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Topic: Random Chat (Read 488294 times)

Re: Random Chat

Reply #200
You probably don't want to dwell too much on the topic of taste with someone whose national dish is me; been there, done that..

Behave or I'll have Nixie and Clint hide your garlic stuffed olives. Though saying that they should be easy to sniff out.
I'm not entirely sure about the lungs or the stomach part, but there's nothing wrong with heart & liver.

You can't really taste the lungs. The liver oatmeal and pepper is really all you can taste, depending on who makes it really. The stomach it's only used for the casing and most places use synthetic skins these days.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #201
The stomach it's only used for the casing and most places use synthetic skins these days.

Intestines make for good sausages, so I see no reason to assume much else of stomachs. Synthetic, ew. :P

Re: Random Chat

Reply #202
Intestines make for good sausages,

I know that for sure as I was a butcher for all my working days. Might be best if you don't try to guess what actually goes into some of those intestines though as you may never eat a sausage again. (only joking honest)  
Synthetic, ew

The casing is only used for holding the contents together for cooking, you don't eat the haggis casing. Think of it as a very early version of boil-in-the-bag.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #203
I know that for sure as I was a butcher for all my working days. Might be best if you don't try to guess what actually goes into some of those intestines though as you may never eat a sausage again. (only joking honest)

Eh, you taste if if they dump in all kinds of icky fat. That being said, I'm mostly a de facto vegetarian.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #204
Eh, you taste if if they dump in all kinds of icky fat.

Well you need the fat in them otherwise they would be quite unappetizing, tasteless dry lumps of meat. It's all about getting the mix right.
That being said, I'm mostly a de facto vegetarian.

I'm a committed  carnivore.  
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #205
In any case, what I dislike is primarily too much fat, too much salt, and too much sugar. That applies to pretty much all food.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #206
In any case, what I dislike is primarily too much fat, too much salt, and too much sugar. That applies to pretty much all food.

We keep getting told that we should all cut down on them anyway (in the UK that is) like everything else e.g. alcohol so disliking too much of them is probably a good thing. I don't use much salt nor sugar so I think I do well there, a bit of fat on my meat though is needed for flavour but I don't overdo it, a little bit of what I like won't kill me.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #207
All things in moderation...

...including moderation.  ;)
You are the result of 3.8 billion years of evolutionary success.
Act like it!


Re: Random Chat

Reply #208
All things in moderation...

That's how I see it and most sensible people probably.
That doesn't fit in with those interfering politicians that want us to be ran as a Nanny State though. 

...including moderation

The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #209
Almost slipped on an icy sidewalk today. But this time I got winter boots on, and I think it prevented me from slipping and fall.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #210
You've got to be careful out there Syav you may break something and we wouldn't want that.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #211

Almost slipped on an icy sidewalk today. But this time I got winter boots on, and I think it prevented me from slipping and fall.

I've become a professional at falling. What I mean is when I do, I do a phenomenal job at hurting myself. One time I ran out to my car to roll the windows up because the sky decided it was a great time to piss all over the damn place. As I'm running back into the garage, I slip straight into the stairs with the first step I take. Shoes are definitely advisable during slick and wet conditions. I came out with a good size bruise on my leg and buttocks. No major injuries were sustained. Reportedly, the stairs and floor have made a full recovery. :P

Re: Random Chat

Reply #212
Quote from: Mandi
I came out with a good size bruise on my leg and buttocks. No major injuries were sustained.

Good thing you didn't fracture any bones. A friend of mine slipped on ice and fractured all the bones on her left fingers.

Quote from: Mandi
Reportedly, the stairs and floor have made a full recovery.

Lol! Well, at least the stairs didn't collapse. That would've been bad news if they're wooden stairs and collapsed when you fell. :P

Re: Random Chat

Reply #213

Quote from: Mandi
I came out with a good size bruise on my leg and buttocks. No major injuries were sustained.

Good thing you didn't fracture any bones. A friend of mine slipped on ice and fractured all the bones on her left fingers.

Ouch! I've only broken one bone. I couldn't imagine several. Not to mention the hand. Eek!

Quote from: Mandi
Reportedly, the stairs and floor have made a full recovery.

