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General => DnD Central => Topic started by: SmileyFaze on 2015-05-03, 09:55:08

Title: Political Correctness -- The Origins, & 21st Century Promotions
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2015-05-03, 09:55:08
Where did it start, what does it mean, what do you think about it, &
does it really matter?

Quote from:      The Writer Beat    
For many years, almost all of the things I wanted to write or say, have been stymied by a recently coined term referred to as "POLITICAL CORRECTNESS"! Although I consider myself rather fluent in the English language, that term was not in my vocabulary. My curiosity got the best of me and I decided to do a little research and after two weeks of chasing fruitless leads, I found what I'd been looking for at the Truman Library and Museum in Independence Missouri. A unnamed source there sent me copies of four telegrams that were between Harry Truman and Douglas MacArthur on the day before the actual signing of the Surrender Agreement. The contents of those four telegrams below are exactly as received, not a word has been added or deleted!                                                   
(1) Tokyo,Japan                                                    
0800-September 1,1945                                                    
To: President Harry S Truman                                                    
From: General D A MacArthur                                                    
     Tomorrow we meet with those yellow bellied bastards and sign the Surrender Documents, any last minute instructions!                                                    
(2) Washington, D C                                                    
1300-September 1, 1945                                                    
To: D A MacArthur                                                    
From: H S Truman                                                    
     Congratulations, job well done, but you must tone down your obvious dislike of the Japanese when discussing the terms of the surrender with the press, because some of your remarks are fundamentally not politically correct!                                                    
(3) Tokyo, Japan                                                    
1630-September 1, 1945                                                    
To: H S Truman                                                    
From: D A MacArthur and C H Nimitz                                                    
     Wilco Sir, but both Chester and I are somewhat confused, exactly what does the term politically correct mean?                                                    
(4) Washington, D C                                                    
2120-September 1, 1945                                                    
To: D A MacArthur/C H Nimitz                                                    
From: H S Truman                                                    
     Political Correctness is a doctrine, recently fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and promoted by a sick mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of shit by clean end!                                                    
     Now, with special thanks to my friends at the Truman Museum and Harry, you and I finally have a full understanding of what "POLITICAL CORRECTNESS" really means!            

What do you know about PC, what have you heard about PC, what do you think about PC.

Do you think PC is important?
Title: Re: Political Correctness -- The Origins, & 21st Century Promotions
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2015-05-03, 14:33:01
Let me guess that everybody here has heard about PC.

It's a concept that has its place, even here. I may want to call you a lily-livered, smarmy asswipe, and a f**king sh*thole, but DnD policy and PC dictates that I hold off and say, "Smiley, you're a fine fellow with an admirable view of firearms and Republican philosophy."

The asterisk is the favorite tool of politically correct writers.  Telling the truth is a revolutionary act that I've yet to master. :D
Title: Re: Political Correctness -- The Origins, & 21st Century Promotions
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2015-05-03, 23:15:41
Rumor has it that one rjhowie has always been a fan of political correctness, and indeed, eons ago, wrote to Harry S. Truman urging him to take up the gauntlet of PC when dealing with the Japanese.

Whether or not rjhowie can be arsed to clear up if said statement above is true, well, we'll just have to wait and see....  :sherlock:
Title: Re: Political Correctness -- The Origins, & 21st Century Promotions
Post by: rjhowie on 2015-05-05, 06:47:09
You are trying hard Colonel and I am bypassing the thought that there is a subtle impression of getting a dig. Yeah, now i think again on it I am passingly insulted. However I do make allowances as you are American.
Title: Re: Political Correctness -- The Origins, & 21st Century Promotions
Post by: Jimbro3738 on 2015-05-05, 17:58:44
Boys, Boys! Ratchet it down a notch!
Title: Re: Political Correctness -- The Origins, & 21st Century Promotions
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2015-05-05, 23:49:11

You are trying hard Colonel and I am bypassing the thought that there is a subtle impression of getting a dig. Yeah, now i think again on it I am passingly insulted. However I do make allowances as you are American.

And I of course, allow for the fact that you are a kilt-wearing, SNP-supporting, PC-loving Scot.

