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Topic: Myths, Myths, and more Myths (Read 4643 times)

Myths, Myths, and more Myths

1. Columbus discovered America. NOT
2. Leif Erikson discovered America. NOT
3. Indians discovered America.  YES
Please share your myths.

Re: Myths, Myths, and more Myths

Reply #1
The modern printing press was invented by Coster. But there is no indication that Coster did anything other than woodblock printing. After all, Gutenberg's invention relates only to the random arrangement of letters.

Re: Myths, Myths, and more Myths

Reply #2
An American is slowly becoming un-brainwashed after more than a decade of living abroad. Thus far he has un-learned the following myths:

1. USA is the (only) land of the free
2. USA is (the best) democracy
3. (Laissez-Faire) Capitalism is an absolute virtue
4. USA is the good guys
5. US exceptionalism

In addition to these silly and stupid myths brainwashed into every American since childhood, it has also been interesting to observe some American dogwhistles. For example, statements like "America is a republic, not a democracy" or "America has the Congress, not a parliament" signal with absolute certainty that you are dealing with a Q cultist second-amendment sovcit proponent of KKK terrorism.