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Topic: DnD Sanctuary - Terms and Conditions (T&C) (Read 21719 times)

Re: DnD Sanctuary - Terms and Conditions (T&C)

Reply #25
Poetry is also acceptable in DnD.

Re: DnD Sanctuary - Terms and Conditions (T&C)

Reply #27
I hate Terms and Conditions of any sort but these particular ones are special to me.
Congratulations, we are near the best T&C running on the internet. :)

Made by us to be accepted by us, that's the idea. :)
A matter of attitude.

Re: DnD Sanctuary - Terms and Conditions (T&C)

Reply #28
This is a reminder to those who might wish to make comments to do so before the 22nd Jan because on that day I shall start wrapping this up for conclusion with the Administration and getting the final version sorted; not that everything will be frozen for ever but we should move on.

I was checking through the comments received and see that I owe jn7 an apology because I responded too briefly to his remark. So - sorry jn7  :-[.

The Phrase "should banning be required" in R8 could be interpreted as, colloquially, "should a poster do something really naughty", banning being the ultimate sanction for naughtiness in DnD.  It does follow on from the previous paragraph but jn7 was right to question it  -  I shall think of some better phrasing.

Re: DnD Sanctuary - Terms and Conditions (T&C)

Reply #30
In T&C/Responsibilities
The DnDSA does not own material posted within the DnD  forum, the material remaining the property and/or sole responsibility of the forum member who posted it. [...]

Very well. I presume that the platform itself belongs to someone (the Administration?) and, therefore, can be sold to someone at any moment. Is my interpretation correct?
A matter of attitude.

Re: DnD Sanctuary - Terms and Conditions (T&C)

Reply #31
What exactly do you mean by platform?

Re: DnD Sanctuary - Terms and Conditions (T&C)

Reply #32
By "platform" I mean the several technical aspects (both hardware and software) that allows the content (our content, according T&C) to be posted.
For example, imagine that the Administration receives a proposal to sell the platform to a third party. Do users have a voice about it or not?
Another example, publicity. Can the Administration sell advertising space in the forum?

Please understand that I'm not trying to create difficulties and I very much appreciate all your effort but I'm increasingly worried with that kind of things that can suddenly alter the whole spirit of a digital community. MyOpera's attitude was enough for something I don't like.
A matter of attitude.

Re: DnD Sanctuary - Terms and Conditions (T&C)

Reply #33

By "platform" I mean the several technical aspects (both hardware and software) that allows the content (our content, according T&C) to be posted.
For example, imagine that the Administration receives a proposal to sell the platform to a third party. Do users have a voice about it or not?
Another example, publicity. Can the Administration sell advertising space in the forum?

Please understand that I'm not trying to create difficulties and I very much appreciate all your effort but I'm increasingly worried with that kind of things that can suddenly alter the whole spirit of a digital community. MyOpera's attitude was enough for something I don't like.

Good Questions, Belfrager, very good questions, and ones which we have considered in drafting the T&C. You will probably have noted the last sentence in R4 where it states “Notwithstanding this restriction the DnDSA is hereby granted the right to reissue any or all posts should the DnD or its derivative have to move”. An immediate aim of that sentence was to allow some flexibility in the citing of DnD (as a minor example Frans has just moved the DnD to another domain – That was foreseeable, but who knows what else will need to be done in order to keep this Community up and running.

As far as advertising is concerned, this is part of a wider matter of how to finance this forum, a thread on this has just been opened. On the general matter of the character/environment /spirit (*) of DnD, I think that all of us share the same wish to make this a place we all like to inhabit so by all means express your reservations in that thread  :)

(*) I was going to write spritus sanctorum but for some reason Google translates that as Ghost! Not quite the pun I intended.

Re: DnD Sanctuary - Terms and Conditions (T&C)

Reply #34

If you have comments or questions, please post them here.

What exactly did you want to mean by saying
Quote from: Rules
express your own opinion or experiment with opinions not your own...
? It is for editing purposes...
the responsibility for that act will lie solely with those that Instigated and/or carried it out.
Cosmetics: lose the capital...
The DnDSA of this forum reserve the right
The underlined is grammatically redundant (DnDSA is no else than "of this forum", will you?) And... The core word of the abbreviation is "administration" - I believe it's singular, so the verb must be sigmated: "reserves". Forgot: have we had "the" with "DnDSA" so far? Let's be uniform, will we?

The above is on the first part ("Responsibilities").
I have an overall note also: should we have a "Terminology" part? "Such and such means such and such" - this sort...

Neither string's answer was helpful, nor anything has changed at all in the "Resp." part so far yet...

Re: DnD Sanctuary - Terms and Conditions (T&C)

Reply #35
For easy reference, here is string's reply. I think it would be useful if you could clarify what you thought was unhelpful?