Also, as I had taken a short leave from DnD, had to make up for lost time and rustling.  8) :lol:
Title: Re: Political Correctness -- The Origins, & 21st Century Promotions
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2015-05-06, 00:08:47
It's a concept that has its place, even here. I may want to call you a lily-livered, smarmy asswipe, and a f**king sh*thole, but DnD policy and PC dictates that I hold off and say, "Smiley, you're a fine fellow with an admirable view of firearms and Republican philosophy."

Naw Jaybro, that's not PC fella, that's survival 'cuz talk like that can get ya a swift dose of lead poisinin'! (

As it's been said, PC has proven that mankind is not getting more advanced in social & communication skills, rather mankind is getting
thinner skinned.
Title: Re: Political Correctness -- The Origins, & 21st Century Promotions
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2015-05-07, 08:03:14
There's more:
The deadliest, most destructive, and dumbest philosophical idea of all time is egalitarianism. It says not that all things are equal, but that they should be. A good case can be made that egalitarianism, in its insistence on equality, is the original sin. “For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.”

Even if this isn’t true, nothing is more obvious than that people are different. Egalitarianism is the philosophy that these differences should be eradicated, and it tells us how the Utopian goal of Equality can be met.
(source (

What does this mean, to our "political" combatants? Not much. They're mostly too stupid to have even an inkling.
PC means stupid —but, as stupidity is rife—  it stands a chance of succeeding… But not for long: Reality "sets in".
Title: Re: Political Correctness -- The Origins, & 21st Century Promotions
Post by: rjhowie on 2015-05-07, 17:15:31
You are still at it Colonel. Will wait until you are a bit older and can catch up. Dealing with half-Yanks as well as Scots Nats is easy-peasy. As you are so far away I got stuck into two of those tartan clowns trying to dish me out their leaflets at the polling station today. Next best thing to sorting you out.
Title: Re: Political Correctness -- The Origins, & 21st Century Promotions
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2015-05-08, 19:01:37

You are still at it Colonel. Will wait until you are a bit older and can catch up. Dealing with half-Yanks as well as Scots Nats is easy-peasy. As you are so far away I got stuck into two of those tartan clowns trying to dish me out their leaflets at the polling station today. Next best thing to sorting you out.

Pity you didn't get someone to record you on their mobile phone when dealing with the SNP ppl. Now that'd have been a sight!  :lol:
Title: Re: Political Correctness -- The Origins, & 21st Century Promotions
Post by: Belfrager on 2015-05-10, 12:16:29
PC means stupid —but, as stupidity is rife—  it stands a chance of succeeding… But not for long: Reality "sets in".

PC it's a technique for mass manipulation. In the first place one must determine who's using it, how and with what objectives.
Title: Re: Political Correctness -- The Origins, & 21st Century Promotions
Post by: Jochie on 2015-05-10, 21:02:30
Cute telegrams. But, when I saw "mainstream media" I knew they were fake. That term wasn't on anyones radar then.

Checking with Snopes

I do agree though, almost all PC is bs for the intellectually challenged.
Title: Re: Political Correctness -- The Origins, & 21st Century Promotions
Post by: jax on 2015-05-11, 04:19:34
Yes, it is a lesser variant of Godwin's law. People call others "political correct" when they have run out of arguments. When they start out calling others political correct they never had anything to say worth listening to in the first place.
Title: Re: Political Correctness -- The Origins, & 21st Century Promotions
Post by: rjhowie on 2015-05-11, 07:51:24
In a more practical appraisal the way society is going we increasingly get people who are miffed over someone's opinion on issues.  They find something as offensive even if the "culprit" has not been aggressive, swearing or whatever. For goodness sake what will be next - a law against offending someone?? It is juch the same in the political sphere as well. During the General Election a car came along my avenue with 2 red flags adorned with the hammer and sickle represented the Communist Party candidate. Don't know why they bothered as the vote was eventually counted in a few dozen (!). It made me think and muse on what would have happened if there had been some way out character standing as a Fascist as he/she would have been hounded and all hell break loose. Yet that hammer and sickle has represented the most vile system that murdered even more than the opposite lot of head-bangers. Democracy principles? Nah. The trouble is that the democratic and liberal thinking values stuffed at us tends to be a controlling sphere in itself. Unbalanced and too easy niggled by strong arguments. Indeed some rather revealing weak people in the public eye take fright and spew out apologies if they offended someone.
Title: Re: Political Correctness -- The Origins, & 21st Century Promotions
Post by: Sparta on 2015-05-15, 13:16:33
PC = speak something that please everyone .

well , there is no way to please everyone .  :left:

euphemism ,   allusion , sarkas , and  satire  is the best choice .
it offend certain group ...
but i dont think they will  mad ,  if it well-played .
Title: Re: Political Correctness -- The Origins, & 21st Century Promotions
Post by: SmileyFaze on 2016-04-25, 12:40:12
Is PC dead, or is it going full guns & I'm just so used to it I don't even notice it any more?

