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Messages - Sparta

DnD Central / When your old regime is so corrupt, how to fix their mess?
when  your past government is so corrupt until regulation ,  constitution nor contract  can be bought
and  because of that they leave    many s**t thing until today .

in example, the past government make   silly contract with foreign company which cause the nation losing billion dollars.
as the bonus, the company  can easily threathening will bring it to the international court of arbitration if current government wont follow the contract signed by the  old government.

how to fix it ?

how to rewrite the contract made by old government without get trouble in international court of arbitration.

and how to win at the court if  the foreign company bring it to the international court of arbitration ?
DnD Central / Re: royalty for mining
if royalty is for each mineral  mined, it will be 37,5% royalty for the land owner.
because we mine silver, gold and copper in that land.

if the royalty is total profit of selling all silver, gold , and copper, we only need to give 12,5% from the total profit.

so which one is   right ? 

also what do you think about land owner which agree to only receive 1% - 3% royalty for gold and copper in their land.
are they   smart, super smart ,  dumb or super dumb?
DnD Central / Re: royalty for mining
Afaik it differs per state in America as well as Europe. A quick search suggests that the royalties for a lease in America will typically be at least 12.5 %.

In many European countries minerals and gases are principally the government's property, due to the 1810 Napoleonic mining law. That's often not a bad precedent, because when exploitation causes issues (cf. earthquakes in Groningen) the government would be able to respond much faster and better than when the decisions are largely in the hands of private enterprise.

(Some people frame nationalized exploitation as being about money, but that's not the case. Some two thirds of the money from Groningen goes to the Netherlands as per the Note Regarding Natural Gas from 4 October 1962 but much decision making power rests in private hands.)

if you rent a land contained gold, silver and copper

do you must give royalty per mineral, so it will become 12.5% x3
or from  total of gold, silver , and copper   profit .... give 12,5% to the land owner  ?
DnD Central / royalty for mining
with Europe nor american standart , if you rent a land for mining.

how many % royalty you should give to the land owner? 

also are there any policies about that ?
DnD Central / revival of khilafa
wether in europe or asia i guess there are many issues of religious fanatics which insists to change the current government with khilafa.
but exactly   what kind of governmental form is khilafa ?
is it absolutism, autocracy, totalitarian, otoritarian, fuhrerprinzip, meritocracy, or the other ?
DnD Central / Re: The American 2016 Presidential Elections & The Ongoing American Saga
modern democracy = the people elect their ruler ( President nor representatives )

while inthe video they said , democracy = ruled by the majority .
it was strawman .

commoners will deceived easily  .
but not the one which understand philosopical logic BS .

btw, i never witnesses democracy nor republic works as intended .
both are just scheme of  plutocrats to rule a country .