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Topic: A Belfast cake and queers care arrogance (Read 23113 times)

Re: A Belfast cake and queers care arrogance

Reply #75
Oh now it is holier than thou dear laddie! Over the years you haven't realised much about what you put in. As soon as there is any query on this particular subject you can bet you will hurry in to defend them. When one considers that queerdom is no silent non-reacting minority. I pointed out that one paper journalist who is a queer himself has said in print that very often they do themselves no favours by some reactions. They exists like any other minority group be they what they are and as we have been conditioned into biting our fingernails to accommodate (un-necessarily often) the majority have become pushed into a corner by their own stupidity.

They exist and part of life and i only wish they could accept the percentage they have and stop damn well acting as it special treatment should be given out and every supposed incident treated like an act of war.  The Wolfendon Report is history of decades ago and from a past of persecution often they are under the same law as everyone else. I don't have much time for things like say, Communism, Islam and some other outlooks but I don't go looking for wars to create. If Reds, Islamists, Zionists get too troublesome, I will challenge and the same with queers. Don't hate them of course but i have my rights like the population.  :happy:
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: A Belfast cake and queers care arrogance

Reply #76

Re: A Belfast cake and queers care arrogance

Reply #77

Oh now it is holier than thou dear laddie! Over the years you haven't realised much about what you put in. As soon as there is any query on this particular subject you can bet you will hurry in to defend them. When one considers that queerdom is no silent non-reacting minority. I pointed out that one paper journalist who is a queer himself has said in print that very often they do themselves no favours by some reactions. They exists like any other minority group be they what they are and as we have been conditioned into biting our fingernails to accommodate (un-necessarily often) the majority have become pushed into a corner by their own stupidity.

They exist and part of life and i only wish they could accept the percentage they have and stop damn well acting as it special treatment should be given out and every supposed incident treated like an act of war.  The Wolfendon Report is history of decades ago and from a past of persecution often they are under the same law as everyone else. I don't have much time for things like say, Communism, Islam and some other outlooks but I don't go looking for wars to create. If Reds, Islamists, Zionists get too troublesome, I will challenge and the same with queers. Don't hate them of course but i have my rights like the population.  :happy:
I don't even know what the Wolfendon Report even is, without having to do a web search on it. Now about these "special rights." That's an old myth. Asking to be able to get legally married is not a special right. Asking to not be discriminated in the workplace is not a special right and yes, it still happens. Does is this mean to force any given preacher to perform the ceremony? Of course not. Does this mean forcing an employer to hire and promote an LGBT person above a more qualified heterosexual? Same answer. It does mean give the LGBT person an equal opportunity.

BUT if you want to special rights, how about the Christian Group trying to force their beliefs into the Constitution  because there branch of Christianity doesn't believe in same-sex marriage? That's the ultimate special right. If two queers go before a judge and get married, or even go before a preacher at a gay church, it in no way impacts the Christian activists' church nor marriage. Yet, the demand their belief, based on a few passages of the Bible, not only be made law but be enshrined in the Federal and state Constitutions. They're the ones asking for the special privilege of  discriminating based on "faith" , blind to the Pandora's Box they're trying to open. Yes, the very people that accuse us of demanding special rights are doing so. All we ask is equal protection under the law as required by 14th Amendment of the US Constitution. I'm sure the UK has similar provisions.

Yet most Christians won't turn away customers based on their sexual orientation. Likewise most LGBT people will not sue over nonsense like a cake. BTW, did you see me defend the activists suing over this cake, at all? Yes, I will most certainly defend the LGBT community if you are anyone tries to bad mouth us. But the actions of individuals are on a case by case basis,as usual. In this particular incident, I find both parties to be idiots.

Re: A Belfast cake and queers care arrogance

Reply #78
.........the actions of individuals are on a case by case basis, as usual. In this particular incident, I find both parties to be idiots.

I could appreciate & support the premise of that position, & to take one step further,  the only reason we are even discussing this incident is simply because some of these same idiots wanted their 15 minutes of notoriety, when they legitimately only deserved a shrug & 10 seconds 

Re: A Belfast cake and queers care arrogance

Reply #79
[...]the only reason we are even discussing this incident is simply because some of these same idiots wanted their 15 minutes[...]

I'll second that. But then, it's the OP's specialty.

Re: A Belfast cake and queers care arrogance

Reply #80
Now for the next part. Suddenly activists from both sides need you to send money....

Now if those people in Belfast (and the couple cases in the US out millions of LGBT people, mind you....) are sincere, they do need learn what "pick your battles" means.  Of course, being idiots, they don't know what that means. Now let's say there's a more serious issue. A gay person gets fired for his job. Some would automatically conclude that he fired because he's gay. Before you jump on his bandwagon, better make sure if's not filled with manure.


Re: A Belfast cake and queers care arrogance

Reply #81
I assume by Constitutive you are talking about the ex-colonies? as we do not have one here actually. All sorts of groups try to use the US Constitution and doesn't the same country muscle in everywhere in the world when not wanted. Hhmm, think the Belfast queer wanted his cake and eat it..... :yikes:
"Quit you like men:be strong"