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Topic: The Decline of Religion in Europe (Read 67579 times)

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #225
Unfortunately dear man you show what passes for religion in wonderland. Thank goodness I am 3,000 miles away as that ex-colonist type of religion is in the same boat and you did well unintentionally reminding us. :hat:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #226
Do you really think you're in Europe, RJ? :) I'd bet most Europeans disagree…

Perhaps if you converted to Mohamed-ism you'd get ahead of the curve!
(You know, it wouldn't be much different: Stuff you don't understand, based on scripture you can't read, and interpreted by people who think you're a dolt… And you're simply told what to believe, and still don't understand it — no matter how often you "proclaim".)

The main reason religion in Europe is declining is that the Enlightenment led to the Endarkenment… :)
How's that "heaven on earth" thingy working out? :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #227

Do you really think you're in Europe, RJ? :) I'd bet most Europeans disagree…

Europe is a continent. The relationship between Europe and UK is like that between Greenland and America. If it were up to me, UK would be a state of US or US a colony of UK. You can sort the specifics out among yourselves.

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #228
The relationship between Europe and UK is like that between Greenland and America.
You do know, some literate people read what you post, right? :(
If the UK takes its "brexit" it's a harbinger of the future of European politics… How long before there's another war on the continent?

And religion has nothing to do with it: You're all heathens, now. It's in your "constitution"… :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #230
There won't be a war in Europe they are too busy building fences on the Borders.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #231
The old term for immigrants who have no intention of assimilating is "invasion"… War is what you will have, then — whether you want it or not.

But don't you find the Muslim call to prayer the most beautiful sound, ever!? Obama likes "cop killer" and "rape the ho'" rap songs, and the "call to prayer"… He's obviously a connoisseur!

Europe is failing, if you haven't noticed. Look to your new Scotland and tell me I'm wrong.
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #232
Europe is failing, if you haven't noticed.

Please explain that statement. All of it, parts of it? Which parts? Germany isn't Portugal. The Scottish economy is doing well.

Putinville isn't doing all that well, but it's emperor is loved.


Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #233
Well Putinland is a much improvement with a way to go and better than the USSR days. Today in everyday practical things a great improvement in basic things like shopping, owning shops, owning house unlike the Red days. You just have to look at the massive traffic and jams in St Petersburg and Moscow to see the difference and does the US President get an 80£ rating? Doesn't happen. There is a way to go yet and just look at how long it took America when you look at decades of racial stuff against red Indians, blacks (oops, still going on and many places with up to 50% unemployment). The massive corruption before WW2 and afterwards. But there again the ex-colonist brain propaganda makes a 2-party dictatorship controlled by the rich the norm? Middle class ex-colonists are feeling the pinch and those below them are in hell

That Putinland refuses to bow the knee to imperial America is brilliant and it never will. Kind of contradicts the way Yanks are brought up to worship the flag everywhere and regard themselves s the world'#s saviour., Tell that to the millions of suffering in the ex-colonies.

Just nodded to a picture of the last emperor on the wall which a Yankee President did actually praise. praised. Yee-haw! As for the religion theme I am a proper Prot not that odd stuff that goes on in the US of A.  :hat: :knight:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #234
Please explain that statement. All of it, parts of it? Which parts? Germany isn't Portugal. The Scottish economy is doing well.
Demographics -including immigration- are set to dissolve the societies of most of the nations of Europe (western Europe, the EU…). As in the U.S., the idea of assimilation is out of fashion in a Europe besieged by migrants.

And don't forget: The Iranians have ballistic missiles that will easily blanket the EU…
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #235

Just nodded to a picture of the last emperor on the wall which a Yankee President did actually praise. praised. Yee-haw! As for the religion theme I am a proper Prot not that odd stuff that goes on in the US of A:hat: :knight:

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #236
And don't forget: The Iranians have ballistic missiles that will easily blanket the EU…

As true as that may be, no Ayatollah would be dumb enough to consign his nation to the trash heap of history.

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #237
The Last Emperor, Mr. Howie?

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #238
And don't forget: The Iranians have ballistic missiles that will easily blanket the EU…

The Iranian president is doing economic deals with all European countries. It seems you must be the ones worried about his missiles...
Slightly heavier than just a couple of airplanes in case you forgot it... (not to speak about the "thing" right in the pentagon...)
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #239
And apart from what Belfrager has reminded us of in comes Minuteman Oakdale with that matter of Iran having ballistic missiles. May I remind him that America has ballistic missiles and would be even more dangerous.Indeed doing a practice situation shortly. If some country started rattling war noises  America they would instead of trying to keep that terrible thing out the way have made it abundantly clear they would unless atomic warfare. Iran has no wish for a military confrontation. Indeed  has as much right to have a strong defence as anyone and for a Yank to come on here talking mince when his lot are full of them is head shaking. Iran is not a world threat to peace but the ex-colonies corner is and well proved it since 1945.  :hat:

"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #240
Iran has no wish for a military confrontation.
Not direct confrontation, no. As the Soviets and their satellites did after WW II, the Iranians prefer "surrogates"… Hezbollah and Hamas are only the public face of Shia insurgency; else why do you think Saudi Arabia and most of the other gulf states are so worried?
But Iran has -for religious reasons- a mission: Conflagration. How else would they defeat Sunni Islam?
Despite their rhetoric, that is their goal — defeating Sunni Islam. At least until the old Mullahs die… Hating the U.S. and Israel are dodges! Those old men want the world to end. And they, not the politicians, are in control.

