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Topic: Anthropogenic Global Warming (Read 200206 times)

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #376
If I understand Oakdale correctly (...correct me, if I'm wrong), only the prosperous deserve to live.
Nope. But the environmentalist cranks don't deserve the political power to decide what level of prosperity is appropriate for everyone… :)
Consider yourself corrected.
(How you manage to mangle even the simplest expressions into such grotesque caricatures is beyond me!
Have you always had this "talent"? :) )
Anyone (…who can afford it!) can be a subsistence farmer! Who's stopping them? But even you'll admit that the entire world's population can't be. So, what's your solution?
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #377

If I understand Oakdale correctly (...correct me, if I'm wrong), only the prosperous deserve to live.
Nope. But the environmentalist cranks don't deserve the political power to decide what level of prosperity is appropriate for everyone… :)
Consider yourself corrected.

Similarly, consider yourself corrected on the simple point that industrial pollution is harmful to life on Earth in many ways. It's destructive of environment and even affects climate. And these are empirical scientific statements, not political, dude. But of course you never understand empirical science, you are always about politics, as if someone were about to take your money away.

Anyone (…who can afford it!) can be a subsistence farmer! Who's stopping them? But even you'll admit that the entire world's population can't be. So, what's your solution?

The solution is to free the markets in real sense, so that subsistence farming really is affordable, i.e. so that highly processed stuff produced half a globe away is more expensive and the unprocessed local stuff is cheap to produce and obtain. This is the way it logically should be.

And nobody ever asked the entire world's population to become subsistence farmers. Only those who want it. Those who want it will do it when it's affordable. I in fact grew up this way and I always wanted to live like this, but at some point capitalism began strangling the markets so hard that it became impossible.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #378
I in fact grew up this way and I always wanted to live like this, but at some point capitalism began strangling the markets so hard that it became impossible.

Of course it's impossible. It's a mater or resistance, not a way of living as it should be.

Countries are importing between 60 to 80% of what they consume. Produced, as you said it very well, at the other side of the planet, carried by airplane and cheaper than locally produced quality food. This system is poisoning the world with chemical hydroponic systems while conquering it by way of starvation if people don't buy it.
This is not about "capitalism" only. This is about war.

Idiots keeps on accepting it, the brave ones resists. The change it's happening and Europeans are everyday reacting more and more to such an attack.
How is it possible to make laws forbidding people having their seeds from their plants? that's what's happening, you'll have to buy the seeds to Monsanto company or any other. They're copyrighting food.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #379
consider yourself corrected on the simple point that industrial pollution is harmful to life on Earth in many ways
I needed no such correction: Pollution is -by definition- harmful…
It's destructive of environment and even affects climate.
For me, those are empirical questions. For you, they're ideological tenets… :)
And these are empirical scientific statements
…made by political bodies, for political purposes. And when they are not supported by current science, current science has to be disparaged…
The solution is to free the markets in real sense, so that subsistence farming really is affordable, i.e. so that highly processed stuff produced half a globe away is more expensive and the unprocessed local stuff is cheap to produce and obtain. This is the way it logically should be.
You'd need a command economy to accomplish this dream, wouldn't you? :) Almost a third of the world has tried that… How'd it work out?

but at some point capitalism began strangling the markets so hard that it became impossible
In other words, reality didn't conform to your preconceptions! So sorry, dude… You must be the first child ever to be required to grow up!
But -truth be told- I don't believe you: I think you got lazy and your government wouldn't support your idleness.

@Belfrager: You may be suffering from advanced syphilis… Please see a doctor! :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #380

It's destructive of environment and even affects climate.
For me, those are empirical questions. For you, they're ideological tenets… :)

This can easily be seen by observing which one of us keeps going on about politics.

And these are empirical scientific statements
…made by political bodies, for political purposes. And when they are not supported by current science, current science has to be disparaged…

Sure, science can be politicised. That's the way you want it, but I'm not going along with it.

The solution is to free the markets in real sense, so that subsistence farming really is affordable, i.e. so that highly processed stuff produced half a globe away is more expensive and the unprocessed local stuff is cheap to produce and obtain. This is the way it logically should be.
You'd need a command economy to accomplish this dream, wouldn't you? :) Almost a third of the world has tried that… How'd it work out?

