I don't know why but I decided to try scale models as a hobby to distract me. So, this will be my first attempt to build a 1/72 airplane model, I'll let you see the results once it is concluded. I thought that smaller scales woul be easier but the moment I started looking inside the box Iḿ already regreting, this scale is too much small, iI think 1/48 would be easier. Anyway, this is the one i'm building, it's a Polish aircraft with it's first flight at 1933. I will use hand brushes, not airbrushing.
Advices are very wellcome, I'm sure we have amongst us a lot of specialists.
History is an area open to imagination. I remember reading somewhere I can't precise that Nero didn't burn Rome but in fact he immediately returned from his villa near by to coordinate the efforts fighting the fire.
Is it true is it false? I don't know, one can't rely in historians, archaeologists and the sort.
Most cars stolen in Portugal go to Africa. Cars are dismantled in illegal car workshops, exported by ship and mounted at the destiny. The legal owners never recover their cars. That's why you see so many luxury cars at most African capitals. I suppose the same happens at other european countries.
Complex theme. Half of France's policy is correct, the other half is wrong. I suppose that these days the only ones with enough weight to make the balance to go one way or another will be Germany but it's a mistake to always follow what the money says.
TGV (High-speed trains) seems to affect people's brain. The connection Lisbon-Madrid has been a never ending tragic-comedy for many years that is now announced to be ready (nothing is already done) by 2023 but Lisbon has already demanded that or Lisbon- Porto is also build or we don't accept the Madrid connection.
No one cares anymore about it, people have already realized that, if ever constructed, it will be some solution that will serve nobody. Worst than the TGV novel only Lisbon's new airport.
The American population that tried to invade the Capitol did what the still American President in functions, Mr Trump, defended or at least encouraged that they should do. They aren't guilty of anything. It's obvious that who should had arrested President Trump accused of treason to the Constitution and the Nation it was the Army.
Corruption is in the first place a main argument to make people pay more taxes. Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Switzerland... the less corruption they have, the more taxes they pay.
Many Western companies hires software developing to India. They are cheaper, faster and much better than the Europeans. Since I see no perspective for ending software needs, I see no ending to India's rise.
With so many important and urgent things Mr Biden should be concerned with it makes no sense to worry with what a NATO's member,Turkey, did more than one hundred years ago. There must be business going on.
Yes, if. If transmission is the way it is said to be, yes. But I doubt very much that transmission occurs that way.
New "waves" of disease appears, with numbers rising geometrically, without people changing nothing in their behavior. "Waves" also displace geographically, appearing and disappearing, regardless local government's impositions.
Therefore, I doubt very much that transmission occurs the way it is said and the lack of freedom imposed it's a farce and very probably a social engineering experiment.
Neither sleek nor cheap, but environmentally conscious, it never achieved commercial success.
That's the fallacy of electric cars - being environmentally conscious. The only thing that can be environmentally conscious is to reduce drastically the number of cars.