I think I know what you intended to say, above what I quoted. But your ignorance and susceptibility to propaganda makes your points silly, even if I understand them! Do you really think the U.S. would start WW III? Of course you do!
You would have… Luckily, you couldn't. Not again.
We didn't…
But we're not you. And most of the world is grateful for that! (Some taciturn Scots may not be.)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #241

And apart from what Belfrager has reminded us of in comes Minuteman Oakdale with that matter of Iran having ballistic missiles. May I remind him that America has ballistic missiles and would be even more dangerous.Indeed doing a practice situation shortly. If some country started rattling war noises  America they would instead of trying to keep that terrible thing out the way have made it abundantly clear they would unless atomic warfare. Iran has no wish for a military confrontation. Indeed  has as much right to have a strong defence as anyone and for a Yank to come on here talking mince when his lot are full of them is head shaking. Iran is not a world threat to peace but the ex-colonies corner is and well proved it since 1945.  :hat:

No you may not. Permission is hereby denied by your superiors. Be silent, peasant.

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #242
Iran, or any other country in the world has exactly the same rights the USA have. Simple as that.
Welcome to the XXI century, the century of American collapse. Two hundred years of exhistence... nothing to be remembered.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #243
Talk about being so much into double standards re America. On this occasion I will actually give them the No 1 position in that corner!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #244

Iran, or any other country in the world has exactly the same rights the USA have. Simple as that.

Are you kidding? :)
Since when has a peasant the same rights a king has?
No country has the same rights the USA has. Do you really think the US military bases around the world are for decoration and the US military budget is an altruistic contribution to "world peace"?

Welcome to the XXI century, the century of American collapse.

First the good news for you: for better or worse, emperor and empires don't last forever...
Now the bad news for you: since you don't have the life expectancy of a Galapagos turtle, you'll have to deal with what we have for now.

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #245
Krake is waking up from some nightmare... no wonder, living with Merkel.

Forget the 150 years old Galapagos turtle, we're already watching the American Grand Finale. Does Trump rings a bell?
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #246
The Iranian president is doing economic deals with all European countries. It seems you must be the ones worried about his missiles...

Nah, it's the cons and neo-cons that are actually worried about that. Everyone else knows that Iran's missile capability is limited because so many are low accuracy North Korean garbage. No, the Iranians can't "blanket" the EU as Oakdale claims. It probably got that misinformation from a right-wing blog, where he gets the rest of his misinformation. As you pointed out, it would be senseless for Iran to start a war in the first place. Unfortunately, American rightwingers always need something to be afraid of to justify ever increasing the military expenditure  instead of investing in education, infrastructure and otherwise making improvements to the US.
“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”
― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #247

From Moscow with bullets.
Kyle Mizokami
November 15, 2015
During the Iran-Iraq War both countries showered one another with Scud missiles. Iran has continued to develop ballistic missiles, but its designs are marred by technological shortcomings. Iranian missiles suffer from the use of liquid instead of solid fuel and poor accuracy.

Iran already has ballistic missiles that can be used as terror weapons, but a force of proven, accurate missiles, even with shorter range, could be very useful. In that respect, the 9K720 Iskander short-range ballistic missile might be ideal.

Iskander is a tactical missile designed to knock out enemy command and control centers, radars and surface-to-air missile sites, airfields and other critical military targets. Iskander can carry a munition payload of 1,000lbs to 1,500lbs, including a high explosive warhead, submunition dispensing warhead or fuel-air explosives. Iskander was originally designed to be used against heavily defended targets but advances in anti-missile technology could potentially make defense against the short-ranged ballistic missile viable.

The export version of Iskander is limited to a range of 186 miles under the Missile Technology Control Regime agreement. This is still adequate to still put many of economic, military and political targets in the Gulf States in the Iranian bull's eye.
You have maps; look at an atlas, Bel and Sang

[…]it would be senseless for Iran to start a war in the first place […]
What about an apocalyptic theocracy do you not understand? :(

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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #248
One would think that if a nation was as principled as the USA always boast they would stop creating global intrigue and nightmares. Instead  a big chunk of the money wasted on global military pomposity could be spent on the army of people inside the country who are ignored. Spending half the global military bill whist tens of millions in the country are being ignored is apart from gob-smacking is disgusting.
"Quit you like men:be strong"