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Topic: Will Europe have another War? (Read 21300 times)

Will Europe have another War?

The clouds of war are gathering; while politicians distract themselves with football hooligans, the Micronation of Enclava is on the move and seizing vast territories for it's King, HIs Majesty Prince (TBD).

It is expected that a United Nations Peace-keeping force consisting of San Marino and the NYPD armed forces will be sent to restore calm.

Enclava on the move

Re: Will Europe have another War?

Reply #1
Sure, why not? The last one was so much fun they decided to have another. (Well, that explanation seems to have worked well enough to explain WW2.)
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Will Europe have another War?

Reply #2

I've sent in an application for citizenship and you can, too.
Our flag....

Don't believe the below statement. It's Slovenian propaganda.
As news spread of his new nation online 5,000 people signed up for citizenship, but the fledgling country was obliterated shortly afterwards when the Slovenian foreign ministry announced that the territory belonged to them.

Re: Will Europe have another War?

Reply #3
Has anyone else heard of this shocking news?

ENCLAVA — President Vladimir V. Putin sought to transform the burgeoning scandal over corruption in soccer’s international governing body into an extension of the confrontation between Russia and Eclava on Thursday, accusing the it of global overreach.

Re: Will Europe have another War?

Reply #4
When the next European war becomes necessary, the rich nations will pay the poor nations to have it for them.

Re: Will Europe have another War?

Reply #5

When the next European war becomes necessary, the rich nations will pay the poor nations to have it for them.

Not far off will be because of economics, & the rich, as always, will finance both sides.....but claim the high moral ground.

It's Déjà vu all over again!

As it was with WWII, a contrived war   --  contrived by Britain & the Central Banks  --  the once Great Britain is looking to war to reestablish itself & it's economy. Europe is Britain's 'Bad Boy Poster-child' once again (last time it was only Germany at first, but soon all the 'Axis Powers' became their targets too).

The following is history, & those that don't care to learn from it will be doomed to relive it. 

Once again, Germany's industrial output became a threat to Great Britain.

    "Should Germany merchandise (do business) again in the next 50 years we have led this war (WW1) in vain." - Winston Churchill in The Times (1919)

    "We will force this war upon Hitler, if he wants it or not." - Winston Churchill (1936 broadcast)

    "Germany becomes too powerful. We have to crush it." - Winston Churchill (November 1936 speaking to US - General Robert E. Wood)

   "This war is an English war and its goal is the destruction of Germany." - Winston Churchill (- Autumn 1939 broadcast)

Germany's state-issued value based currency was also a direct threat to the wealth and power of the private central banks, and as early as 1933 they started to organize a global boycott against Germany to strangle this upstart ruler who thought he could break free of private central bankers!

As had been the case in World War One, Great Britain and other nations threatened by Germany's economic power looked for an excuse to go to war, and as public anger in Germany grew over the boycott, Hitler foolishly gave them that excuse. Years later, in a spirit of candor, the real reasons for that war were made clear.

    "The war wasn't only about abolishing fascism, but to conquer sales markets. We could have, if we had intended so, prevented this war from breaking out without doing one shot, but we didn't want to."
- Winston Churchill to Truman (Fultun, USA March 1946)

    "Germany's unforgivable crime before WW2 was its attempt to loosen its economy out of the world trade system and to build up an independent exchange system from which the world-finance couldn't profit anymore. ...We butchered the wrong pig." -Winston Churchill (The Second World War - Bern, 1960)

What is the British Government possibly considering conjuring up now?

Threatening to withdraw from the European Union, getting all the central banks to side with them, & then I would think there might be plenty of excuses for Britain to throw a WWII style contrived 'Pity Party' & beg for world help because the 'European Bad Boys', who will be struggling to survive an economic debacle & union unrest on their home-fronts, are threatening them.......sound familiar?

Cameron set to threaten Brussels that he is prepared to leave the EU if Britain does not get its way

Quote from:    

   *  The Prime Minister may issue threat at next month's Tory Party conference

   *  Mr Cameron has pledged to hold a referendum on EU membership by 2017

   * He wants to renegotiate Britain's relationship with Brussels before vote

   * It has emerged he is now prepared to leave if powers aren't returned to UK......

Is it  Déjà vu all over again? .............................

Re: Will Europe have another War?

Reply #6
Have you ever heard something so pitifully stupid, nonsensical and lack of a brain re that tripe from Smiley??

Not that you would know it due to your limited grey cells dear osteoporosis supporter. This country was not ready for a war. Our Prime Minister tried to avoid having one knowing full well the history of WW1. He travelled to see Hitler twice and you come out with this drivel? We were badly bombed  in the major cities and large numbers died in the air attacks. By the end of the war the cost ran us into the ground not just in lives but infrastructure, rail, everything. Money was borrowed from America and not paid off until modern times so you made a profit from WW2 we did not. War although delayed by us was coming and the Polish agreement had to be followed while your lot stayed out for ages so we fought on virtually alone.  You are an embarrassment to your fellow countrymen and as you are a terror supporter an unprincipled oaf. Your misuse of historyand rat bag stuff at the lowest is disgusting. Shame on you!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Will Europe have another War?