What about you?
Title: Re: Political Correctness -- The Origins, & 21st Century Promotions
Post by: rjhowie on 2016-04-26, 03:53:51
Political correctness is yet another addition to the would-be intellectuals in a 'liberal society.' Mind you it is only such if you agree with them. Most of people who come from modest background and get to university tend to think they are something and talk a ,load of keech. You do not have to chat to those kidding on they have open minds to get an ism stuck on you, etc.  If i do not agree with an issue I will say so and I am not going to be put off by young minds that think they are open when they are not.  Time after time when maybe speaking to someone and they find they are in agreement with some of the things I argue for they will say quietly it is good to know but they are too dashed feart to be public about their opinion.  My ancestors were no softies hence that family monument in Ayrshire and I will maintain the tradition.
Title: Re: Political Correctness -- The Origins, & 21st Century Promotions
Post by: Colonel Rebel on 2016-04-27, 04:20:39
Political correctness is yet another addition to the would-be intellectuals in a 'liberal society.' Mind you it is only such if you agree with them. Most of people who come from modest background and get to university tend to think they are something and talk a ,load of keech. You do not have to chat to those kidding on they have open minds to get an ism stuck on you, etc.  If i do not agree with an issue I will say so and I am not going to be put off by young minds that think they are open when they are not.  Time after time when maybe speaking to someone and they find they are in agreement with some of the things I argue for they will say quietly it is good to know but they are too dashed feart to be public about their opinion.  My ancestors were no softies hence that family monument in Ayrshire and I will maintain the tradition.
Kindly explain how, in non-PC terms, Candid Cameron isn't a porker. :wait:
Title: Re: Political Correctness -- The Origins, & 21st Century Promotions
Post by: rjhowie on 2016-04-27, 18:43:55
Camron is no numpty and would credit him as being very capable in the House of Commons especially at Prime Minister question time with that Bolshevik in charge of the Labour lot. However I do not go along with everything he comes out with on world affairs, Europe, etc. His corner has done much for Pensioners, tax, poor, increased minimum wage and will keep increasing when tax starts until the end of this parliament. But his wrapping up with the White House is something else. Now here is a typical rouine example of modern PC keech.

A Muslim Labour MP has made an official apology in parliament to the Speaker for what she said BEFORE being elected and MP. It seems she in a speech back in pre-Commons days said the best answer for Israel would be for it to emigrate to the US . Now says that was a mistake and gets abuse for being "anti-semetic." Now I am not a Labourist but Israel is presently ruled by a dangerous fanatic and it is somehow morally wrong to criticise a country you do not agree with and because it is a Jewish place you are automatically anti-semetic? Utter rubbish for a country that gets away literally wih murder politically and physically.  I don't like North Korea either so is there an automatic label for that? If you say even on principle you are not in support of queerdom right away the label is attached. Say anything against Islam and the same guff comes out on labels. Well damn tough as my late father fought in WW2 against the Nazis and the right of opinion.  Speak about this wee island being saddled with too big a population and true to form racism comes up. Well such mindsets can go get stuffed as far as I am concerned.  Nowadays people are frightened to be opinionated about much and it is a damn disgrace.  As long as people are being non-violent and just stating an opinion then that is meant to be their right. But the PC brigade having had got to college or uni think they are it and talk a load of adulterated guff.

