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Topic: RSS Feeds Style (Read 4925 times)

RSS Feeds Style

RSS feeds view is currently unstyled. Anyone up for the task?

Question to Otter developer: In what way can RSS feeds view be styled? There seems to be nothing relevant about it in about:config :( Should I start a ticket in Github?

If the format works, one simple solution would be to apply Opera's webfeeds.html which is obtainable from Opera Presto's file structure when you have it installed :)

Over the years, fans have created customised webfeeds files, but after some searching I found only dead links to where some such customisations used to be.

dead URL #1

dead URL #2

dead URL #3

Does anyone have such resources saved? Any chance to contact the relevant authors?

Re: RSS Feeds Style

Reply #2
The Safari style Feed view page is what I liked best. Those guys on Opera forums were even able to create that slider dingus. I used it but it stopped working at some point (already in 11.6?) and it was not updated.

Btw, looks like I found fearphage's work :)

Anyway, this question is about Otter. I have some relevant HTML files, but will they work in Otter? Where to put them?

Re: RSS Feeds Style

Reply #3
The few built-in HTML files seem to be in resources/files, but I imagine support would have to be added for feeds.

Re: RSS Feeds Style

Reply #4
Support as in full implementation? Full implementation is unnecessary when I want to simply view the feeds, not collect them the way Thunderbird and Opera do.

Implemented the Opera way, the whole email component would need to be implemented, yes, but for mere viewing it's sufficient to simply have a style for the preview page. I use some RSS feeds so that I only bookmark the preview page. Why would I collect e.g. the Lounge junk from Dnd to my hard-drive?

Styling the RSS preview page can be done even without implementing the email component.

Re: RSS Feeds Style

Reply #5
No, I just mean support to load a specific HTML file instead of displaying something more basic.

Re: RSS Feeds Style

Reply #6
@ersi, we will have to detect that URL is a feed (by checking content type header or its contents) and then apply some XSLT file.
Nadszedł już czas, najwyższy czas, nienawiść zniszczyć w sobie.
The time has come, the high time, to destroy hatred in oneself.

Re: RSS Feeds Style

Reply #7
please do not add this, or make it an option to disable by the user

I just spent time searching the web on how to disable this stupid feed preview in Opera 12; I'd rather see a prettyfied xml tree and a button in the address bar.

Re: RSS Feeds Style

Reply #9
I'm pretty sure that Opera does more than just apply some CSS.

Btw, does Otter have a feed notification icon yet? I can't test it right this moment.

Re: RSS Feeds Style

Reply #11
Such as recognise a header and react to it?

I'm not sure what that means. :)

But anyway, now that I'm back on my regular OS, use inspect element and see the script at the end of the page.

Re: RSS Feeds Style

Reply #12

Such as recognise a header and react to it?

I'm not sure what that means. :)

But anyway, now that I'm back on my regular OS, use inspect element and see the script at the end of the page.

In turn, I have no clue which element and script you are referring to at the end of the page. The XHTML, RSS and WAP links? Unlikely.

In the HEAD section of this page, we have this
Code: [Select]
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="The DnD Sanctuary - RSS" href=";type=rss;action=.xml">

This is the bit that triggers RSS notificator in browser, in my opinion. The "header" I had in mind is something (I don't know exactly what, but something) in the document at the URL, something in its content type or whatever, which would cause the browser to style the page a la RSS feed.

Otter doesn't style it and does not notify of alternates (link rels). Opera, FF, Seamonkey, etc. do. Seamonkey does it in a rather advanced way - it probably contains a script in its Website Navigation Bar to recognise as many link rels as can be imagined. Opera can be tweaked to emulate this more or less.


Re: RSS Feeds Style

Reply #13
In turn, I have no clue which element and script you are referring to at the end of the page. The XHTML, RSS and WAP links? Unlikely.

In Opera/Presto. Sorry for being unclear. The Safari screenshot above also does more than just some CSS styling, or there couldn't be a search bar.

This is the bit that triggers RSS notificator in browser, in my opinion.

Yes, that is correct.

something in its content type or whatever, which would cause the browser to style the page a la RSS feed.

Right, it should work based on the application/rss+xml mimetype (or application/atom+xml, etc.) sent in the HTTP headers.