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Topic: Have a Pet? (Read 9284 times)

Have a Pet?

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Re: Have a Pet?

Reply #1
Bailey. More vicious than he looks.

The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Have a Pet?

Reply #2
Echo the cat


Re: Have a Pet?

Reply #4
He looks like one pissed off pus. Lol

That's him in one of his better moods too.  ;)
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Have a Pet?

Reply #5
Gained two cats: Nuska and Kurkuma. Pics'll come sometime.

Re: Have a Pet?

Reply #6
Hm, did I ever post any pics? In any event, here is a picture of Lexi on her first birthday last week.

And here is a video of Nushi licking a string.



Re: Have a Pet?

Reply #7
Why was Lexi licking on that string? :D

Re: Have a Pet?

Reply #8
Why was Lexi licking on that string?  ;D

I think you mean Nushi.  ;)
Lexi is the one that's sleeping, must have had a hard day and needed a catnap.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Have a Pet?

Reply #9
I don't know; Nuska just likes to lick strings. Come at her with a cat toy on a string and she's just grabbing the string and licking it.  :lol:

Re: Have a Pet?

Reply #10
Maybe the string acts like a massage for her tongue :D

Re: Have a Pet?

Reply #11
Why was Lexi licking on that string?  ;D
I think you mean Nushi.  ;)
Lexi is the one that's sleeping, must have had a hard day and needed a catnap.
I have very sad news. Last week Nushi rejected some of her kibble, but she was still racing through the hallways with Lexi, jumping on my lap and happily rolling over on the floor when she saw me. Then on Thursday she ate less and on Friday morning she didn't eat anything at all. A blood sample showed she had acute kidney failure and an extremely low red blood cell count, following which I rushed her over to a clinic in Gent for a blood transfusion. She seemed to be doing better initially, although she wasn't improving nearly as much as hoped. She received a second blood transfusion, but her body wouldn't start producing red blood cells. A third could've been an option, but chances of success were estimated to be extremely low. We said our goodbyes on Wednesday. I hope she found some comfort resting her paw and her head on our hands in her final moments.

Re: Have a Pet?

Reply #12
So sorry to read that Frenzie. The hardest part of having a pet is having to let them go even though you know it's the right thing to do. I'm sure you gave her the best chance of staying with you, but sometimes it's not to be. Poor Nushi, she is bound to be missed. I know for sure she would have been comforted  by you being there at the end. Over the rainbow bridge she goes with all our other loved but departed pets.  :(
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Have a Pet?

Reply #13
Thank you. It all came so suddenly, and she was only an estimated 8 years old.

Re: Have a Pet?

Reply #14
That's quite young for a cat, being so sudden even harder to bear. At least with our last cat we knew six months before he went that his time was up and he'd reached the grand age of 18 years old. Still hurt like hell when the day came though.

Extra snuggles needed for Lexi as I'm sure she'll be missing Nushi  too.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Have a Pet?

Reply #15
I've got a puppy!

[Well shit, I guess this is little more than a placeholder until I can remove some metadata. If I don't leave it as an unfinished task I'll never remember to post :P]

Re: Have a Pet?

Reply #16
Is it the kind of puppy that can herd horses and cattle?

Re: Have a Pet?

Reply #17
Quite the puppy.

Re: Have a Pet?

Reply #18
I've got a puppy!
A working dog or a pet?
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Have a Pet?

Reply #19
Is it the kind of puppy that can herd horses and cattle?

I sincerely hope so. Lol.

Quite the puppy.

Took me a second to get that. Hers is a girl of the times. :lol:

I've got a puppy!
A working dog or a pet?

Pit bull [aka pitty, pit, ect.] I believe they were hunting dogs(?) For holding the prey while the hunter arrived. Don't hold me to that.

Mine will be a farm dog. Isabella, like a proper southern lady. I'll call her Izzy.


Apparently I'm having trouble with pictures atm. Firstly, I lost my phone not too long back and don't yet have this one up to snuff. Secondly, having moved my pc around - its presently on 'vacation'. And lastly, she's not so photogenic rn. I've like two okay pics where she's not right next to me and minus tracer data... Seems I jumped to the assumption I'd have less trouble with this. Meh, challenge accepted now.