All areas of economy are regulated to some degree in every country. No exception. The only question is to what degree and in what relative proportions.

You can choose to destroy local integration by enabling global outsourcing or you can choose to enable local integration by having controls on global outsourcing. The principle is simple, but since there's more massive turnover in global corporate trade...

but at some point capitalism began strangling the markets so hard that it became impossible
In other words, reality didn't conform to your preconceptions!

In other words, you are saying that the way I grew up was not reality. This is really the bottom line, isn't it: Reality is whatever you say it is, never how people actually live and experience.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #381
@Belfrager: You may be suffering from advanced syphilis… Please see a doctor!  :) 

Why? do we get syphilis by eating California's fruits? That's a novelty for me...
Anyway rest assured, I eat nothing from Central Valley. :)
A matter of attitude.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #382
It's destructive of environment and even affects climate.
For me, those are empirical questions. For you, they're ideological tenets…  :)
He disagrees and he,ersi, says "This can easily be seen by observing which one of us keeps going on about politics" when I ask for published scientific articles. If he would forgo the egregious political machinations of the AGW crowd, I'd give him his quietude… Ohm!

Eat your vegetables, ersi! (And you and Belfrager can avoid California's Central Valley's largesse, easily! Can't you? :) )

Is this topic about AGW or something else? (Perhaps, marginalized European pseudo-intellectuals and/or mystics!? And how the world would be run, if they were "in charge"… :) )
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #383

He disagrees and he,ersi, says "This can easily be seen by observing which one of us keeps going on about politics" when I ask for published scientific articles.

We covered this point rather well. You were not asking for scientific articles on the topic.

Your own references have been a crank statistician, political articles, and predictions of warming which is an unscientifically Anglo-centric thing to do. You could just as well say that economy is not real because nobody was able to predict the burst of the subprime bubble, the great depression or the China crash this week.

A specific prediction and the theoretical model as such are different things. If the model is dynamic (non-linear) - which it is in case of the greenhouse - your insistence on warming only demonstrates your ignorance. Your obsession with politics, worship of industry, and insane anti-environmentalism are not exactly helping either.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #384
Your own references have been a crank statistician, political articles, and predictions of warming which is an unscientifically Anglo-centric thing to do. You could just as well say that economy is not real because nobody was able to predict the burst of the subprime bubble, the great depression or the China crash this week.
Among others, I gave you links to papers by Lindzen… (But you no longer "like" him… :) )

Your bugaboo ("warming") is supposedly replaced by "climate change" — I take it? Where are the papers that document anomalous climate change? And -more importantly- where are the papers that attribute such to human activity?
If the problem is de-forestation, why do we need to stop burning coal? If the problem is burning coal, why do we need to dispense with natural gas? If the problem is "carbon" — why shouldn't we wipe the earth clean of life!?
(Your answer will likely be incoherent: Something akin to Prof. Ehrlich's screeds.)
Seriously: Pollution is a perennial problem. "Solving" it takes money — and the means to make more.
If you're not willing to sacrifice a large portion of your ("their"? :( ) population, you need an understanding of the real world. Which, I think, you not only lack but prefer to ignore…

I'm sure you abhor GMOs. And nuclear power generation. And everything since the invention of printing! (You'd have been against that too.) Your stance is not actually incoherent -except to you: You'd like the world to return to feudalism.
But you won't say so!
Ain't gonna happen, dude! (Do you know where the term "dude" comes from…? Let me know, either here or in private… I promise to expose your ignorance!)

Anglo-centric? :) You mean, you'd kill most of the world's current population — to satisfy your "way" of looking at the world? Yikes! To my way of thinking, that makes you a monster!
But prosperity is the only good solution.
And you reject it!

Which, to my way of thinking, makes you a … (Well, you know.)

BTW: If you want to be a "subsistence" farmer, you need to know what that means! (You'll only grow enough to keep body and soul together, dude!) If you want more, you'll need to "relax" your penchant for "commanding" your fellows…)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #385

Among others, I gave you links to papers by Lindzen… (But you no longer "like" him… :) )

What about him? Do you have something to actually say?

