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Topic: Write A Collaborative Novel (Read 23073 times)

Write A Collaborative Novel

Add your lines and we'll write a novel together. Publication might be possible. :yes:

Re: Write A Collaborative Novel

Reply #1
It was a sunny day but there was danger in the air.

Re: Write A Collaborative Novel

Reply #2
Harry felt a stranger's touch on his shoulder, but it didn't startle him.

Re: Write A Collaborative Novel

Reply #3
It should have done,

Re: Write A Collaborative Novel

Reply #4
for the stranger's face was that of a bear.

Re: Write A Collaborative Novel

Reply #5
You meet all sorts at a trade fare, he thought to himself.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Write A Collaborative Novel

Reply #6
Especially one for phone cover salesmen.

Re: Write A Collaborative Novel

Reply #7
Knowing what he must do, Harry quickly pulls out his mobile device.

Re: Write A Collaborative Novel

Reply #8
He admires its sleek lines, its lovely feel, and as always accidentally presses some button on its side that does something unexpected.

Re: Write A Collaborative Novel

Reply #9
How he ever managed to land this job as a spy was anybody's guess.

Re: Write A Collaborative Novel

Reply #10
It certainly wasn't due to any skill or ability, and it wasn't as if he had any connections. Envious workmates often muttered darkly "Probably something to do with that business in Beirut".
But never very loudly.

Re: Write A Collaborative Novel

Reply #11
Not that he cared much about them or their opinions, he's not here to make friends.
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Write A Collaborative Novel

Reply #12
The bear was getting impatient.

Re: Write A Collaborative Novel

Reply #13
Harry scooted over to the left.

Re: Write A Collaborative Novel

Reply #14
Then slowly turns back to see what he feared the most now happening.

Re: Write A Collaborative Novel

Reply #15
A ghastly sight indeed, he said to himself.

Re: Write A Collaborative Novel

Reply #16
"Ghastly," he said to himself. "what a lovely word! I wonder where it came from. Middle English?"
"I must look it up." he said. Aloud.
The bear was astonished.

Re: Write A Collaborative Novel

Reply #17
Just then a shot rang out bringing Harry back to his senses. The bear-man falls to the ground. As Harry realizes that must of been his contact the next shot came just missing him. Harry sprang into action, Beirut still fresh in his mind.

Re: Write A Collaborative Novel

Reply #18
Unscrewing the bear-man's nose he took out the message chip and leaped to the window.

Re: Write A Collaborative Novel

Reply #19
Which, being the tenth floor, was shut.

Re: Write A Collaborative Novel

Reply #20
He quickly made an opening with his standard issue diamond tipped Acme window opener and prepared to make his daring ascent to meet the helicopter on the roof.

Re: Write A Collaborative Novel

Reply #21
On reaching the roof, he realised his way to the helicopter was blocked by a kilted Scottish Ninja. He reached for his ...

Re: Write A Collaborative Novel

Reply #22
"kilted Scottish ninja gibberish decoder" in case this apparition intended to communicate with him.But it was not necessary.

Re: Write A Collaborative Novel

Reply #23
The Scot now smiled as he stared with those evil eyes. Fear coursed thru Harry. He, for the first time, regretted not giving personal combat more attention during training. Skill clearly wasn't gonna get him out of this either. 

Re: Write A Collaborative Novel

Reply #24
With a skill born of long practice, he whisked out the bottle of single malt and rolled it along the ground away from the helicopter.

The Scot leapt after the bottle and Harry dashed for the helicopter.