Lol! Well, at least the stairs didn't collapse. That would've been bad news if they're wooden stairs and collapsed when you fell. :P

They wouldn't have fallen on me becuase I slid into the bottom step. I was running towards the steps if that helps with a visual.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #214
One time I ran out to my car to roll the windows up because the sky decided it was a great time to piss all over the damn place. As I'm running back into the garage, I slip straight into the stairs with the first step I take.

Did anyone catch it on camera or were your blushes spared?

A friend of mine slipped on ice and fractured all the bones on her left fingers.

That's a sore one, I broke 3 fingers once, hurt like hell that did. My Dr used ice lolly sticks for splints which amused me.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #215
The one and only time I forgot to wear my helmet is ironically the one and only time I took a spill on a motorcycle...and the one and only time I broke a bone. Surprisingly, it was not my head (I know some of you hoping that were the case in hopes of explaining how I am...:P ), but my little finger. Also chipped my elbow on the same arm.

The fun part was that I had driven to the strip pits where by friends were riding their dirt bikes (one of which I borrowed to break my finger with) in my step dad's truck. This truck had a manual transmission, so of course I banged up the hand and arm used for shifting. What a treat that was...NOT!
You are the result of 3.8 billion years of evolutionary success.
Act like it!

Re: Random Chat

Reply #216
The one and only time I forgot to wear my helmet is ironically the one and only time I took a spill on a motorcycle..

Sod's law they call that.
Surprisingly, it was not my head (I know some of you hoping that were the case in hopes of explaining how I am... :P  )

Probably requires more than that to crack your head if it's anything like mine anyway. 
but my little finger. Also chipped my elbow on the same arm.

Ooh! A chipped elbow sounds like it could be a sore one. I managed to crack my ribs the one and only time I came of a motorbike, wasn't wearing a helmet so I'm probably lucky that's all I cracked.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #217
This truck had a manual transmission, so of course I banged up the hand and arm used for shifting. What a treat that was...NOT!

Should of wore elbow pads. :P
That sounds awful. I don't trust myself on 2 wheels. Waaaaay too clumsy for that.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #218
Why did that ^^^^ just happen? I quoted the same way I always do.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #219
Why did that ^^^^ just happen? I quoted the same way I always do.

I have no idea, you using your phone or computer to do it? Though that shouldn't really make any difference.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #220

Why did that ^^^^ just happen? I quoted the same way I always do.

I have no idea, you using your phone or computer to do it? Though that shouldn't really make any difference.

I'm using my phone. As I was last night too. Perhaps I back spaced too much?

Edit: That is exactly what happened. I deleted a crucial bracket. :doh:

Re: Random Chat

Reply #221
I'm using my phone. As I was last night too. Perhaps I back spaced too much?

Edit: That is exactly what happened. I deleted a crucial bracket. :doh:

Easy done, more-so if using a phone I would imagine. I've done that myself a few times but fortunately I make a point of previewing my posts before I post it. That way I'm the only one that notices when I muck it up.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #222
Yea, I usually preview and did with that post. Unfortunately I didn't figure out where I went wrong until after I asked and re-assessed my error.  :( I have a habit of answering my own dumb questions. lol

Re: Random Chat

Reply #223
I have a habit of answering my own dumb questions. lol

You're not alone there I can assure you.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Random Chat

Reply #224

The one and only time I forgot to wear my helmet is ironically the one and only time I took a spill on a motorcycle..

Sod's law they call that.

It's all about sod over there in Scotland, isn't it? ;)

Surprisingly, it was not my head (I know some of you hoping that were the case in hopes of explaining how I am... :P  )

Probably requires more than that to crack your head if it's anything like mine anyway. 

Hmmm...yes, would probably inflict more damage on the ground than our noggins...hehehe...

but my little finger. Also chipped my elbow on the same arm.

Ooh! A chipped elbow sounds like it could be a sore one. I managed to crack my ribs the one and only time I came of a motorbike, wasn't wearing a helmet so I'm probably lucky that's all I cracked.

Yes, the elbow actually hurt more than the finger. When the folks too me to the ER, they were looking at my hand and I was going "Hey! Hand is fine, it's my elbow that hurts like hell!". Quite coincidental and ironic, our helmetless experiences. Both breaking something other than our heads...hehehe...
You are the result of 3.8 billion years of evolutionary success.
Act like it!