Your bugaboo ("warming") is supposedly replaced by "climate change" — I take it?

No. What I'm saying is that the greenhouse effect should never have been replaced by warming. You can read this in the very first page of this thread, and I have been consistent with this throughout. But your reading comprehension is as it is...

Anglo-centric? :) You mean, you'd kill most of the world's current population — to satisfy your "way" of looking at the world?

No. I recommend this: Either use proper (or at least immediately recognisable descriptive) terms, or else define your terms. If you do neither, you are guilty of obfuscation. For example, Negro is the right word for the African race, "black" is a politically correct obfuscation that does not fit most languages of the world. Greenhouse effect is the scientific term, provided that you want to talk science, whereas global warming and climate change are a deviation, signalling that you don't want to talk science. And Anglo-Americans are full of it.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #386

Among others, I gave you links to papers by Lindzen… (But you no longer "like" him… :) )

What about him? Do you have something to actually say?

Your bugaboo ("warming") is supposedly replaced by "climate change" — I take it?

No. What I'm saying is that the greenhouse effect should never have been replaced by warming. You can read this in the very first page of this thread, and I have been consistent with this throughout. But your reading comprehension is as it is...

Anglo-centric? :) You mean, you'd kill most of the world's current population — to satisfy your "way" of looking at the world?

No. I recommend this: Either use proper (or at least immediately recognisable descriptive) terms, or else define your terms. If you do neither, you are guilty of obfuscation. For example, Negro is the right word for the African race, "black" is a politically correct obfuscation that does not fit most languages of the world. Greenhouse effect is the scientific term, provided that you want to talk science, whereas global warming and climate change are a deviation, signalling that you don't want to talk science. And Anglo-Americans are full of it.

Ersi--- you might want to re-think a few things. Suppose you're on the South Side of Chicago and you call somebody a "Negro". Got your running shoes on? You're gonna need them--- trust me on this.

About the other stuff---- Bull Malarkey. Double Bull Malarkey. "Greenhouse Gasses" "Global Warming" and "Climate Change" all mean about the same thing these days. At least they do the way they're getting thrown around in these discussions here and elsewhere.

You wanna get rid of "Greenhouse Gasses"? You'll have to eliminate all life on Earth. "Global Warming"? You'll certainly have to get rid of every modern device since the invention of--- hey, Og just discovered he can make fire! "Climate Change"? Uh---- I don't know how you stop the Earth from doing what it has been doing since the planet came together as one cohesive body. It's always been going from warm to cool to warm to cool and so on.

I would submit here that industrial farming, for all the bad rap it gets, may leave the human race in a better position to adapt to change than subsistence farming does. Of course, in order to do this industrial farming itself has to be able to adapt--- change is gonna happen and there's not a lot you and I can do to stop it.

Right now we have the ability-- poorly managed I'll admit but we have it-- to feed people all over the world. On your subsistence farm, depending only on your own abilities--- you're subject to floods, drought, bugs, vandals and I don't know what else that can decimate crops. Industrial farms are subject to the same thing of course--- but large-scale farming that covers an enormous area can absorb trouble a little better simply because of the "economy of scale".
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #387
Negro is the right word for the African race, "black" is a politically correct obfuscation that does not fit most languages of the world.

Negro is just Spanish for black, and from the perspective of a Germanic language I'd say it's Latinate words that obfuscate. :)

Anyway, politically correct would be something like Afro/African-American, not black.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #388

Ersi--- you might want to re-think a few things. Suppose you're on the South Side of Chicago and you call somebody a "Negro". Got your running shoes on? You're gonna need them--- trust me on this.

When you know/If you knew e.g. Russian, you would not want to be called Black. You would definitely prefer Negro. Trust me on this.

About the other stuff---- Bull Malarkey. Double Bull Malarkey. "Greenhouse Gasses" "Global Warming" and "Climate Change" all mean about the same thing these days. At least they do the way they're getting thrown around in these discussions here and elsewhere.

