Re: Imposed licencing versus Natural Law
Reply #9 –
If you're contrasting that with the situation in America, you've been misinformed.
I couldn't care less for situation in America, Frenzie, it happens that many, (the majority?) of software for personal usage comes from the US.
It's inadmissible that softwares I bought can't be reinstalled again when old computers goes to trash and many other situations. So, I pirate them the most I can.
Intelligent companies that actually gives a good service in exchange for fair payment, I prefer to buy their products. I still believe in the value of intellectual production.
By the way, confession also doesn't have any legal value here but I suppose it will have in the USA. 
They'd have to bring you to an American court to make that confession stick. I have a suspicion that if they tried to enforce the EULA in a Portuguese court the attorneys would have to explain the facts of life in Portugal to them.
It should be noted that even here in the "oppressive US" a lot of that stuff in the EULAs is felgercarb and everybody knows it. The big companies have bigger fish to fry than chasing you because you put an OEM copy on a replacement machine. I wonder if even the people who write that stuff actually read it.