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Topic: XP after XP (Read 51589 times)

Re: XP after XP

Reply #150
Yes, there are, but what your nettop needs is less apps and plugins, a careful selection of focused programs.

Thank you! You mean to download&install? Yes, I'm considering not to acquire any new programs on my machine -- only if a plugin should happen needed or something - what do you think?
For now, here's more or less the full house of tools usually needed, so...  I have mediaplayers, Java, Adobe Flash - what else? Java (and less often Adobe) tends to [offer to] upgrade/update itself - I accept... ???


Re: XP after XP

Reply #151

Re: XP after XP

Reply #152
Kidding? "One"? There are dozens only in the background (system-run).  Then the players, the office one, those opened by other programs (WMP opens a COUPLE of flashes to run an FLV), let alone Java...

Re: XP after XP

Reply #153

Re: XP after XP

Reply #154
...apparently listen to the 'radio' streams in the web browser.
No. It happens. With the BBC usually. But I'm saving those streams gradually to files on machine.

Aren't those programs in autostart updaters of your web browsers and their components as well as control panel launchers that came with device drivers? And not real programs.
I don't get it. "Programs" - "not real programs"?
They are sites. Some of them might use folders on my computer (one game I noticed said about that), or/and involve my plugins. For the radio I use my on-machine players.

Re: XP after XP

Reply #157

Here's a checklist
At some other forums arguing for the possibility of moving from XP to Linux, I gave a near-identical checklist in a far less wordy way. Except that to me gaming seemed to be the toughest nut to crack, whereas to this author the toughest seems to be printing and scanning. Well, I am simply unfamiliar with Steam. I know nothing about it besides that it exists.

Btw, my next try will be to install Netrunner rolling release for an XP refugee. Netrunner has amazingly light KDE out of the box. We'll see how goes.

Re: XP after XP

Reply #159

One thing I can tell you: Windows 3 actually came with a really, really good integrated tutorial for n00bs (i.e. me). I haven't been able to find something that good in any Windows since.


Coincidentally, I just came across some screenshots. There are a few more where that came from.

Re: XP after XP

Reply #160
[glow=black,2,300]XP end-of-support can be overcome with hack
[/glow]   :o 

Claims support can be extended to 2019 with a "simple registry tweak".

Quote from:      PC Authority         

A registry "tweak" allows Windows XP users to continue to receive software updates despite Microsoft ending support for the operating system earlier this year, it has been reported.

A "simple registry tweak" will enable those who are yet to migrate onto a newer version of Windows to receive updates from Microsoft, according to betanews.

The workaround pulls in the updates Microsoft is releasing for embedded versions of XP, which betanews notes would be "essentially" the same as the standard version of the OS.

Theoretically, the hack should extend XP support until 2019..........continued

Re: XP after XP

Reply #161
Microsoft issued a statement warning against that:

"We recently became aware of a hack that purportedly aims to provide security updates to Windows XP customers. The security updates that could be installed are intended for Windows Embedded and Windows Server 2003 customers and do not fully protect Windows XP customers. Windows XP customers also run a significant risk of functionality issues with their machines if they install these updates, as they are not tested against Windows XP. The best way for Windows XP customers to protect their systems is to upgrade to a more modern operating system, like Windows 7 or Windows 8.1."

Re: XP after XP

Reply #162
Damned, I only though Server 2003 64bit was supported to 2015, not the 32bit variants... Mh, but I would assume that unlike to xp x64 which is based on the server 2003 64bit core (and support was ceased together with xps one), those server 2003 updates are not usable for xp, or? (For xp x64 see the discussion over at MSFN x64 Edition Updates Until 2015?)...
Mh, besides my curiosity the only systems I am still using xp on are offline ones - so what should i care ;) Ah yes, XP Mode could be a culprit here :sigh:

Re: XP after XP

Reply #163
Not surprising. A similar OS isn't the same. Hell, I've seen Mint stuff interfere with Ubuntu even though the former is similar and based on the later. A cynic might say Microsoft is just trying to sell more copies of 7 and 8.1, but there's probably something to it. I'm not a fan of the Windows 8.x interface (or Gnome 3 or Unity for that matter :p) but XP needs to put of its misery.

Re: XP after XP

Reply #164
Unity... Yikes, at least they brought back the option to place the menus to where they belong (Top of App Window), but I still prefer Kubuntu-Deskopt as my GUI (Installed on a LTS 14.04 64bit Ubuntu; Somehow I prefer it that way as the pure Kubuntu 14.04 somehow behaved unstable as I tried it from a persistend USB Stick) ;)

Re: XP after XP

Reply #165
I found Unity to be nightmare to use. I tried it when it first came out and found it buggy and slow, I tried it again with Ubuntu 13.10 and still didn't care for it. Gnome 3 with a few extension could be an okay desktop to for work, but after a few hours it slowed to crawl for me. So that leaves KDE and XFCE. LXQT is an interesting new contender, especially if you set it use Kwin but doesn't seem finished enough for me yet.

Re: XP after XP

Reply #166
I still use XP. Need no more.

It was a good thing Microsoft to cease support, no more the irritating automatic updates and, probably, no more virus since everybody it's using something else.

As for programs, I already have all the programs I will need for my entire life. The only problem is if peripherics as printers don't accept anymore XP.

When computers don't run XP anymore, I´ll stop definitively to use them. No patience for digital consumerism in order to turn the Bill Gates of this world rich.
A matter of attitude.