Colloquially, yes. Scientifically, no.

You wanna get rid of "Greenhouse Gasses"?


Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #389
ersi, the "greenhouse effect" (as you call it) is a toy model, appropriate for toy arguments…* It comes from the beginning of atmospheric science and, unless you're really into AGW theory, stays there; I don't see how you've managed to accept anything as science since Aristotle! :) Where are the papers that connect the "greenhouse effect" with measured states of the earth's atmosphere?
And with past and current proportions of greenhouse gasses? (CO2 comes to mind… :) )
I recommend this: Either use proper (or at least immediately recognisable descriptive) terms, or else define your terms.
If you won't speak the language everyone else understands, shouldn't the noises you make be called babbling? :)
One simple example (I've asked you about) is "transient climate sensitivity". Can you give me a figure for this (in the appropriate units) and support its derivation? Or would you prefer to keep muttering "greenhouse effect"? :)
* By "toy model" I mean "akin to Newton'sF = G \frac{m_1 m_2}{r^2}\," so don't get your panties in a twist because of the terminology… :)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #390
Right here, "negro" is the preferred word for calling the African race all around (forget bullshit like "Afro-Americans" or "afrodescendants"). It's offensive only if used harshly against someone.

The other word, "preto" (which equals to "black") is not widely used and must be applied with care. If you have very close relationships with somebody dark-skinned, you are allowed to call him/her this way.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #391
They will never understand the difference between a Preto and a Negro, Barulheira. Too much subtle, both for them and for their blacks.

Speaking about African related things and back to thread, Chinese already bought all coal mines at the oriental part of Africa and are building an huge system of railroads to take the coal to the ports where Chinese freighters carries it directly for China. Last year, a new energy plant running with coal was built per day in China. 360 new ones only last year.
Probably they will double it this year.

Oakdale will have to eat his own words but served to him by Chinese. I wonder if he's going to enjoy it as much as the way he thinks Americans are very right with their coal usage.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #392
Oakdale will have to eat his own words but served to him by Chinese. I wonder if he's going to enjoy it as much as the way he thinks Americans are very right with their coal usage.
What words are those, Bel?
Where coal is plentiful and cheap, it will be used...

BTW: What happened to Europe's forests?
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #393

ersi, the "greenhouse effect" (as you call it) is a toy model, appropriate for toy arguments…* It comes from the beginning of atmospheric science and, unless you're really into AGW theory, stays there; ...

If (industrial) pollution (of air and water) exists, AGW is not a theory, but a simple common-sense fact along with acid rains and ozone depletion. The only thing wrong with it is the name. The name implies as if it were (only) about warming.

* By "toy model" I mean "akin to Newton'sF = G \frac{m_1 m_2}{r^2}\," so don't get your panties in a twist because of the terminology… :)

"Toy model" is not terminology. It's a dyslogistic. It may become a term as soon as you define it so that it can be distinguished from a proper model, but there's never any hope that you ever define anything.

Where are the papers that connect the "greenhouse effect" with measured states of the earth's atmosphere? And with past and current proportions of greenhouse gasses? (CO2 comes to mind… :) )

But you just said that it comes from the beginning of atmospheric science. Nobody ever refuted it, so if you know the topic, you know the literature. Or else, as usual, you have no clue what you are asking and even this response here is futile.

One simple example (I've asked you about) is "transient climate sensitivity". Can you give me a figure for this (in the appropriate units) and support its derivation? Or would you prefer to keep muttering "greenhouse effect"? :)

Indeed, you asked about it once, but there are two problems with it. The way you asked was, "Can you even cite a derivation of the IPCC's recent value for the transient climate sensitivity…? Half-baked ideas based upon and supported by computer models whose predictions have mostly failed won't do." Meaning, you were asking about *predictions* again. This is one problem with how you were asking.

The second problem is that I already replied. I replied with reference to economics, by which it is clear how your question is misguided and loaded. Ecology is like economy. The relevant models of both have the same nature - they are non-linear. Therefore in those sciences nobody ever predicts anything. The correct terms are project and forecast.

