Re: Questions to the Administrator
Reply #17 –
I have a problem, at Opera I could select a part of a post and use the Quick Quote function and quote just the part I wanted to reply........
....many people uses to post large posts and, besides, full of BB Code and emoticons that makes confusing to decompose for quoting just the points one wants to comment.
The above quotes were both made using a simple lil[glow=red,2,300] FireFox Custom Button [/glow]I just assembled.
This button when pressed uses 2 individual popup prompts.
The first prompt asks for the 'name of the person you are quoting'.
The second prompt asks for the 'text that you are quoting' .
I manually typed in your name into first prompt, but I could have easily pasted it in there, & the for the text I copied it from the post & pasted it into the second prompt.
The only requirement to use my 'Quick Quote' Button is you need to be using FireFox with the Custom Buttons extension installed.
If you don't have FireFox, I'll provide you with the code I assembled (I'm not a programmer, I just copy & paste a bit, use a little smarts, & sometimes -- God willing -- it works --- like this one.)
Maybe you can install it somehow in the browser you use (guessing its OPERA) & maybe it will work for you too.
Hope that helps ya 'till the Cavalry arrives! Good Luck
Here's the code:
var inst = "Add The QUOTES AUTHOR Here:";
var fill = "";
var name = prompt(inst, fill);
var inst = "Add TEXT to QUOTE Here:";
var fill = "";
var pop = prompt(inst, fill);
var box = document.commandDispatcher.focusedElement;
var startPos = box.selectionStart;
var endPos = box.selectionEnd;
var selectionLen = endPos - startPos
var text=box.value.substring(0,startPos);
text +="[quote=" + name + "]" + pop + "[/quote]";
text +=box.value.substring(endPos, box.value.length);
box.value = text;
box.selectionStart = endPos + text.length;
box.selectionEnd = endPos + text.length + selectionLen;
// =============================================================================