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Topic: Flipped Logic - Lobotomy (Read 3281 times)

Flipped Logic - Lobotomy

so if they used to do Lobotomy for people with mentall illness  in the past.

and  geniuses usually are suffered for Mentall illness like ( Bipolar , ADHD, etc  )

what if it just need to  upgrade  LogicWare    at left and Imagination - ware at right ??

so it can handle more Thoughts + Files ? 

Thru skull enlargement surgery .

since afaik ...
psycho-pathy  and Genius is almost same

both of them  are suffered for  unstoppable Racing thoughts

Re: Flipped Logic - Lobotomy

Reply #1
You have a bunch of important psychological terms flipped there. Psychopathy is not unstoppable racing thoughts, but compulsive antisocial behaviour. Genius is disciplined rich inspiration. Whether genius is or is not accompanied with antisocial behaviour is secondary.

I have faint hope you are genius... (Not touching lobotomy for now.)

Re: Flipped Logic - Lobotomy

Reply #2
I've heard genius may correlate with schizophrenia, though.
I have a hypothesis. The mind's overall capacity is somewhat more or less the same throughout the humans - in terms of "CPU" of sorts. Also memory cells in use or such stuff.
But the use may differ. Within most of people, their "unified" capacity is used for, say, practical needs; but always, in any set of similar but complex things there are plains, there are peaks, margins - such usual stuff, if you remember statistics.
So, it goes that there's a "main sequence" (with various and ubiquitous minor fluctuations), and there are deviations. The latter can be seen as for good, indifferent or for the bad.
Thus, the "common people" more or less use their "same volume" capacity for those practical needs - as they're able to.
The deviants are those guys whose abilities are shifted - as if their Central Processor can't handle all of it with the same power. So they can do something that the average guys cannot and at the same time cannot do what the common guys can do easily.
So, if you have a talent - then maybe you lack something that "common guys" believe to be "granted". And they usually can not understand a genius -- not their "relativities" - they can't understand why in the f..'s sake "that wise guy can't do such simple things!".
Quote from: a Russian vulgar saying
Если ты такой умный - почему ты такой бедный?

Re: Flipped Logic - Lobotomy

Reply #3
psycho = soul / mind

pathy = illness/disease

psycho pathy = mentall illness .

i/e = bipolar , schizophrenia , add/adhd , etc

people with ADHD / Bipolar   are suffered for Racing thoughts .

Re: Flipped Logic - Lobotomy

Reply #4
  The mind's overall capacity is somewhat more or less the same throughout the humans - in terms of "CPU" of sorts.


Afaik ..

Cognitive science is studying about , anthropology , neuroscience , Psychology, philosophy , linguistics , and ...

artificial intelligence - aka - Software ,

CPU , robots  , etc .

Re: Flipped Logic - Lobotomy

Reply #6
The inventor of lobotomy was a Portuguese doctor, Egas Moniz, he even got a medicine Nobel prize (the real one, not the Peace "Nobel" prize) for that.
He was killed by one of his patients with two shots.
I suppose it was not a too much deep lobotomy, the patient could still pull the trigger...
A matter of attitude.

Re: Flipped Logic - Lobotomy

Reply #7
Don't know of anyone who has had a Lobotomy but there again I don't live in Edinburgh.
"Quit you like men:be strong"

Re: Flipped Logic - Lobotomy

Reply #8

Afaik ..

Lobotomy is banned .

and today , to treat schizo, bipolar , etc .

they using some meds like lithium , alprazolam, Clonazepam (Klonopin), Haldol (haloperidol), etc