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Topic: Questions to the Administrator (Read 108322 times)

Re: Questions to the Administrator

Reply #126
Monsieur le Administrateur, there's any reason for such horrible colors?
Besides hurting everybody's vision it's an attempt against good taste and chromatic harmony...
A matter of attitude.

Re: Questions to the Administrator

Reply #128
but horrible is a bit harsh.

:) I see, a nationalist thing... you see, it could work (well, with a lot of effort) if you had white, at the same proportion, of blue and orange. There's almost no white.
But you don''t even have real orange... just a sort of brownish-sort-of-orange.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Questions to the Administrator

Reply #129
I think the colors are ok  , but the orange(??) might be a bit over the top to some....maybe 2-3 shades lighter would be more esthetically acceptable to some out-of-joint mini-minds.

Re: Questions to the Administrator

Reply #130

Re: Questions to the Administrator

Reply #132
I keep seeing for a board while THAT SAME damn' link AT THE SAME TIME shows "NOTHING" in the board.
F*()ing MULTIPLY!!!

Re: Questions to the Administrator

Reply #133
The forum looks like a demonstration page for new CSS effects: round corners, gradients, and fades.

It already looked like that, though.

I keep seeing for a board while THAT SAME damn' link AT THE SAME TIME shows "NOTHING" in the board.
F*()ing MULTIPLY!!!

Perhaps it's on the second page? You could also try "mark all as read" occasionally.

Re: Questions to the Administrator

Reply #134
The above shows how difficult it is to design things by committee. There is always someone who does not like one colour and prefers another. Also opinions change with familiarity.

Frans - does the SW allow a menu of schemes to be chosen by the user or is it restricted to just one?

One other thing:

I look at the DnD site quite a bit using a smart phablet (!) and also the nexus 7. I find that whereas in the PC view the delineation between threads is OK, on the smaller screens it becomes a little difficult to see which "last post" icon refers to which subject because the eye can't trace the boundaries between threads that easily across the page. Several times I have selected the wrong one.

Is it possible to accentuate the "horizontal divisions a bit?
Possible alternatives could be:

  • different colours for the dividers

  • shading

  • lines

  • alternating colours for the different threads

Re: Questions to the Administrator

Reply #135
Frans - does the SW allow a menu of schemes to be chosen by the user or is it restricted to just one?

I don't think there's such an option by default, but it shouldn't be too hard to throw something together in due time. If we e.g. change the colors for summer (spring is probably a bit too soon) it'd make sense to keep the older colors as an alternative color scheme.

Is it possible to accentuate the "horizontal divisions a bit?

I changed a couple of borders from white to dark gray, although it may not quite integrate with the rest of the layout. How's that?

Re: Questions to the Administrator

Reply #136
Yes those lines do the trick. Thanks

Re: Questions to the Administrator

Reply #137
Ok, everybody can play here with colors.
You can see an example of a web page with the chosen set of colors. Useful toy.
A matter of attitude.

Re: Questions to the Administrator

Reply #138
What kind of bbcodes did you try that are inoperative? I'll point out in advance that I'm not especially fond of embedding video instead of linking to it.

It is a sentiment I sympathise with, but I also realised that this has prevented me from porting culture into this forum.

In that thread embedding videos (and conceivably pure audio) is the whole point.

Re: Questions to the Administrator

Reply #139
Perhaps it's on the second page? You could also try "mark all as read" occasionally.
I did. But before that it kept that way!..
There is always someone who does not like one colour and prefers another. Also opinions change with familiarity.
Frans, have you changed something or is it just that myself have got a bit more "familiar"? I entered the tab with the 110% zoom now - the background colour scheme seems not looking so bad as it did that first time when I commented on that...


Re: Questions to the Administrator

Reply #142
I want my green - to see green off this site, it is to turn my head left: the Green People on my windowsill rule here!:D

Re: Questions to the Administrator

Reply #143
Ok, everybody can play here with colors.

That's quite nice, actually.

What kind of bbcodes did you try that are inoperative? I'll point out in advance that I'm not especially fond of embedding video instead of linking to it.

It is a sentiment I sympathise with, but I also realised that this has prevented me from porting culture into this forum.

In that thread embedding videos (and conceivably pure audio) is the whole point.

Fair enough. Unfortunately there is no ready-made solution that's similar to the My Opera syntax.

Re: Questions to the Administrator

Reply #144
If limiting yourself to Youtube (a significant limit, admittedly) you could do something like Skyscrapercity, where code like this

Code: [Select]

turns into this HTML snippet:
Code: [Select]
<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";fs=1&amp;rel=0"></param><embed src=";fs=1&amp;rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

That is, just put in the Youtube video in an object (with embed fallback), adding a couple Youtube parametres, fs=1 and rel=0, fixed size and done.

The My Opera approach is more elaborate and safer (everything redirected to an iframe with domain, but as long as the script whitelists the Youtube ids (KZFiEhStum in this case), it should be safe enough. There has to be something like that around.

Whether this is a path worth taking is a different question, but food is delicious.

Re: Questions to the Administrator

Reply #145
I'm just not sure if it's a good idea to make one that's so dedicated to a single site in principle. But yes, I can probably implement something like that without too much effort, using the VIDEO name for future purposes but only YouTube support for now. There are various ones that automatically embed if you paste a link like but I think that's just annoying.

My Opera works like this:
Code: [Select]
[VIDEO= width=620 height=375][/VIDEO] 

But this forum works like this:
Code: [Select]

or this:
Code: [Select]
[video width=620 height=375][/video]

I'm not sure why it's internally inconsistent like that. I'm leaning toward implementing the latter. Any preferences?

Re: Questions to the Administrator

Reply #147
It seems that the [blabla=234,123423] syntax makes it a requirement while the other syntax makes it optional. Perhaps that's the logic behind it.

Re: Questions to the Administrator

Reply #149
When I said it should be relatively simple I didn't mean it'd take five seconds, or for that matter that I'd started at all. :P