For example, on a static model, a bicycle cannot stand up, much less a monocycle. It simply cannot. If you put it up to stand, you can tell (edit: i.e. the model predicts) it will fall. However, on a dynamic model - on the move - it can stand up pretty well and you cannot tell when it falls, if ever. On a dynamic model, it's not the model's job to tell whether the bicycle runs or not. Rather, the model describes under which circumstances it runs and under which circumstances it falls. It's up to the model to identify the circumstances correctly, but it's purely up to the circumstances to materialise. So, it's not about prediction, but about structural analysis, projection and forecast. /edit

This has not yet reached you, as seen from how you cluelessly go on about predictions of warming.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #394
Oakdale's paradise. Business as usual.

A matter of attitude.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #395
I have always thought that the stuff about being an African-American was doo-lah.  They are American and can be black American, white American or whatever in particular issues of definitive discussion. Isn't everyone meant to be equal yet this liberal daftness is emphasising something different.  What is more disgusting is when you get some negroe man waxing about how he is a nigger which is disgusting. It would be anathema for a non-black person to do that but okay for them? Such ignorance only detracts from the word 'dignity.'
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #396
Someone once said "If you need to assert your dignity you don't have any…" :) (My paraphrase.)
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"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)


Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #397
AGW is not a theory, but a simple common-sense fact along with acid rains and ozone depletion
…so, the common-sense you adhere to defies scientific explication.* Interesting! But I'm not sure I can be convinced that "common-sense" is a faultless -not to say infallible!- substitute for what I'd call science
Of course, you don't (and likely can't) try to convince me: It's against you "principles", such as they are.

A simple question (or two…): How do you go from the facts of local pollution to peril to the "climate"? Shouldn't there be some sort of science to support such a leap of logic? (And, given how much the AGW science has failed both confirmation and predictive tests, what keeps you keen to see its gross political aims successful?)

"Pollution" can be very bad! But -even had there never been humans- bad stuff could have and would have happened; Man did not kill the dinosaurs…

Similarly, the question arises:
What -besides your penchant for "definitions"- makes you think there is such a thing as the climate?
* Corns and gout prove that lower extremities are a severe danger to bipeds!
进行 ...
"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility." - James Thurber
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts!" - Richard Feynman
 (iBook G4 - Panther | Mac mini i5 - El Capitan)

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #398

A simple question (or two…): How do you go from the facts of local pollution to peril to the "climate"? Shouldn't there be some sort of science to support such a leap of logic? (And, given how much the AGW science has failed both confirmation and predictive tests, what keeps you keen to see its gross political aims successful?)

Simply, we are not dealing with facts of local pollution. When acid rains generated in USA fall down in Japan, it's not a local fact. Ozone depletion is surely a global fact.

There's no leap of logic here. Only blind denialism makes you think there is.

Similarly, the question arises:
What -besides your penchant for "definitions"- makes you think there is such a thing as the climate?

So, there's no climate. Good to see you reaching your logical conclusion. Just one more little step to finalise it: Say that there's no economy either. There's just occasional manufacturing and sales of some stuff, a local thing with natural zero sum end result.

Re: Anthropogenic Global Warming

Reply #399
Gotta ask: How do you know that the acid rain falling in Japan is US in origin? Ever see the air in Beijing? I hear tell that it's remarkably easy to do--- and all that coal-fired smog just has to be producing healthy-- or unhealthy-- amounts of acid rain.

The US has done a remarkable job in cleaning up our air--- once upon a time, seeing the air in any major city in the US was almost as easy as Beijing's air is to see now-- so how come we're STILL the international bad-guy for acid rain--- able to produce acid rain that goes three-quarters around the Earth (given prevailing winds)? How come China, which is much closer and at the present time much dirtier, gets off the hook for the acid rain falling in Japan?

Note: When I say "see the air", I do NOT mean "see through the air". There are times when, at noonday, it is quite impossible to see more than a few feet in Beijing because the smog is that heavy. No--- you can SEE the particles floating in the air.
What would happen if a large asteroid slammed into the Earth?
According to several tests involving a watermelon and a large hammer, it would be really bad!