Specially if we consider that besides having two decide between two intellectual nullities to command their national destiny ...
It's more on stake than only the national destiny of a country. One of those "nullities" is the proclaimed leader of the civilized world while the other one might become his successor.
Side-effect of watching France24 is that I get more real-time information on areas like the Sahel, the coup in Mali.
Oh yes, the Sahel. The video below is not new but interconnected with what we witness today. A reminder in case it was already posted by me in the past. Guerre de l’ombre au Sahara: https://vimeo.com/129178179
Sorry, but the above is false. Nobody has taken anybody's currency away! It was given up voluntary for short-term interests. It was tempting and convenient to make debts with interest rates nearly zero and to win elections by doing so. In their greed for the new currency many countries even gave manipulated figures regarding their economic status.
Put it simply - for weak economies in competition with healthy ones, a strong common currency is deadly on the long run. To affirm now that their currency was taken away is ludicrous to say the least.
The American online ammunition dealer Ammo.com reported an increase in sales of 792 percent between 23 February and the end of March compared with the almost 40-day period before that.
The President of the U.S. has declared war on the Virus and Americans are preparing accordingly by buying guns and ammo. What could possibly go wrong?
Yes, I have also noticed that EU is doing much more to keep immigrants out before they arrive at the borders than USA is doing Sometimes such policies fail, e.g. we failed to keep the wave of Syrians out by attempting to bribe Erdogan (who just took the money and then did not deliver), but yeah, it is a solid part of official policies in EU.
But we didn't fail in helping to stage a devastating civil war in Syria fought primarily by foreign Djihadists. All this for our infamous interests. And since we care so much about the Syrian people we are blessing them even now with drastic economic sanctions. These are also part of our policies.
As for Erdogan, he has us on the hook. Imagine 4-5 million Syrians flooding our EU-borders! Wonder if you can. Also wonder what you would do. Send the Wehrmacht?
On an average night when say the BBC main UK news stops at 6.30pm and we are moved to the appropriate regional news such as up here in Scotland we get yet another female announcer local women reporting and the person giving the weather forecast a women. Generally I have no problem with women reporters or anchor news people but NOT being the damn majority.
Men should be banned from weather forecast. Howie, enjoy the weather.
In more wider and non bias reviews the independence corner is not going over 45%
I've also checked YouGov.
Scottish independence: Yes leads as Remainers increasingly back splitting with UK source
It could become much worse for the Unionists if the Brexit will have also a negative impact after the transision period will end next year (01.01.2021).
MAJORITY of voters would now back Scottish independence, according to a landmark new poll carried out for the Scot Goes Pop blog and backed by The National.
but isn’t it just wonderful that Bryant has found so much time to interfere in another country’s business
Bryant does only what he was instructed for. BTW, do you know about a single spot on earth where the USA doesn't interfere in another country's business? In comparison, World4Brexit is rather harmless. In many other parts of the world millions of people had to pay with their lives and still do...