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Topic: The Decline of Religion in Europe (Read 69050 times)

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #175

A boring man who thinks he is something whilst trying to be associated with the label some give him of being intellectual and wonderful. He is dead now and in practical terms for the bulk of people outside of the classy would-be smart alecs no practical great loss. His own brother Peter is a well known and intelligent journalisy=t here in Britain and not only a Christian minded man but an active member of the Church of England so balances out that pain on the backside who during his life thought he was something.

So the video will no doubt be noted as special to the people who like to think they are above others intellectually or in knowledge but I will stick with the existing brother Peter!

So in this single quote, we have a Protestant:

1. Judge, even though he isn't supposed to do so "lest ye be judged".
2. Call someone's death "no great loss".

Really a shining example of why the Protestant denomination is rapidly deteriorating, Mr. Howie.

I might not agree with my dear Catholic, Portuguese friend, Belfrager, on many things, but at least the Catholics don't go about saying a dead man is "no great loss". At least they go about trying to live their creed.

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #176
What a pathetic and stupid load of old cobblers in an attempt to tackle me sonny!

And using the widespread corruption everywhere of the Church of Rome as an immature further attempt. The same Church in your place that has been bankrupted in several places due to court actions! That man is NO loss but his brother would be hence my stand by him. That interviewing was as boring as someone claiming democracy was a full blown part of the ex-colonies. Mind you it was Protestants who founded your place and looked like doing well until legions of RC Irish came in and did the widespread corruption games. (along with Italian Papists too!).

Have tried to make allowances for you due to your weather or maybe going through a boring day.  :yes: :hat:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #177

I might not agree with my dear Catholic, Portuguese friend, Belfrager, on many things, but at least the Catholics don't go about saying a dead man is "no great loss". At least they go about trying to live their creed.

Unless you actually meant "the true Catholics", you should look a little closer. :left:

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #178
Unless you actually meant "the true Catholics", you should look a little closer.  :left:

And I think you should refrain to opiniate to anything else but to your 10% taxes protestant cults...

A matter of attitude.

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #179
My? What are you talking about? You must be confusing me with somebody else. :right:

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #180

What a pathetic and stupid load of old cobblers in an attempt to tackle me sonny!

And using the widespread corruption everywhere of the Church of Rome as an immature further attempt. The same Church in your place that has been bankrupted in several places due to court actions! That man is NO loss but his brother would be hence my stand by him. That interviewing was as boring as someone claiming democracy was a full blown part of the ex-colonies. Mind you it was Protestants who founded your place and looked like doing well until legions of RC Irish came in and did the widespread corruption games. (along with Italian Papists too!).

Have tried to make allowances for you due to your weather or maybe going through a boring day.  :yes: :hat:

Once again, as you are a Christian, it is strange that you would celebrate the death of a man; a man who was one of the better speakers to come from the UK.


Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #181
My? What are you talking about? You must be confusing me with somebody else.  :right:

No, I'm not confusing you with anyone else. I'm critisizing the protestant sects and cults that charges 10% taxes on people's salary and revenues as so many Brazilian pseudo churches do.
Do you need examples? I think not.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #182
No, I don't need examples, and they are not my churches. Remember: I'm atheist.
Regarding that subject: I agree with you. So...?

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #183
Remember: I'm atheist.

An atheist? thought you were a protestant...
Well, I don't even know what's better, between an atheist and a protestant let the devil to chose...

So... nothing, my mistake, next time I'll adress you as an atheist. You'll not note the diference.. :)
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #184

I'm critisizing the protestant sects and cults that charges 10% taxes ...

Speaking of church tax - sorry Bel for not serving the latest numbers but:
Im Jahr 2013 erhielt die Römisch-katholische Kirche in Deutschland etwa 5,5 Milliarden Euro Kirchensteuer

In Germany, Roman Catholic Church earned 2013 through church tax 5,500,000,000 EUR.
Keep also in mind please that church tax is not the only source of revenue the RCC has.

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #185
No colonel he was not the best speaker to come from Gt Britain (that was Churchill). I watched the would-be intellectual being interviewed and he was as boring as the US being the greatest country in the world! Now I will make allowances for the decline in educational thinking in the ex-colonies dear lad but he was hopeless. He muffed answers, acted as if he was something and looked as if he was suffering from depression. Even after a wander mentally his answers were pointless. As I equated his brother who is Christian is a different kettle of fish and more direct than that mental wanderer

You ex-colonists as a racial group are very basic and easy emotionals so I will take that as an explanation. A week in Sunday I am conducting a service in a city centre church and later in the year speaking at a rally of my definitive and to the point Protestant fraternity.

Protestant and proud!  :knight:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #186
In Germany, Roman Catholic Church earned 2013 through church tax 5,500,000,000 EUR.

The Catholic Church doesn't charges church taxes period.

Five thousand and five hundred million euros per year just in Gemany? wau. Are you quoting the almanac of hallucination? :)
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #187

The Catholic Church doesn't charges church taxes period.

But German law does.
Guess who introduced that law.
It was the agreement between a famous German leader, one you may have heard about and the Vatican.
The leader vanished in a bunker at the end of WWII but his law survived and is more alive than ever.

