a very advanced communication technology. :right:

Re: The Genesis Soup

Reply #5
I used to talk to Santa Claus, too.


Re: The Genesis Soup

Reply #6
What do you mean "used to."?
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Genesis Soup

Reply #7
we ( homosapien- sapien )

Each time a new (old, extinct) monkey is discovered and a new "sapiens" is added... some day our scientific name will be longer than a train.
What a stupidity.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Genesis Soup

Reply #8
Humanist brains latch onto theories. Glad i am a Scots Presbyterian. You are spot on there Belfrager.  8)
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Genesis Soup

Reply #9
if stephen hawking is right .
after certain times , new species of human wont be sapien-sapien -sapien -sapien .

but sapien uber-sapien / sapien super-sapien . 

some day our scientific name will be longer than a train.

not sure if that was satire , sarcasm , etc .
but  that was a  mediocre .

Re: The Genesis Soup

Reply #10

some day our scientific name will be longer than a train.

not sure if that was satire , sarcasm , etc .
but  that was a  mediocre .

yes, indeed. thanks for the enlightment.
A matter of attitude.