Recalling that when going on trial Martin Luther was told Duke George would be there he staunchly said it could rain Dike George's as he would be there and take his stand. Well I will be a copy of Luther and "here i stand I can do no other." For thoe who differ then feel free to get stuffed of course.  :hat:
Title: Re: Political Correctness -- The Origins, & 21st Century Promotions
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-04-27, 23:31:20
As long as people are being non-violent and just stating an opinion then that is meant to be their right.
Yet, oddly, it was never codified… :) There's a difference between rights and privileges, ya know? :)
As long as you've got your soapbox you're happy, eh? :) Well, your government will let you keep that… But don't try to change anything! Then, they get quite nasty.
Title: Re: Political Correctness -- The Origins, & 21st Century Promotions
Post by: rjhowie on 2016-04-29, 02:13:14
Yeah Oakdale they can get asty.

Right now people are going damn bonkers here over comments made by a long term very left-wing former mayor of London, Ken Livingstone (he got replaced ages ago by a Tory). Livingstone has been suspended from the Labour Party for being "anti-semetic" and a young Labour MP has got suspended too. About 2 or 3 years ago and well before being elected an MP she made some critical comments re Israel and said that Israel should be emigrated to the US (!). She has made an apology to parliament and the local Jewish synagogue  in her area has supported her.

Now the Labour lot are getting belted on anti-Jewish rhetoric and as usual the ant-semetic label is forthcoming. Now one can if they want be critical of the State of Israel as one can be on any country but it is so easy for that to be twisted into being Jewish hater nonsense and that is what is happening. So the dance over Israel and Judiasm (and Zionism does exist) Too many people do bend an Israel criticism into something else even of the person raising an issue is innocent. It is the same withIslam and doesn't take long before a person gets labelled Islamaphobia. On gender issues even decent people who make an opinion on those isses very quickly get the ism too. It is utterly ridiculous and many people are frightened to voice opinions and I freely admit I am not one of them.  Even on say the subject of the Jewish suffering in WW2 it is obvious that deaths did reach 7 figures and I don't agree that it was the constant 6 we always get. No-one in their right mind can say that there were not massive deaths and yesterday in parliament when the Prime Minister rabbited on and there were comments about how that time was the worst in history. Uh? Peope dying in those camps was terrible but in numbers far more died in the days of the equally evil USSR but that somehow does not count.

We boast in the West about being so liberal and free speech but in hard practice we often get a contradictory attotude from those in power and for people being brained. When even decent folk are not able to exercise an opinion that is not violent there is something wrong and i get tired of people who are forced by the media to kow-tow to them or politician control freaks.
Att a more ordinary level I will say this about the smug PC brigade. Get stuffed.   :knight:  ;)

As long as people are not advocating violence, etc then the right of opinion is something to standfor.
Title: Re: Political Correctness -- The Origins, & 21st Century Promotions
Post by: ersi on 2016-04-29, 04:35:10
for being "anti-semetic"
I found a new word to bash Oakdale with. Thanks, RJ.
Title: Re: Political Correctness -- The Origins, & 21st Century Promotions
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-04-29, 05:41:14
I found a new word to bash Oakdale with.
But -as usual- you'd have to fail to understand the word's meaning! :)
I am thoroughly anti-Shari'a… And a great many adherents and proponents of Shari'a are Semites. (A great many are not, also.) But I don't oppose Shari'a because of its Semitic origins: I oppose it as a totalitarian supremacist ideology.

Mind you, other nations, other parts of the world don't have any requirement to share my opposition. Still, when conflict occurs, sides will likely have to be chosen…
I take it, you'd sit on the fence? :) (At this point, I'd hope it's a picket-fence!)
Title: Re: Political Correctness -- The Origins, & 21st Century Promotions
Post by: ersi on 2016-04-29, 06:46:33
But -as usual- you'd have to fail to understand the word's meaning!
...said the anti-semete.
Title: Re: Political Correctness -- The Origins, & 21st Century Promotions
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-04-29, 07:34:55
...said the anti-semete.
What the heck is an "anti-semete"?
Should I assume that you're not Japanese? If not, you'd be calling for extravagance… :)

