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Topic: Scottish nonsense about the Battle of Culloden (Read 1743 times)

Scottish nonsense about the Battle of Culloden

For you unfortunate outsiders the Battle of Culloden was the final finishing  of "Bonnie Prince Charlie" man. Trying to claim the throne he did well at first catching the country off guard but they started arguing in his army getting near London and retreated north and pursued.  Both sides faced each other at Culloden but the Jacobite were still arguing and in the battle the king's army routed the Highlanders and many were killed. The army commander the Duke of Cumberland heavily done the Jacobites in and that was their game lost for ever thankfully.

On Sunday two newspapers here in Scotland did a short article by Jacobite leaning group on a "mass grave" which was about a dozen of Charles's officer who had been hiding downstairs in the basement of a castle. For goodness make a mass killing? It was all part of the battle and Cumberland had made a point of highly training the king's army to a far higher degree in rifle shooting, new  and better bayonets.  The Jacobites lost a lot of mad highlanders with their usually shouting and waving swords stuff but they did not realise the new army training was more than ready for them. What gets me about this stuff is that the Highlanders the night before had been sneaking cross the moor in the dark of night to savage the army in their sleeping tents. So they would have been just as heavy as the royal army was the next day. They had to give up the midnight planned massacre as they got stuck in bogs, etc.  What is also ludicrous is that the modern Jacobite want to have a war memorial for one group due to being killed by the "English Army." That is what they stated to the press. May I remind the idiots that the King's side was NOT an English army it was a British Army having lots of Scots soldiers in it.

The majority of Scotland's population were in the Lowlands and right against the Jacobites and their ways so willing to be in the British army. For a long time raided from the north and acting like maddies from the Highlands. Presbyterian and a Lowlander you had to watch out.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Scottish nonsense about the Battle of Culloden

Reply #1
On Sunday two newspapers here in Scotland
Oh dear that's where I stop reading.  :zzz:
The start and end to every story is the same. But what comes in between you have yourself to blame.

Re: Scottish nonsense about the Battle of Culloden

Reply #2
Good because the item was stupid enough in itself.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Scottish nonsense about the Battle of Culloden

Reply #3
I am a life long railway (and tram) enthusiast but I groan at the nonsense on the world renowned West Highland Railway (amongst global top ten) and there is a tourist steam train on the branch off it from Fort William to Mallaig called the Jacobite. What drivel and using a rebel cause keech. I would only journey on a routine train via that branch!
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Scottish nonsense about the Battle of Culloden

Reply #4
The information is considered useful for everyone.

Re: Scottish nonsense about the Battle of Culloden

Reply #5
At least we still attract spammers. A sign of life of sorts.

Re: Scottish nonsense about the Battle of Culloden

Reply #6
I don't think spammers care. They just spam. :P

The information is considered useful for everyone.

Reply #7
Of course. Who considers this information useful for everyone?  :yuck:


Re: Scottish nonsense about the Battle of Culloden

Reply #8
The information may be "useful" but it is a load of nationalist bunkum. In earlier times I slagged off the nonsense that the Scottish Nationalist Government did spendings buckets of money redoing all railway stations with double names in English AND Gaelic. Damn pointless as only 1% of the population speak the northern tongue so silly. A couple of days ago a couple had a leading letter in a newspaper (and no not the Mail!) hitting the SNP Government for wanting to dish out more buckets of money on the language. Now I have no problem with people who speak it but it is completely head shaking to dish out large sums for a  difficult language which will never sweep the country.

Anyway using a steam train with a rebel name is ridiculous and shows how minds can be controlled. Had Charles won away back in the 18th century then Britain would have reversed back into dark ages.  I will be going for a run on the magnificent West Highland railway for a day trip but will definitely not do the branch to Mallaig nice that it is on that damn train. A routine one, yep but a Jacobite one? No chance!
"Quit you like men:be strong"