Five thousand and five hundred million euros per year just in Gemany? wau. Are you quoting the almanac of hallucination? :)

Almanac of hallucination you say?
It's funny to see how ignorant you can get when it comes down to some facts. :) (Blessed are the ignorant. :D )
And keep in mind, those five thousand and five hundred million euros per year is not the only source of revenue, the RCC enjoys here in Germany.

BTW, did you know that the RCC owns here 8,250km² (square kilometer) being the biggest private land owner of Germany?

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #188
It was the agreement between a famous German leader, one you may have heard about and the Vatican.
The leader vanished in a bunker at the end of WWII but his law survived and is more alive than ever.

That one?
It seems that he made good laws, so many years after you have never change it.
And keep in mind, those five thousand and five hundred million euros per year is not the only source of revenue, the RCC enjoys here in Germany.

The Catholic Church has all the sources of revenues it wants to have.
BTW, did you know that the RCC owns here 8,250km² (square kilometer) being the biggest private land owner of Germany?

Good, very good.

Almanac of hallucination you say?
It's funny to see how ignorant you can get when it comes down to some facts.  :)  (Blessed are the ignorant.  :D  )

Vatican's finances:
Revenues   $308 million (2011)
Expenses   $326.4 million (2011)

The Church is more than just the Vatican but you keep on dreaming. By your accountability the Catholic Church has, worldwide, per year, more than all the money that exists... well, not impossible but it would be a real miracle. :)
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #189
Well the Roman Church needs money very much and especially in places like America where there have been repeated law cases against Dioceses and included those who had to be bankrupted on sex charges! Oh and let us not forget the activities of the Vatican Bank over the years and the corruption, money laundering, etc. These sex charges are not in the stance of an occasional thing they are deeply built in for centuries and even since some old Red sock stopped priests from marrying and they were to be married to the Church instead. That proved to be a farce because the dilly-dallying continued and flourished. It was only in more modern times and a wider and broader society when the matter got challenged as in previous centuries there was too much fear on the power of that Church.

Also kind of bemusing that the main background of most of the top and inner leaders of the Hitler top boys were from what background, eh? The one who was a Protestant I know about was Hess. He flew to Britain seriously wanting peace. Even Mussolini had to have a pact with the Vatican to ensure power and I mentioned here a while back of photos of Church leaders in Yugoslavia during WW2 meeting the Nazis and doing the salute. In that same country was a death camp holding Serbs who had a commandant who was a priest! Italy, Spain. Portugal all had dictatorships. Surprise, surprise! Due to corruption of a once very strong exponent of Romanism, Ireland, has vastly plummeted due to spiritual corruption. Indeed 2 investigations by authorities. These were on the Archdiocese of Dublin and the equal one for the rest of the Irish republic. Shocking was a light reaction and unlike yesteryear when the Church really told the government and the police what to do, Ireland is a far wider and better educated place seeing the light!  :whistle:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #191
Well the Roman Church needs money very much and especially in places like America

Anyone needs money very much in places like America...
But the minority prostestant and jew that receives all that money.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #192
Funny re that dig about religion from a man in a country that boasts across the world about how great it is!

And to you my dear Belfrager. You made an amusing comment in another thread about me making an error in ensbb3's name. Yet here you use "prostestant." Now kind of detracts from your uppity attempt.  :sing:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #193
Funny re that dig about religion from a man in a country that boasts across the world about how great it is!

Define great. I see all that stuff as so much meaningless babble. However, we have more Mexicans than any country except Mexico, the world's largest economy, the largest number of Republicans, and more Mexican restaurants than Scotland. Finally, we're not members of the EU!

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #194
And do not forget: the largest border with Mexico.
(What would the USA be without them?)

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #195
You know fine well what I blinking mean jimbro. So tut, tut, expressing middle class retirement distance from the factual! I will give you the acceptance you are not in the EU but a Wall Street controlled place?Nah, isn't any better!

If this nation votes in the referendum to stay in that financial EU mess then I will disappear into my world of railway simulation building. Mind you last night I watched a short time on GW Bush mark 2 (Obama) doing a public speech on how America must be the world's controlling financial place as the alternative would be China. You need to get out more.Imperialism alive and well!  :D
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #196
And do not forget: the largest border with Mexico.
(What would the USA be without them?)

We'd be without an endless source of cheap labor.

BTW, if Trump becomes president, he's going to build a 2,000 mile wall along the US/Mexican border and make the Mexicans pay for it.

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #198
Really jimbro, I'm surprised that would give the Daily Fail acknowledgement. I had you down as an educated gentleman.

Enough of the Scottish subsidy myth - Scotland pays its way in the Union

Scots represent 8.4 per cent of the UK's total population, but they generate 9.4 per cent of its annual revenues in tax -- equivalent to £1,000 extra per person. The remaining £624 is easily accounted for by decades of UK government under-spending in Scotland on defence and on other items which are not routinely broken down by region, such as foreign office services

Not sure why you brought it up in a topic about The Decline of Religion in Europe though.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: The Decline of Religion in Europe

Reply #199
First, the line is my signature, not a post.
Second, off-posts are as common as the sun in the sky. This is hardly the first time that something unrelated to the discussion topic has happened.
Third, it all comes down to which source one reads.

So it seems a good time to go through the numbers on that narrower question of whether Scotland gets more in terms of public spending than it gives back in revenues.
For readers who'd rather not wade through the statistics: the answer is yes, Scotland does get a net subsidy.

Not surprisingly, I have no idea which is correct.