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Topic: The Weird, the Wacky and the Wonderful (Read 114515 times)

Re: The Weird, the Wacky and the Wonderful

Reply #176
They look more like sinkholes than craters. Best explanation I've heard is the topography can create pressure mounds of permafrost. Due to being raised from the surface and as a result of either pressure, other surface cracking or natural gas collection in the region the permafrost melts and it collapses in on itself.  

Re: The Weird, the Wacky and the Wonderful

Reply #177
I wasn't sure where to put this, so anyway here goes
How to Park a Car

Re: The Weird, the Wacky and the Wonderful

Reply #179
They're assholes - planet earth farted.
Seriously, they're supposed to be caused by permafrost dirt slowly thawing and releasing methane trapped within, which forms bubbles which slowly rise to the surface. Big bubbles.

Re: The Weird, the Wacky and the Wonderful

Reply #180
Tut, tut, jimbro you are still in a fanatical mental state over your pal, Putin. I have it on good authority that it was created by Glasgwegians for the deposition of Edinburgh.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Weird, the Wacky and the Wonderful

Reply #181
They're assholes - planet earth farted.
Seriously, they're supposed to be caused by permafrost dirt slowly thawing and releasing methane trapped within, which forms bubbles which slowly rise to the surface. Big bubbles.

I see... a very solid explanation and also very common, it happens all the time.
A few tonnes of Kompensan will solve the problem, it's not elegant mother earth to fart.
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Weird, the Wacky and the Wonderful

Reply #182

They're assholes - planet earth farted.
Seriously, they're supposed to be caused by permafrost dirt slowly thawing and releasing methane trapped within, which forms bubbles which slowly rise to the surface. Big bubbles.

I see... a very solid explanation and also very common, it happens all the time.
A few tonnes of Kompensan will solve the problem, it's not elegant mother earth to fart.

That's why they're in Siberia, at least as far as german colloquialisms are concerned it's the world's arse.


Re: The Weird, the Wacky and the Wonderful

Reply #184

Re: The Weird, the Wacky and the Wonderful

Reply #186
Just spoiled my day mentioning East Enders. Groan.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Weird, the Wacky and the Wonderful

Reply #188
Just spoiled my day mentioning East Enders. Groan.

Quite so. I mentioned this to Mayor Goodman and she estimated Eastenders to be a mere 11.283 percent superior to Glaswegians. There must be quite nasty business happening there.

Re: The Weird, the Wacky and the Wonderful

Reply #189
You do let you jealousy show dear oh dear by such stuff.  :D

Anyway, Glasgow is more of an indigenous city than Londonstanand a popular tourist place and includes legions of ex-colonists who are more clever and discerning that you-hoo!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: The Weird, the Wacky and the Wonderful

Reply #190
The October issue of Scientific American has an erratum."The generic name of vioxx is not celecoxib. It is rofecoxib.
I thought you should know.

Re: The Weird, the Wacky and the Wonderful

Reply #191
The October issue of Scientific American has an erratum."The generic name of vioxx is not celecoxib. It is rofecoxib.

Only Americans to confuse rofecoxib with celecoxib...
A matter of attitude.

Re: The Weird, the Wacky and the Wonderful

Reply #193

The October issue of Scientific American has an erratum."The generic name of vioxx is not celecoxib. It is rofecoxib.
I thought you should know.

It don't matter because it's been taken off the market because of concerns about increased risk of heart attack and stroke.

I thought you should know.  

Re: The Weird, the Wacky and the Wonderful

Reply #194
I guess that exxplains it

Re: The Weird, the Wacky and the Wonderful

Reply #195
Exxxplains makes it an xxx  :devil: exxxplanation :devil:.

Re: The Weird, the Wacky and the Wonderful

Reply #197
Ecology is a vital science — provided the science part isn't overwhelmed by ideology or "species-ism"*:)

Remarkable! Indeed. Was it predicted? I'm reminded of Hayek's speech upon receiving the Nobel Prize for Economics… (Of course, only because I've recently re-read it. :) ) He titled it The Pretense of Knowledge, and many of his points remain un-refuted but poorly received still today.
* You know: The usual "humans bad!"
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
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