But if you want to call me an anti-Semite you'd be hard pressed to find supporting evidence. (Of course, that's not your thing: You prefer to re-define words so that they mean what you want them to mean! You're the Red Queen… :) )
Title: Re: Political Correctness -- The Origins, & 21st Century Promotions
Post by: ersi on 2016-04-29, 09:52:10
What the heck is an "anti-semete"?
An anti-semete would not recognise a neologism. That's why he's an anti-semete.
Title: Re: Political Correctness -- The Origins, & 21st Century Promotions
Post by: jax on 2016-04-29, 11:13:36
What the heck is an "anti-semete"?
Clearly he was having fun with words. I would assume Anti-Semetic an expansion of semet ( Anti-Memetic would make good sense, and Anti-Mimetic ( is actually an established concept. 
Title: Re: Political Correctness -- The Origins, & 21st Century Promotions
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-04-29, 13:43:08
Maybe… But I'd presume it a mere typo, which I viciously took advantage of! (Yeah, I'm like that sometimes.) Still, some people can't admit a simple error… :)

Even if not, I'd oppose "navel gazing".
Title: Re: Political Correctness -- The Origins, & 21st Century Promotions
Post by: ersi on 2016-04-29, 17:34:25
Maybe... But I'd presume it a mere typo,...
When RJ did it, it was a typo, but his typos are often inseparable from genuine howieisms. When I borrowed it, it was already a word play, a neologism to test if you can make the same easy associations. No hope of that.
Title: Re: Political Correctness -- The Origins, & 21st Century Promotions
Post by: rjhowie on 2016-05-01, 02:22:00
Very subtle jax!

Meanwhile i will never be controlled by PC mindsets no matter what they label. As soon as someone speaks out in the public eye the media and politicians go bananas then the person gets all shaky and starts apologising but my corner is not of that tradition even though and never will be.

When that long standing neo-Marxist and former London Mayor Ken Livingstone made a passing comment in a speech the PC mob went crazy. In a comment he had passingly said that on coming to power well known Nazi leader (Eichman think it was) had suggested that all Jews be shunted out the country to Palestine but Hitler would have non of that.  Now I don;t have any time for his poliiical stance (he was also for years leaning towards  Smiley's pals the Shinners for years). Immediately all hell broke out and although i have no time for Livingstone he was hounded like  crazy. One other Labour Party man an actual MP was seen following him into a building and shouting and going daft. We are getting this all the time these days and as much as I have little regard for that ex-mayor he got bad treatment. There will always be an issue in the elastic bit of a dislike of the State of Israel becomes neatly drawn into an anti-semitic  label. The usual trait is very quick and restricts the right of free speech.  Whether is is on Jews, sex issues, Islam and "let's have an open discussion" on the meida or somehwere very quickly the labels get damn well dished out to deflect rather than arguing.
Title: Re: Political Correctness -- The Origins, & 21st Century Promotions
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-05-01, 02:49:46
So: The actual sense of the words…don't matter? :) Typical.
Mind, I'm certainly not opposed to neologisms! But mindless, meaningless ones are like the crossword puzzles grade-school teachers give their students: A means of teaching their students that discipline doesn't matter… You'll still get a pat on the head and a Gold Star, because you tried! You're so prescious!
Title: Re: Political Correctness -- The Origins, & 21st Century Promotions
Post by: rjhowie on 2016-05-01, 21:57:09
Coming from a country that exercises to much control you have a nerve. However I do hope things improve for you ad can get out the house and see normal people.
Title: Re: Political Correctness -- The Origins, & 21st Century Promotions
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-05-02, 05:13:11
Two sentences, and two misspellings… It's not like you've outdone yourself: You've done much worse before!

BTW: If you're an example of "normal people" I may have to return to arresting people for being stupid! (I was told I couldn't do that…)
Yeah: That's bullshit. I was never a cop. But I did sometimes upbraid stupid people. Still, I stayed out of trouble.

Howie -it seems- did too. I suspect the techniques we used were quite different; indeed, incommensurate.

Oh, the so-called "normal people" you claim to know are much like you…
Doesn't that tell you something? :)
Title: Re: Political Correctness -- The Origins, & 21st Century Promotions
Post by: rjhowie on 2016-05-03, 00:13:06
A cop?? Eh? Sober up before typing. Hhhm. Maybe not you will go even more blank......
Title: Re: Political Correctness -- The Origins, & 21st Century Promotions
Post by: OakdaleFTL on 2016-05-03, 00:17:33
As usual, RJ, you don't read what anyone writes, yourself included…
Title: Re: Political Correctness -- The Origins, & 21st Century Promotions
Post by: rjhowie on 2016-05-04, 04:40:18
And you boy don't get out enough to understand real people!