Reply #7
in my point of view , at that time , Britain and German is ally nor have close relationship  .

but the Britain is confused , between stay in the alliance with germany  , with risk got many enemies from another country .
or .. get out of alliance with risk must face germany .

thus , Hitler using the same methode as  Tokugawa Ieyasu   Radical methode in sekigahara with  to fire at Kobayakawa's position on Mount Matsuo in order to force Kobayakawa to make his choice .

to know wether Britain support them or against them .

so , Hitler decided to Bombard the Britain .

but unluckily , the Britain respond is the opposite of Tokugawa Ieyasu tale .
rather than make a confused army turn to their side .
the Britain decided to against them , and joined the anti-fascist alliance    ( france , The U.S , Russia , etc ) .

Re: Will Europe have another War?

Reply #8
I say, SF, surely you have ignored Churchill's greatest achievement: convincing the Americans that the attack on Pearl Harbour was the work of the Japanese.

Re: Will Europe have another War?

Reply #9
Relax, boys, relax! Take a break and watch a soothing little video.
Love each other as Jesus loves you.

Re: Will Europe have another War?

Reply #10
Yes, before we  degenerate into civil war, let's examine this independent country a little further.

I was struck by the remark in the link I have that anyone can define a new country.

If that is true on the physical world it should certainly be true on the virtual world.

So we could have the

Kingdom of DnD.

We would immediately have two political parties, the Royalists and the Republicans. So that's sorted until we have our first election.

As it turns out we have a smattering of a government already.

If we start as a kingdom then maybe Sang should be king (it would serve him right for being so anti Royalty) or maybe Queen since that's ambiguous.

I would put Frans as the Labor minister because he does all the work, mjm as transport minister Luxor as our Entertainments manager and Jax as our Information Minister.

Smileyface is the obvious choice for the army, and bearing in mind the importance of the saying that any publicity is good publicity rjhowie as our foreign minister in charge of diplomacy.

Who else, well someone else have a go!

Re: Will Europe have another War?

Reply #11

Yes, before we  degenerate into civil war, let's examine this independent country a little further.

I was struck by the remark in the link I have that anyone can define a new country.

If that is true on the physical world it should certainly be true on the virtual world.

So we could have the

Kingdom of DnD.

We would immediately have two political parties, the Royalists and the Republicans. So that's sorted until we have our first election.

As it turns out we have a smattering of a government already.

If we start as a kingdom then maybe Sang should be king (it would serve him right for being so anti Royalty) or maybe Queen since that's ambiguous.

I would put Frans as the Labor minister because he does all the work, mjm as transport minister Luxor as our Entertainments manager and Jax as our Information Minister.

Smileyface is the obvious choice for the army, and bearing in mind the importance of the saying that any publicity is good publicity rjhowie as our foreign minister in charge of diplomacy.

Who else, well someone else have a go!

Whichever side I am nominated for, let me go ahead and announce my intentions to run for Head of the Treasury.
I nominate you, String, to be Deputy Minister, so as we'll have a semi-checks 'n balances system.

Re: Will Europe have another War?

Reply #12
I will be Minister for Arts and Culture.
Edit: not to neglect Minister for Sartorial Restraint.

Re: Will Europe have another War?

Reply #13
With such Government, I'll be the Opposition.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Will Europe have another War?

Reply #14
Quote from: Colonel Rebel
Whichever side I am nominated for, let me go ahead and announce my intentions to run for Head of the Treasury.
I nominate you, String, to be Deputy Minister, so as we'll have a semi-checks 'n balances system.

A brave choice Colonel; I suggest you start running straight away.

I can't be Deputy Minister for Treasury because I can't count. I was hoping to be the voter so I could vote everyone else out of office.

Re: Will Europe have another War?

Reply #15
Sorry boys, it's too late.

Re: Will Europe have another War?

Reply #16
That must be our treasurer-elect at work.

Re: Will Europe have another War?

Reply #17

That must be our treasurer-elect at work.

*cough* *cough*  Just a bit of inventory.    :D :cheers:

No worries.

/Inb4 rjhowie rant about Yankees controlling the money    :whistle:


Re: Will Europe have another War?

Reply #18
My first aim would be to get the Defence Minister sacked for being a warmonger.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Will Europe have another War?

Reply #20
Getting back to the question of another war in Europe.

“This war, like the next war, is a war to end war.” David Lloyd George

I find this fascinating. My effort in the Second World War involved going from house to house collecting old newspapers and tin cans in my little red wagon.

Re: Will Europe have another War?

Reply #22
I propose Australia to be chosen as the place for fighting wars. That way, the world will finally turn civilized.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Will Europe have another War?

Reply #23
I propose Australia to be chosen as the place for fighting wars. That way, the world will finally turn civilized.

And when there's a lull in the fighting there are nice places to rest up before the next battle.

Re: Will Europe have another War?

Reply #24
Australia looks really nice, much better than I imagined.

Is it true that Australian Tank regiments use armoured pogo-sticks called Wallahbees?

Having your wars somewhere else is a great idea.