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Topic: Will Europe have another War? (Read 21302 times)

Re: Will Europe have another War?

Reply #27
Yes, Antartica might be the wrong place to have a war, although maybe a good place for some whisky on the rocks.

Re: Will Europe have another War?

Reply #28

Maybe we should resurrect the DnD Kingdom's Space Programme and arrange the war on Mars. Who should we invite?

Re: Will Europe have another War?

Reply #31
Yes, but will Europe have another war?

Re: Will Europe have another War?

Reply #32
No it won't unless the US invades and as everywhere else leaves a mess behind afterwards!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Will Europe have another War?

Reply #34
One more note, there are three kind of wars being already prepared in Europe, geographic wars, civilian wars and against external enemies.

Geographic wars will be cultural, civilizational and economically driven. The more evident one will be between South and North.
Civilian wars will be all over Europe between free people and the servants of the new order.
External wars will be defending continually against waves after waves of barbarians.

Not a too much optimistic scenario waiting the centuries to come, but we'll keep on drinking good champagne and a few other luxuries.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Will Europe have another War?

Reply #35

No it won't unless the US invades and as everywhere else leaves a mess behind afterwards!

A look at history shows that Europeans were pretty good at having wars before the US got involved over thataway. In fact, if anything it seems to me that right now US involvement serves as the control rods in your war reactor. Remove the US, and next thing you know some would-be emperor is marching across the European continent looking to grab as much land as he can before sacking England. This time the Channel might not be much of a barrier either--- you've got that Chunnel, just waiting to be used by the next pillaging army that wants to come on over.

You might want to see about repairing Hadrian's Wall if the US ever does leave. Just a thought.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Will Europe have another War?

Reply #36

Yes, but will Europe have another war?

A lot of them. Way beyond your country has disappeared. Probably even before so.

Thanks, that's what I was hoping. Putin is nibbling away at Ukraine; can Poland and Slovakia be far behind?

I'm guessing that he'll leave Scotland alone. What self-respecting Rooskie would bother going there?

Re: Will Europe have another War?

Reply #38
Will Europe have another War?

according to the law of social pressure .
sometimes , wrong thing can be right if it done by people in  large group .
vice versa .

thus , Europe will have another war , if there are war in certain areas and there are no efforts to reconcile .

in this case the U.N had one job .

Re: Will Europe have another War?

Reply #39

Will Europe have another War?

according to the law of social pressure .
sometimes , wrong thing can be right if it done by people in  large group .
vice versa .

thus , Europe will have another war , if there are war in certain areas and there are no efforts to reconcile .

in this case the U.N had one job .

The League of Nations had the job before then. See how well that worked.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Will Europe have another War?

Reply #40
The UN is a dancing society.

Re: Will Europe have another War?

Reply #41
I find very funny Americans criticizing the UN when they are the first reason UN can't function.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Will Europe have another War?

Reply #44
Please explain yourself. Joking aside, the UN has had significant accomplishments.

Yes it has. The problem being the veto system, by five countries, at the security council.

The winners of WWII don't represent anymore the best guarantee possible for the best common solutions and the last fifty years have shown clearly how the increasing isolation from the rest of the world by the US, in an hostile attitude of we do what it pleases us, is today world's biggest menace.
A matter of attitude.


Re: Will Europe have another War?

Reply #46
Perhaps. A couple of examples would help.

Attack and murder foreigner citizens, inside sovereign countries jurisdiction, rings you a bell?

You should really think about, at least for a moment, why European citizens have changed drastically our opinion about the US in the last decades. I know you don't care, as I said, you're going into an isolation pathway that leads to nowhere good for everybody, including yourselves.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Will Europe have another War?

Reply #47
I'll believe the move to isolationism when I see it happen. What I do see is some movement away from the morass of the Middle East. I see that as positive, but what I don't like is a move to "counter" China in the Pacific region. No isolationism there, and if Republicans win the next presidential election, all bets are off.

Opinions about nations are as important as the price of carne de porco à Alentajana in your favorite restaurant. It may affect you next restaurant outing but that's it.

The bottom line is that no modern country can affort to be isolationist, Portugal included.

Re: Will Europe have another War?

Reply #48
what I don't like is a move to "counter" China in the Pacific region.

If the USA feels entitled to "counter" China or/and Russia it should do it on its own without sacrificing pawns!!!

The USA (aka Nato) is planning a new nuclear arms build-up in Europe although neither Germany nor France (or other major player in Europe) are asking for it.
Brian P. McKeon is arguing that it is for protecting the USA and its European allies.
That's a perfidious lie. Wonder for how silly he takes Europeans?
US nukes won't and can't protect Europe. Their only purpose is to hit Russia in a worst case scenario turning Europe (F**k the EU) into a moonscape.

Nobody here in Europe is keen to go to heaven for American exceptionalism!

if Republicans win the next presidential election, all bets are off.

Don't be naive.
It doesn't matter who wins the presidential election. Abroad, they are faces of the same coin. Only differences we can perceive are the rhetorics.

Re: Will Europe have another War?

Reply #49
Don't be naive.
It doesn't matter who wins the presidential election. Abroad, they are faces of the same coin. Only differences we can perceive are the rhetorics.

German paranoia!

You don't know politics here.