As for nothing being changed yet, remember, "If needed, the T&C will be updated in late January / early February."

Re: DnD Sanctuary - Terms and Conditions (T&C)

Reply #36
In the first place, I was up to correcting some grammar. Syntax included.
All few instances may be considered minor, still...
My first doubt was about a syntax thing. "Not your own" or something was/is noun-postpositive, which lexical group I had never encountered before in such a position. So - regarding that I could be just unaware of such a use - I just wanted to clear the cracking semantics - what the author was thinking when writing this, ie.
I guess syntax shifting is admittable in poetry, is it?;)

Re: DnD Sanctuary - Terms and Conditions (T&C)

Reply #37
So are you saying you'd like the text to be changed to something like this?

"express your own opinion or experiment with opinions [that are] not your own""

Re: DnD Sanctuary - Terms and Conditions (T&C)

Reply #38
Not exactly.  As a sorta specialist(haha), I understand that the form expresses the thought.  So I needed to see what was the thought behind the form.
One, I mean a person who cares, shouldn't consider the form only when the task is to pass the idea unharmed. So I wanted to know what the idea was, first, before judging any form...

Re: DnD Sanctuary - Terms and Conditions (T&C)

Reply #39
Consider it as an attempt of direct translating - from the author's thought language - not at all from the form/"language" he used to translate his thoughts' one to... Whatever.

Re: DnD Sanctuary - Terms and Conditions (T&C)

Reply #40
@Josh - of the 4 points you made I did not agree that the first two were valid but nevertheless wrote that I would pass them on for adjudication by the Administration

I agreed the second two points and wrote that I would recommend that they be implemented.

The T&C has not been changed yet because that will only be done when changes are sanctioned by the Administration.

On the purely grammatical issue of the phrase "not your own", it is a typical literary convention often used ion both spoken and written English.  Frans is correct in his interpretation of it.

Re: DnD Sanctuary - Terms and Conditions (T&C)

Reply #41
The T&C has not been changed yet because that will only be done when changes are sanctioned by the Administration.
On the purely grammatical issue of the phrase "not your own", it is a typical literary convention often used ion both spoken and written English.
The question is not in any phrase on its own.
When I say syntax, I mean syntax.

Re: DnD Sanctuary - Terms and Conditions (T&C)

Reply #42
Quote from: Posting Rules
2. Respect the law of the country from which you post...
I object!
"The law" in today's Russia is not written by people nor for people. :P

Re: DnD Sanctuary - Terms and Conditions (T&C)

Reply #43
There's not much we can do about that Josh!

Re: DnD Sanctuary - Terms and Conditions (T&C)

Reply #44
The time limits for new comments has now expired and the T&C are expected to be updated early next week.

This thread will remain viewable for a while to enable those who have commented to check the new version against their comments.

Thanks to all who participated in the review.

Re: DnD Sanctuary - Terms and Conditions (T&C)

Reply #45
I updated the T&C to what is for now their final version. Thank you for your feedback.

Re: DnD Sanctuary - Terms and Conditions (T&C)

Reply #46
The Otter "Ping" has raised a case where our T&C can't be applied with regard to the Rule which states:

"4.  The DnDSA does not own material posted within the DnD  forum, the material remaining the property and/or sole responsibility of the forum member who posted it. If, without the written consent of the originator, posts are quoted externally, the responsibility for that act will lie solely with those that instigated and/or carried it out. Notwithstanding this restriction the DnDSA is hereby granted the right to reissue any or all posts should the DnD or its derivative have to move."

In discussions in the Otter "Ping", it may happen that one of our Members posts a useful idea which is taken up by Otter and incorporated in the Browser. The usefulness may or may not be recognised when it is posted but the current T&C state that it can't be used or re-quoted (this would most importantly apply to any code suggestions) without the consent of the poster. To apply such a restriction would be inhibiting on the cooperation which we hope to achieve; and time-consuming if we were to implement it.

In some future Ping application of the rule might well be appropriate but not, I feel, in the case of Otter, an Open Source project, where, literally, free exchange of ideas and information is necessary.

I am therefore proposing that we add new text to rule 4 of T&C as follows:

"In the case of Pings whose nature require the free exchange of information, and this is approved by DnDSA, posting shall be treated as free information for uninhibited use by the Ping partner or, if appropriate, as fully open source material. Such Pings which come into these categories shall be clearly identified as such when they are initiated."

With respect to the last sentence a provisional statement will be added to a sticky in the Otter Ping shortly. Apologies are due in that it is after-the-event; if any past Otter Ping contributor has objections please inform me or Frans. If there are no objections concurrence is assumed.

The T&C will be changed in 1 week unless there is a contrary consensus.

Re: DnD Sanctuary - Terms and Conditions (T&C)

Reply #47
This is to inform everyone that the above change to the T&C has now been added.